On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone


Now that the buzz has died down from the excitement (which was quickly followed by disappointment) of the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who, BBC fans have something new to look forward to: the season premiere of Sherlock!

Announced via public stunt that was later posted to the show's Twitter account, Sherlock will return to the BBC on New Year's Day while us American folks can catch it air on PBS January 19th. Season three - which begins with the episode titled "The Empty Hearse" - will be divided into three 90-minute episodes. Episode two and three of this season are titled "The Sign of Three" and "His Last Vow," respectively.

Check out the season three trailer for Sherlock after the jump!

Click to continue reading ‘Sherlock’ Season 3 to Premiere in January

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Gallery: ‘Sherlock’ Season 3 to Premiere in January


President Barack Obama - White House

Around 10:45 pm EST, nearly every network and cable news network preempted regular programming to pre-announce an announcement made by the President of the United States: Osama bin Ladin is dead.

About an hour later, Barack Obama walked down the long red carpet in the wide main corridor of the White House, and stood at a podium alone to address the nation.

“It was nearly 10 years ago that a bright September day was darkened…” He went on the heart-wrenchingly, poetically describe the horrors of September 11, 2001, an event masterminded by Osama bin Ladin.

Click to continue reading President Obama Addresses Nation: Osama bin Ladin is Dead

Gallery: President Obama Addresses Nation: Osama bin Ladin is Dead

Glee DVDHere are some of the options available this week:

  • The Agatha Christie Hour (Set 2)
  • Glee (Season 2 Vol. 1)
  • Matlock (Season 6)
  • MI-5 (Volume 8)
  • Naruto Shippuden (Box Set 5)
  • Pie in the Sky (Series 4)
  • Sacred Blacksmith (Complete Series)
  • Vampire Knight (Complete Series)
  • Webster (Season 1)
  • Wish Me Luck (Series 2)
  • Zorro (Complete Series)

Make sure to also check out the film options for this week.

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Gallery: TV on DVD: January 25, 2011

Hot in Cleveland Season 1 DVDHere are some of the options available this week:

  • All in the Family (Season 8)
  • Black Butler (Season 1, Part 1)
  • Criss Angel: Mindfreak (Season 6)
  • Doctor Who: The Dominators (Story 44)
  • Doctor Who: Meglos (Story 111)
  • ER (Season 14)
  • Greek: Chapter Five (Season 3)
  • Hot in Cleveland (Season 1)
  • Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey
  • Rules of Engagement (Season 4)
  • Skins (Volume 4)
  • Universe (Season 5)
  • Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (Season 4, Vol. 2)

Make sure to also check out the film options for this week.

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Gallery: TV on DVD: January 11, 2011

Kids -- let's not try to figure out how this would even work. Cookie Monster wants to be the host of Saturday Night Live and we need to make this happen.

In an attempt branch out "beyond his cookie-eating career," the self-proclaimed "cookie enthusiast" has created the audition tape above to land a hosting gig on the NBC program. In the clip, you can watch the character in a MacGruber-esque sketch ("Macarooner"), a news segment and a musical performance (as Monster Gaga).

Like what you see? Then become a fan of Cookie Monster's Facebook page.

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Gallery: VIDEO: Cookie Monster Auditions for Saturday Night Live

Tina Fey was awarded the Mark Twain Prize on PBS last Sunday, but viewers didn’t get to hear all of her speech. Fey made the following comments about conservatism and Sarah Palin:

"And, you know, politics aside, the success of Sarah Palin and women like her is good for all women -- except, of course, those who will end up, you know, like, paying for their own rape kit 'n' stuff. But for everybody else, it's a win-win. …Unless you're a gay woman who wants to marry your partner of 20 years -- whatever. But for most women, the success of conservative women is good for all of us. …Unless you believe in evolution. You know what? Actually, I take it back. The whole thing's a disaster."

Click to continue reading PBS Cuts Sarah Palin Jokes from Tina Fey Speech

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Gallery: PBS Cuts Sarah Palin Jokes from Tina Fey Speech

Although it’s been a while since we’ve had some Old Spice commercials to make us laugh, Sesame Street now has us feeling blue.

What could possibly—possibly—be better than watching Isaiah Mustafa in nothing more than a towel?? Listening to teach us about the word “on” while smelling like a monster.

Warning to those bothered by Katy Perry’s play date with Elmo: Major chest exposure ahead.

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Gallery: Grover Takes on the Old Spice Guy

Bones Season 5 DVDHere are some of the options available this Tuesday:

  • All in the Family (Season 7)
  • Baseball: A Film by Ken Burns
  • Blue Mountain State (Season 1)
  • Bones (Season 5)
  • Cake Boss (Season 2)
  • Caprica (Season 1.0)
  • Gunsmoke (Season 4, Vol. 1)
  • The Mary Tyler Moore Show (Season 7)
  • Medium (Season 6)
  • Monk (Complete Series)
  • SGU: Stargate Universe (Season 1)
  • Survivor: Africa (Season 3)
  • Survivor: Marquesas (Season 4)

Make sure to also check out the DVD and Blu-ray film options for this week.

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Gallery: TV on DVD: October 5, 2010

On today’s Good Morning America broadcast, Sesame Street‘s executive producer explained why Katy Perry’s segment with Elmo was pulled from the kid-friendly program.

“We would never produce anything that we thought was inappropriate,” Carol-Lynne Parente said about the clip which featured a questionably-dressed Perry. “We were surprised by not only the amount of feedback, but how fast it came in. It was a lot.”

Sesame Street has a long history. We have a great interactive relationship with our viewers, especially parents,” Parente insisted. “So we viewed a lot of feedback and made what we thought was an appropriate decision.”

Click to continue reading VIDEO: Elmo Requests New Play Date with Katy Perry

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Gallery: VIDEO: Elmo Requests New Play Date with Katy Perry

UPDATE: See Elmo invite Katy Perry back to Sesame Street here.

When we first saw “Hot N Cold” singer Katy Perry performing with Elmo earlier this week, we couldn’t help but comment on her cleavage-baring dress. Apparently we weren’t the only ones.

“In light of the feedback we’ve received on the Katy Perry music video which was released on YouTube only, we have decided we will not air the segment on the television broadcast of Sesame Street, which is aimed at preschoolers,” Sesame Workshop said in a statement.

Perry, who recently saw fiance Russell Brand arrested in Los Angeles, once again used Twitter to respond to the news. “Wow, looks like my play date with Elmo has been cut short! If you still wanna play see it at www.katyperry.com Tag you’re it, Elmo!” Perry wrote.

(FYI - You can also follow TV Envy on Twitter.)

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Gallery: Katy Perry Deemed Too Hot for Sesame Street
