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There’s been quite a bit of speculation surrounding a Capcom Vs. Namco title, and finally all questions are put to rest as Capcom and Namco teamed up to announce Street Fighter X Tekken. Street Fighter X Tekken (pronounced “Street Fighter CROSS Tekken”) is an unprecedented match up of two classic fighting franchises. One a king of the 3D world, and the other a champion of 2D fighters. Bringing them together requires the other to forfeit their familiar terrain and succumb to an entirely new style of play. In other words, Namco’s fighter becomes Street Fighter-ized in order to make the cross over possible. Now before you Tekken fans start pouting about how unfair of an advantage that gives Capcom, you should also note that Namco is developing their own separate game - Tekken X Street Fighter. We can only speculate on Namco’s version at this point, but we suppose it will transplant the Street Fighter universe into the fully 3D world of Tekken, along with Tekken’s fighting mechanics.
According to Capcom, SFxTK is not going to come out “for awhile”. The real question, however, is if there are going to actually be two separate games released, or are they going to pick the best one? Perhaps they will find a middle ground out of the two and merge into one title. Whatever the case, we cannot wait for this dream fighter to come out. At least we have Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 to tide us over until then! We’ve got a few more images of Street Fighter X Tekken after the break.
Click to continue reading Street Fighter X Tekken Announced
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Soulcalibur IV review

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Fighting, Namco, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network, Reviews, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Here I am, about seven weeks after the launch of Soul Calibur IV, finally getting to bring you guys our thoughts on the game. Before we jump in, a bit of background on Soul Calibur IV. The game hit Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on July 29 here in North America, followed by a release in Japan, Europe, and Australia on July 31, and then finally the UK on August 1.This is the fourth installment in the Soulcalibur series, and it features a Story mode, as well as Arcade, Training, Museum, and Tower of Lost Souls modes. That last one is new to the series, and rewards you, as the fighter, for winning special battles. Also new to the series is the inclusion of a few characters from the Star Wars universe - namely, Darth Vader, Yoda, and the Apprentice.
The game comes just about three years after the release of Soulcalibur III back in 2005, and is the first Soulcalibur title to feature online play. Now, on to our review.
Click to continue reading Soulcalibur IV review
Beautiful Katamari Demo Rolls Onto Xbox Live

Posted by Steve Van Neil Categories: Internet, Microsoft, Namco, Puzzle, Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Marketplace,
First the Big Daddy, now the Little Prince. Live demo madness continues as the latest installment of Namco’s popular roll-everything-into-a-ball-and-create-a-new-star franchise (how would you describe it?) has a little taster up on Xbox Live Marketplace. This gameplay tease, all too brief at three minutes, will hopefully give fans a little something to tide them over until the full game hits Xbox 360 and Wii later this year.
Read More | Major Nelson
Morrowind Headlines New List Of Backwards Compatible Xbox Games On Xbox 360

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Activision, Adventure, CAPCOM, Driving, Eidos, Electronic Arts, Fighting, First Person Shooters, Microsoft, Namco, Puzzle, Role Playing Games, SEGA, Simulation, Sports, Survival Horror, Third Person Shooters, THQ, Ubisoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,
It’s about time – finally, Xbox 360 owners who weren’t fortunate enough to play The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind on Xbox or PC can now do so on Xbox 360. The update brings the total number of back compat Xbox games to over 300. And all games are upscaled, so those who have been waiting to play NBA Live 2002 in 720p or 1080i can now do so.
- Crash Bandicoot 5: Wrath of Cortex
- Jet Set Radio Future
- Rogue Ops
- Sega GT 2002
Check out the new games after the break.
E3 2007: All The Stuff You’ll See On Xbox 360 And Games for Windows In 2007

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Activision, Bungie, CAPCOM, Driving, E3, Eidos, Electronic Arts, Fighting, Games for Windows, Games for Windows Live, LucasArts, Microsoft, Namco, PC, Puzzle, Release Dates, Retro, Role Playing Games, SEGA, Special Editions, Sports, Strategy, Take2, Third Person Shooters, THQ, Ubisoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade,

Over on Gamerscore Blog, a list has been posted with all of the games being shown at E3 that will be available this year. Xbox 360 games, Xbox Live Arcade games, Games for Windows-branded titles, and Games for Windows Live-enabled games. It’s a lot to digest, and with big name games like BioShock, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Guitar Hero III, Sonic the Hedgehog (the original, don’t worry), Puzzle Quest, Company of Heroes: Opposing Forces… let’s just say there’s something for nearly everyone.
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GamerAndy Live! Episode 82: Sex, Lies and Gamertags
Posted by Edie Sellers Categories: Internet, Namco, Politics, Release Dates, Rumors, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace, GamerAndy,
It’s a veritable cornucopia of co-hosts, as Andy, Hawkes, Edie and Steve519 (from XBLRadio) initially intend to talk up this week’s gaming news but instead delve deep into what we think is a growing plague on the landscape of podcasting: Corporate Lapdoggery. Yes, this is the episode where we pretty much rip apart Microsoft’s MVP program and pretty much expect we’ll be banned from all Microsoft events from now on.
We didn’t want to do it, but it had to be done. What can I say, kids, after months and months of everyone thinking it, someone had to pipe up and say the emperor has no clothes.
Just be warned, we’ll say a lot of stuff that will make us enemies, but we believe we are firmly on the side of truth, fairness, and the open exchange of information. We believe that you should be able to trust podcasts—any podcast—as much as you trust your local newspaper. Is that too much to ask? And even though we’ll probably take a lot of heat for this, we’d rather be dead right than alive and wrong.
AND!! There’s a contest for Halo2 and Shadowrun for Vista and Stalker for the PC (XP or Vista). Just listen before the first break and the end of the show to find out how to win!
Nintendo Acquires Monolith Soft From Bandai
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Corporate News, Namco, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Role Playing Games, Wii,
It looks like Nintendo is moving to grow support for more traditional Japanese RPGs – while having the new Dragon Quest XI appear on the DS is a pretty big coup, and Square has been supporting Nintendo with Final Fantasy remakes and side stories, it would be nice to see more diversity on Nintendo’s platforms. It was announced today and reported by IGN that the company has moved to acquire an 80% stake in Monolith Soft, developers of the popular Xenosaga and Baiten Kaitos. Bandai Namco will still hold a 16% stake in the company. This move would effectively seem to make the company an exclusive developer for the Wii and DS, but no new game announcements were made at the time of the news release.
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Pac-Man Vs. Heading to DS via Namco Museum
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Namco, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Gamecube, Party Games,
OK, OK, so Pac-Man Vs. may not have been Nintendo’s most stunning E3 announcement ever… in fact, it will probably live on in infamy as one of the most disappointing Nintendo surprises ever. That said, it was actually quite a fun party game if you happened to have a Gamecube, GBA, GBA-to-Gamecube link cable, and 3 other controllers.
Well, if you’ve never had a chance to play this gem, there’s good news - as part of the most recent Namco Museum cart for the DS, you’ll be able to enjoy the classic and (thanks to the DS) with nary a wire in sight. Pac-Man Vs. will be included with Namco Museum and for about $19.99, you’ll be able to enjoy the game wire-free (AND, with only one cartridge for up to 4-player gaming), coming this summer.
Click the jump for the full press release…
Click to continue reading Pac-Man Vs. Heading to DS via Namco Museum
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Japanese Ace Combat 6 Site Online
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Action, Namco, Screenshots, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Namco Bandai has launched the official website for their upcoming Ace Combat 6 for the Xbox 360. The site has details on the story, characters, and jets to be featured in the upcoming release, unfortunately all in Japanese. Still, clicking through the pages reveals plenty of high resolution, beautiful screen shots of the environments and fighter jets included in the game, and apparently Japanese Xbox 360 owners should be able to start downloading picture packs and themes for the game today.
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Tekken Dark Resurrection Delayed
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Fighting, Internet, Namco, PlayStation 3,

Well, while Tekken: Dark Resurrection was initially promised “this month” by Namco Bandai, February has passed and there is still no sign of the brawler on the PlayStation Store. If IGN’s latest release list is to believed, the game should be available on March 8th, another week out. With Namco Bandai promising basically a straight port of the arcade and Japanese PlayStation Network releases, it seems strange that the US version would see an unexpected delay. One can hope that extra functionality or optimization is being worked into the product, but that would seem to be doubtful at this point.
Update: Looks like IGN was wrong, according to reports, Tekken: Dark Resurrection should hit the PlayStation Network today at 5pm PST, only a mere day late.
Read More | IGN
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