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tomb raider new lara croft

Tomb Raider has never been a game about pushing the boundaries of the character. Lara Croft herself served as the main attraction, using her alluring sexuality to coerce fan boys into controlling her around through uninspired sequel after sequel. While the gameplay was a novel innovation back in the PS One days, Lara Croft – and Tomb Raider in particular – has been spinning her tires in a rut. Not one to let character die, Crystal Dynamics finally has decided to bring Lara in for rehabilitation.

What is it that drives the story of a game? Is it the action? Or perhaps it is the environment? Certainly these things matter, but what drives them is the character. Great stories are moved along by the characters. The old Lara Croft really had nothing going for her. She’s the trophy wife – a hot chick you married too quickly only to realize just how vapid she really is. Sure you raid tombs and look hot doing it, but why do you do it, Lara? Are you truly happy?

Ironically, Toby Gard designed the character of Lara Croft as a reaction against stereotypes. But look at Lara Croft today and she is the biggest ‘F’-you to female gamers everywhere. Saddening considering the character behind the double D’s is an intriguing one: a wealthy and well educated aristocrat searching for her own way in life.

Transforming Lara into a believable character that is both accessible and strong willed is no simple task. Global Brand Director Karl Stewart and Art Director Brian Horton had to strip down the old Lara Croft in order to birth a new, more authentic person in her place.

Click to continue reading Lara Croft gets reinvented for Tomb Raider reboot

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deus ex human revolution extended trailer

A new extended trailer for Deus Ex: Human Revolution has surfaced - and it. is. good. While no actual gameplay is seen throughout the entire five minutes, you probably won't really care because what is shown is pure awesomeness. Human Revolution is set for release early 2011 for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. Check out the extended trailer, which is over five minutes long, after the break.

Click to continue reading Deus Ex: Human Revolution extended trailer

Monster Lab pic

What’s this now?  A third-party Wii game that (a) isn’t a lazy PS2 port and (b) actually looks pretty cool?  Yes, it looks like Zach and Wiki will have some company on the Wii in the near future.  Backbone, the developers of Death Jr. for the PSP, are cooking up a brand new IP exclusively for Nintendo’s Wii.  Monster Lab is a story-driven Action RPG that’s all about customization.  Indeed, the object of the game is to build, enhance, and accesorize monsters to fight against each other in turn-based combat.  The Wii’s motion control comes into play in the creation process through minigames, where players will throw brains into empty heads, hoping to maximize their monster’s power.  On hand to make sure that it all doesn’t devolve into complete minigame aimlessness is comic book writer Adam Beechen, who is scripting the game.

The very promising Monster Lab will be published by Eidos and is being groomed for a Summer 2008 release.

Read More | NeoGAF

Scary Necro-Nesia screen!!!! Ah, Escape from Bug Island... everybody’s favorite whipping boy. Somehow, with E3 still fresh in our minds and lots of new downloadable content available on all 3 consoles, we forgot about you! How could we! Well, Bug Island, here’s your moment to shine. Go ahead, tell the crowd about your stunnig gameplay, your creepy, scary story, your amazing showing during playtests. What’s that, little guy? You don’t have any of those? Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring that up. Don’t cry…

But buck up little camper… you’ll show them! You’ll actually be released this week, on July 24th! Don’t worry… I’m sure you’ll have at least a FEW pre-orders, and I’m sure there are a number of insect-obsessed kids out there that would love to be your friend. But really, I gotta be honest, Bug Island, you’re going to have to work hard to get people to notice you… to get people to recognize what a thoroughly decent game you might be. Otherwise, it’s going to be off to the bargain bin with you, and we don’t want that to happen now do we. Go get’em tiger!

Read More | Escape From Bug Island - The Highly Informative Website of the Game

Xbox 360 backwards compatibleIt’s about time – finally, Xbox 360 owners who weren’t fortunate enough to play The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind on Xbox or PC can now do so on Xbox 360. The update brings the total number of back compat Xbox games to over 300. And all games are upscaled, so those who have been waiting to play NBA Live 2002 in 720p or 1080i can now do so.


  • Crash Bandicoot 5: Wrath of Cortex
  • Jet Set Radio Future
  • Rogue Ops
  • Sega GT 2002

Check out the new games after the break.

Click to continue reading Morrowind Headlines New List Of Backwards Compatible Xbox Games On Xbox 360

Xbox 360 E3 games release 2007

Over on Gamerscore Blog, a list has been posted with all of the games being shown at E3 that will be available this year. Xbox 360 games, Xbox Live Arcade games, Games for Windows-branded titles, and Games for Windows Live-enabled games. It’s a lot to digest, and with big name games like BioShock, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Guitar Hero III, Sonic the Hedgehog (the original, don’t worry), Puzzle Quest, Company of Heroes: Opposing Forces… let’s just say there’s something for nearly everyone.

Click to continue reading E3 2007: All The Stuff You’ll See On Xbox 360 And Games for Windows In 2007

Read More | Gamerscore Blog

E3 logoSure, the convention is much smaller this year and all, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a ton of games to be seen. Eurogamer has posted a list of the announced lineups and then some of what you’ll be seeing at E3. Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony have been quiet on what they’ll be showing, so it looks like we’ll need to wait until their respective showings to know for sure. The event is taking place next week, so expect it to be a busy week in news.

But please, please, please, Nintendo, show me Animal Crossing Wii. Something. Anything. Please?

Read More | Eurogamer

As a huge fan of the original Tomb Raider game, it’s really gratifying to see how well Crystal Dynamics has re-invigorated the series. And frankly, I can’t think of a better way to make a new Tomb Raider game than to just remake (and improve upon) the original. And judging from the video above, CrystalD has done a really good job of improving on the original. Not only are there huge graphical improvements evident, but this video goes a long way in showing that Anniversary won’t just be a quick port. The developers are obviously taking the time to add some new features and puzzle elements to the game, so that even seasoned TR gamers will be getting a new experience.

TR Anniversary Edition will be releasing shortly for the PC, PS2, and PSP, with a Wii version to follow shortly thereafter. Color me giddy. Now, if we could just erase the memories of Tomb Raider 3 through Angel of Darkness and the movies.

Read More | Gametrailers.com

Lara Sittin' PrettyRumors are floating around these parts about Eidos’ remake, Tomb Raider Anniversary, making its way to the Wii in the near future. As a business move, it would seem to make perfect sense for Eidos. Nintendo’s new console with next-gen controls and last-gen visuals would seem to be a perfect fit for a port, and translating the game will probably be quite easy, meaning more copies sold for very little extra work. Of course, Eidos could ruin this pretty easily by just tacking on waggle-rific controls. Here’s hoping their one of the first 3rd-party companies to get it right and realize that not ALL games have to use the Wiimote. I for one would be perfectly happy to see this game played with the Classic controller.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition is a re-imagining of the original Tomb Raider game featuring updated visuals, an improved Lara model (taken from Legend and enhanced), along with new moves and a few additional surprises. Having had a chance to playtest the game, I can tell you that you that fans of the series won’t want to miss it…

How soon’s it coming out? Well, unless CrystalD has been secretly working on this title for a while, I think it’s safe to guess that the Wii version will trail the PS2 / PSP version (to be released this May).

Update: Looks like it’s official (see here). The game will release “this year” and will feature Wii-specific controls. Dang.

Read More | Wii.Ign.com

Tomb Raider 6(!)Games Radar has a really interesting and insightful piece about the games that, in their words “had it, and lost it”. Just think Tomb Raider, and you’ve got the idea - these are the games that were fresh, original, and fun, until their producers started hastily making hundreds of sequels and ruining the franchise.

This is a great read, and somebody who obviously knows their games. I shed a little tear for each of the titles on this list.

Read More | GamesRadar.com

