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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is fun, but Xbox 360 HD remaster is rough

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Adventure, Reviews, Xbox 360,
Somehow, 10 years have already passed since the release of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas--arguably the most innovative game in the series. To coincide with the recent anniversary, Rockstar re-released the game on Xbox 360, replacing the Games on Demand version with a slightly improved version. And while the game itself remains an enjoyable experience, this may not be the best way of revisiting it.
I find myself occasionally in the mood to play one of the classic GTA III-era games (GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas), which are among my all-time favorite games. I typically ignore this compulsion or simply spend a few minutes with the iPhone version of GTA III; I get my small dose of nostalgia but invariably stop playing because, despite Rockstar's best efforts, these are not games that work well on a touchscreen.
An improved re-release of San Andreas was exciting news for me--while a release on Xbox One or PS4 would have been ideal, a cheap Xbox 360 version with improved graphics, better draw distance, and achievements sounds like a great way to revisit the game.
Click to continue reading Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is fun, but Xbox 360 HD remaster is rough
Is being too good at Shadow of Mordor robbing me of a better experience?

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Adventure, Editorial, Reviews, Role Playing Games, Xbox One,
There were any number of reasons to be excited for Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, which launched earlier this week. For myself and many others, it was the Nemesis system--which promises unique enemies and emergent gameplay--that was the most exciting aspect of all. And while it's certainly an intriguing feature, I can't help but feel I've been missing out on it for basically being too good at the game.
Until reviews started to hit the web, I was very cautious in being optimistic about Monolith's first-ever Lord of the Rings game. For being such a major franchise, quality games based on it have been few and far between--something that's especially surprising considering its renewed popularity following the release of Peter Jackson's movies. Once I heard the almost-unanimous praise from the reviewers I trust, I was onboard. I was ready to finally play a LotR game that was a genuinely good game, not another passable one that I accepted because it happened to make use of one of my favorite franchises.
Click to continue reading Is being too good at Shadow of Mordor robbing me of a better experience?
Get free copy of Destiny for Xbox One or PS4 with last-gen purchase

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Adventure, Bungie, First Person Shooters, Hot Deals, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One,
Bungie has just announced a stellar deal for Destiny buyers--if you pick up the digital version of Destiny for the Xbox 360 or Playstation 3, you get to download the next-gen digital version for Xbox One or Playstation 4 for free. That's two copies of Destiny for the price of one.
The deal applies to all Destiny content, too, so if you buy the Guardian edition of the game, or the Expansion Pass on Xbox 360 or PS3, you'll also get that same content on Xbox One or PS4 as well.
To be clear, those who take advantage of the promotion get to keep and use both versions of Destiny. The downloads will be tied to the same Xbox Live or PSN account, and as a result, you'll have to choose one ecosystem (Xbox or Playstation) for both copies of the game--you can't get it for PS3 and then get the Xbox One version, or vice versa. This is a great deal for those who still have an older console in a spare room and want to have Destiny playable on both.
If the above doesn't apply to you, you can still get a free copy of Destiny (or any other Xbox One game) this week!
Click to continue reading Get free copy of Destiny for Xbox One or PS4 with last-gen purchase
Read More | Destiny Digital Upgrade
10 upcoming games I can’t wait to play

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Adventure, Bungie, E3, Editorial, Features, First Person Shooters, Microsoft, Nintendo, Platformers, PlayStation 4, Survival Horror, Wii U, Xbox One,
This year, E3 had one of those showing that only happens once every 8-10 years. E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, is the biggest video game conference in the world, and it's where game publishers show off what they're working on. E3 2014 was unique because it was the first one after the release of two major consoles--the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. Developers got to show for the first time full portfolios dedicated to the new hardware, and it was glorious. There was a lot to see during both the Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation media briefings, and Nintendo surprised many with game announcements of its own. I figured I'd whittle things down and share the ten games I was most excited about, in no particular order.
Click to continue reading 10 upcoming games I can’t wait to play
Watch Cosmo Wright beat Ocarina of Time in under 20 minutes [Video]

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Adventure, Culture, Nintendo,
If you wanna see somethingn totally insane, check out this video of Cosmo Wright beating The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time in under 25 minutes. Wright uses a bunch of glitches found in the game to skip through major portions, but it's impressive nonetheless to see the holes in the game that make such a feat possible in the first place. Check out the full video after the jump.
Click to continue reading Watch Cosmo Wright beat Ocarina of Time in under 20 minutes [Video]
Watch this: Draw My Life - Princess Zelda

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Adventure, Culture, Nintendo,
Princess Zelda is getting in on all that YouTube "Draw My Life" action, putting what possibly may be the most unique life yet to pen and paper. In all seriousness, though, we think that watching fans of iconic game characters making these types of videos is a fun idea. Here's to hoping we see more of this infused into gaming culture. For now, enjoy Zelda's life in the video after the break.
Click to continue reading Watch this: Draw My Life - Princess Zelda
What if Breaking Bad was given the LEGO video game treatment? [Video]

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Adventure, Culture, Trailers,
Many popular movies have been adapted into LEGO video games, and the video below aims to show what it would look like if Breaking Bad were given the LEGO game treatment. In the four-and-a-half minute parody, we get a look at the great-looking LEGO versions of Walter White, his sidekick Jesse Pinkman, Skylar, Hank, and all the other characters from the show. And yes. You can cook meth. Blue, LEGO meth.
This matches up nicely with the Bathing Bad blue bath salts, no?
Check the video after the break, just be warned, there are spoilers if you're behind on the series.
Click to continue reading What if Breaking Bad was given the LEGO video game treatment? [Video]
Museum of Modern Art begins collecting video games for new exhibit

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Action, Adventure, Culture, Puzzle,
Museums must have something against Roger Ebert. First, the Smithsonian American Art Museum holds an exclusive video game event earlier this year, and now the New York City Museum of Modern Art is following suit.
MoMA is officially bringing in 14 videogame classics to begin an ongoing gaming collection that will go on display in March 2013 in the Philip Johnson Architecture and Design Galleries. Currently, the included games feature obvious choices such as Pac-Man, modern games like Portal, and obscure games like vib-ribbon. The collection MoMA is aiming for consists of about 40 titles, which will fall in as part of a "new category of artworks."
Click to continue reading Museum of Modern Art begins collecting video games for new exhibit
Read More | MoMA
Mass Effect 3 sells 890,000 copies on day one

Posted by John Ball Categories: Action, Adventure, Corporate News, Kinect, Microsoft, Release Dates, Role Playing Games, Third Person Shooters, Xbox 360,
As any in-the-know gamer should be aware of, Mass Effect 3 was released last Tuesday, and, man, is it flying off the store shelves. Opening day sales for the game hit 890,000 units, which is most definitely a lot of cheddar. 1.5 million units of the title have been shipped to retailers worldwide, however take note that the number of units shipped does not correlate with the number of units sold.
To learn more about the game check out our Mass Effect 3 Kinect feature.
Nintendo 3DS to pick up analog pad, 3D video recording

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Adventure, Driving, Hardware, Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS,
Nintendo is trying hard to build interest in the Nintendo 3DS handheld game system. The company dropped the price of the 3DS from $250 to $170 last month, and has now announced that it will be getting 3D video recording, an optional add-on secondary analog pad, and two new Mario games by the holiday season.
The Nintendo 3DS has been able to take 3D photos since its release, but an update will add video functionality to the system. The free update, planned for this November, will let users record 3D video, which can then be viewed in 3D on the device's screen.
Click to continue reading Nintendo 3DS to pick up analog pad, 3D video recording
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