On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Although the introduction of ‘Seinfeld Vision’ helped the premiere of 30 Rock, it didn’t do do much for the network.  CBS took Must See Thursday—followed by ABC, NBC, FOX and CW.

30 Rock

  • (14.1 million, 4.4/13 in 18-49 demo) took the hour in both viewers and the key demographic group.
  • ABC’s (9.8 million, 3.4/10) saw a loss of over 1 million viewers this week, while (8 million, 3.4/10) lost 1/2 as much.
  • Emmy-award winning (7.4 million, 3.4/9) saw a 53% viewer increase from last season’s finale.


  • Although (20.8 million, 6.3/16 in key demo) lost 16% of last week’s viewers, it still took the crown from Grey’s.
  • (18.1 million, 7.4/18) also saw a loss in viewers but remained dominant in the 18-49 demo.
  • A million less viewers saw Pam and Jim outed in this week’s episode of (8.5 million, 4.5/11).


  • (14.5 million, 3.8/11) lost 13% of last week’s audience and narrowly won in the key demos.
  • (9 million, 3.7/10) was down 1 million this week; (8.7 million, 3.7/10) was down from it’s 11.1 million premiere.


Read More | Hollywood Reporter

Gallery: CBS Takes the Thursday Ratings Win


Survivor ChinaHaving just won another Immunity Challenge, Fei Long got to rest comfortably at home.  Unfortunately, Jean-Robert’s snoring and touchy-feely ways made it an uneasy night for any woman positioned next to him.  As Leslie put it, Jean-Robert simply didn’t understand ‘the social game of Survivor’.

At Zhan Hu, Peih-gee was urging worker bee Dave to settle down and rest.  She was worried he’d overexert himself and wind up useless in yet another challenge.  He, of course, brushed her off and insisted he was fine.  Later, when the other tribe members made a question about the fire pit, Dave quickly interrupted his nap to fix the situation himself.  Despite having recently been on the chopping block, he continued to play the annoying martyr.

Click to continue reading Survivor: China: ‘I Lost Two Hands and Possibly a Shoulder!’

Gallery: Survivor: China: ‘I Lost Two Hands and Possibly a Shoulder!’

Mark Burnett I hate to say I told you so… but, well… my prediction last week that Mark Burnett could sell the networks any reality concept has come true! I cannot see the future, but I do know that Burnett is a golden boy when it comes to developing new shows. Heck, with the viewers for Survivor, The Apprentice, Rock Star, and Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader, it looks like he can’t go wrong. So, here we go… the newest reality series from Burnett is called Jingles, which has contestants competing to create winning commerical jingles (hence the name) for real-life products. Oh the product placement opportunities! This is all about selling products, so no doubt we’ll be seeing some heavy hitters jump on board for a chance to be featured on Burnett’s show. According to Burnett, “It’s a very organic way to give advertisers what they’re looking for. It’s totally family-friendly, it’s noncontroversial, and (the product placement) is very organic. It’s not about pushing something that doesn’t belong.” Mmhmm. Right. But, home viewers do get to cast their votes and determine a winner each week, and the winning jingles will be used in a real commercial. Plus the grand prize winner will get a cash prize and a gig with an ad agency. Look for it as soon as next summer.

Read More | Reality TV World

Gallery: Another Mark Burnett Show

Survivor ChinaZhan Hu returned to their camp down a Chicken but up a (self-established) leader.  Dave denied wanting the leadership position, but claimed he only stepped up because no one else at Tribal Council would.  (Well, Peih-gee did enthusiastically volunteer…you were just ignoring her.)  Unfortunately, having someone finally in charge didn’t really improve the situation at their wet, miserable camp.  Dave insisted he didn’t want to ‘belabor’ their work, but spent too much time arguing with certain members over strategy or condescending others over implementation.

At Fei Long, things looked considerably drier and much quieter—that’s if you were able to ignore Jean-Robert’s incessant snoring.  Awake later a strategy session, Jean-Robert piped up and said his team should ‘rest more’.  When Aaron confronted him about his laziness, Jean-Robert assured his team he was valuable because the wheels were continuously ‘churning in his head’.  (Jean-Robert later revealed in private that this was his ‘You Can Only Go Up From Here’ poker strategy.  He wanted them to think he was lazy—that way he could impress them once he did choose to contribute.)  Huh??  Meanwhile, Todd and Amanda formed the first red team alliance.  To make themselves less vulnerable, they wooed Aaron into their group with those two enticing words: ‘Final 3’.  Todd and Amanda were hoping someone more vocal would take the fall should they come under attack later.

Click to continue reading Survivor: China: ‘My Mom Is Going To Kill Me!’

Gallery: Survivor: China: ‘My Mom Is Going To Kill Me!’

Mark Burnett Lest you think that Mark Burnett is satisfied with just sitting back on the millions he’s earned off of Survivor, The Apprentice, or Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader... think again. Burnett is ready to spawn yet another wildly successful game show based on the childhood braggings of believing that your dad is better than all others. Seriously, that’s the premise. And with all things that come from the mind of Burnett, it’s likely to be a runaway hit. So, remember when you thought your dad was the coolest (and maybe you still do!)? On My Dad is Better Than Your Dad (really, no sense in shortening the title or coming up with some clever play on words), dads will be put to the test to see if, in fact, they are better than someone else’s dad. And if they are the “bestest,” the winning family walks away with cash and prizes. The show will be a mid-season offering on NBC. At this point, I’m pretty sure that anything Burnett pitches to the network will make it on the air. So watch out for “My Toilet is Cleaner Than Yours” or “Are You Smarter Than Your Dog?” If it’s from Burnett, it’s gold.

Read More | Yahoo! News

Gallery: Mark Burnett’s Latest Show

Survivor ChinaAlready in its 15th season, the producers of continue to prove they will never lack locations to exploit.  This time around they stepped back in time and journeyed to one of the oldest countries of the world:  China.

The 16 contestants traveled by train from Shanghai to a 16th century Buddhist monastery where the ever-youthful was waiting for them.  (I don’t know why they call today’s version of Dick Clark; I really think Probst could give him a run for his money).  Upon arriving, the competitors were informed they’d be participating in a Buddhist ceremony.  Although Jeff assured them this was not a religious ceremony (just a way for the the natives to ‘welcome’ the new guests), Leslie (the Christian radio talk show host) felt extremely uncomfortable and walked out before it was even over.

Click to continue reading Survivor: China:  ‘A Chicken’s A Little Bit Smarter’

Read More | Survivor: China

Gallery: Survivor: China:  ‘A Chicken’s A Little Bit Smarter’

Emmy AwardsThe 59th Annual Emmy Awards has not even started, yet I’m already sensing sensing a weird vibe about tonight’s telecast.  Will the show be a celebration of those young and new (e.g. Heroes)?  Will it be a tribute to those bowing out (James Gandolfini and crew)?  Or will performer Kanye West somehow manage to cast a controversial shadow over the rest of the ceremony?

What a difference a year makes.  Twelve months ago, we were still handing out trophies to stars from Will & Grace and The West Wing (those shows feel so five-years ago now).  Today, we welcome a new crop of nominees including Ugly Betty and 30 Rock for Best ComedyLast year, we were entertained by an always-hilarious Conan O’Brien.  This year, we are threatened by a song and dance number from this year’s host, Ryan Seacrest.  Last August, 24 snagged the award for Best Drama.  This September, it’s not even nominated (yet somehow Boston Legal is).

I think it would be safe to assume the voters would predictably (and respectfully) shower The Sopranos with honors, but I’ll still be crossing my fingers for an upset sometime tonight.  We’ll need something to talk about tomorrow…

Here’s the play-by-play of tonight’s events coming to you from the neglected West Coast!

Click to continue reading The 59th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Coverage

Gallery: The 59th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Coverage

Wentworth Miller


MONDAY (9/17)
  • Prison Break (FOX, 8pm):  Season premiere.  What will happen to Dr. Sara Tancredi?
  • Deal or No Deal (NBC, 8pm):  Special Monday-night premiere (will regularly air on Weds/Fridays).
  • K-Ville (FOX, 9pm):  Series premiere
  • Saving Grace (TNT, 10pm):  Season finale
  • Weeds (Showtime, 10pm):  Mary-Kate Olsen will begin a ten-episode arc tonight.

Click to continue reading This Week on TV (9/17-9/23)

Gallery: This Week on TV (9/17-9/23)

Jonny FairplayOK, this one just baffles me. Survivor: Pearl Island contestant Jonny Fairplay and girlfriend Michelle Deighton of America’s Next Top Model are expecting. A baby. Together. That is not to say that normal folk can’t have a love child with a model—I’m just baffled that anyone would find Fairplay attractive enough to want to have his baby. This is the guy who lied about his grandma dying while he was a contestant on Survivor just to get further in the game. A real stand up guy, right? The two have apparently been dating for two years while Fairplay (aka Jon Dalton) continues to s-t-r-e-t-c-h his 15 minutes of fame by wrestling (huh? you read that right) and appearing on CMT’s Ty Murray’s Celebrity Bull Riding Challenge. Deighton didn’t make it very far in the fourth season of Top Model, where she contracted some kind of skin disease which sent the models into a tizzy because they had shared makeup with Deighton (it ended up being impetigo). She too has appeared on WWE Friday Night Smackdown. According to TMZ.com, Deighton is 17 weeks pregnant.

Read More | Zap2it

Gallery: When Reality Stars Procreate

Despite having a Tivo and another DVR, I know that a new television season can take some serious planning.  When will your favorite shows start?  What days are they now on?  Which programming ‘conflicts’ will you have to resolve?  Will you need to buy another TV???

Hopefully our detailed scheduling guide can assist you in the weeks to come.  We have compiled information from five different networks (, , , and ) and included the days, times and premiere dates for this fall’s shows.

Click to continue reading Fall 2007 TV Programming Schedule

Gallery: Fall 2007 TV Programming Schedule
