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MONDAY (10/22)

**No new episode of Ellen today.  She’s still recovering from all the doggy drama**

  • Live With Regis and Kelly (ABC, syndicated):  will be pulling double-duty this week as he fills in for Regis Philbin in NY and tapes his show in LA.  (I’m guessing we’ll still be seeing him on as well.)  If we’re lucky, Guillermo will fill in for Gelman too.
  • Prison Break (FOX, 8pm):  The show returns tonight after being preempted by baseball last week.  What?  You don’t care either?
  • Heroes (NBC, 9pm):  Many fans have been waiting for Kristen Bell’s debut tonight.  Unfortunately, she’s one more new character I’ll have to ignore.

Click to continue reading This Week On TV (10/22-10/28)

Gallery: This Week On TV (10/22-10/28)


Emmy AwardsThe 59th Annual Emmy Awards has not even started, yet I’m already sensing sensing a weird vibe about tonight’s telecast.  Will the show be a celebration of those young and new (e.g. Heroes)?  Will it be a tribute to those bowing out (James Gandolfini and crew)?  Or will performer Kanye West somehow manage to cast a controversial shadow over the rest of the ceremony?

What a difference a year makes.  Twelve months ago, we were still handing out trophies to stars from Will & Grace and The West Wing (those shows feel so five-years ago now).  Today, we welcome a new crop of nominees including Ugly Betty and 30 Rock for Best ComedyLast year, we were entertained by an always-hilarious Conan O’Brien.  This year, we are threatened by a song and dance number from this year’s host, Ryan Seacrest.  Last August, 24 snagged the award for Best Drama.  This September, it’s not even nominated (yet somehow Boston Legal is).

I think it would be safe to assume the voters would predictably (and respectfully) shower The Sopranos with honors, but I’ll still be crossing my fingers for an upset sometime tonight.  We’ll need something to talk about tomorrow…

Here’s the play-by-play of tonight’s events coming to you from the neglected West Coast!

Click to continue reading The 59th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Coverage

Gallery: The 59th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Coverage

Despite having a Tivo and another DVR, I know that a new television season can take some serious planning.  When will your favorite shows start?  What days are they now on?  Which programming ‘conflicts’ will you have to resolve?  Will you need to buy another TV???

Hopefully our detailed scheduling guide can assist you in the weeks to come.  We have compiled information from five different networks (, , , and ) and included the days, times and premiere dates for this fall’s shows.

Click to continue reading Fall 2007 TV Programming Schedule

Gallery: Fall 2007 TV Programming Schedule

Will FerrellLast night I stumbled upon an episode of the and found myself sucked in by the thought-provoking topics.  For those who have not seen the game show yet, the concept is fairly simple.  The contestants have to guess (within a certain range) how a sampling of Americans answered a particular question.  For example:  “What percentage of Americans think Elvis is still really alive?”

Okay, I actually made that last example up.  But one real question from last night had me thinking:  “What percentage of women said that they would date an ugly guy because they found him funny?”  (Or something like that).  Unfortunately, I don’t remember the actual answer because my mind started trailing off.  I quietly wondered:

‘Which ‘ugly’ actors could I see dating simply because they made me laugh?’

Click to continue reading My Top Five:  Ugly (Yet Funny) Men

Gallery: My Top Five:  Ugly (Yet Funny) Men

ScrubsFans of Scrubs had to deal with the unexpected loss of a beloved character this season:  holy-minded yet hard-edged Nurse Laverne Roberts.  Well thanks to a surprise decision by NBC—and a promise made by the show’s creator—actress Aloma Wright will return to see another day.  And no, she won’t be seen as a ghost or as the moral conscience on someone’s shoulder.  Wright be appearing as Shirley—a less than righteous version of her twin sister, Laverne.

Believing the show would have its series finale this last May, Bill Lawrence envisioned the death as a way to shake things up.  But hating to leave his friends unemployed, Lawrence assured Wright a place in the 7th season should they get renewed.  Now that their place in the NBC schedule is confirmed, Aloma gets to cash in her return ticket.  Here’s to hoping that Elizabeth Banks (Dr. Kim Briggs) will be right there with her.

Read More | Variety

Gallery: A ‘Scrubs’ Actress Returns From the Dead

Steve Carell If you find yourself wanting more of The Office and My Name is Earl, next season is for you. Both series have received a 25 episode (each) order, a bump up from the typical 22. Plus, five episodes of The Office will be hour long installments. I’ve really been enjoying those supersized episodes, so it’ll be nice to have a handful of full hour shows in the fall. Thursdays next season will remain intact—so expect My Name is Earl, 30 Rock, The Office and Scrubs to continue their comedy block. Thank heavens. Thursdays are my night for TV, if ever I had to proclaim one. I even instruct my kids that Thursday night bedtimes need to go smoothly because I have major TV viewing. And, now I can breathe a sigh that Scrubs will, in fact, be returning again (albeit for just 18 episodes, but I’ll take it!). For at least another year, Thursdays will be the funniest night on television.

Read More | Zap2it

Gallery: 25 Episodes Each for The Office, Earl

Zach Braff I have been through a mini-hell today, as one TV news site reported that Scrubs would not be returning next year. Then people started commenting that the show was, in fact, getting renewed. So, I headed over to Kristin Veitch at E! Online (she is a Scrubs fanatic as well and a reliable source)—she reports that she “heard from reliable inside sources that Scrubs has been picked for 18 episodes for next season by NBC.” She will provide more updates as she learns more, but was pretty sure the show would continue on Thursdays, although she was uncertain about whether the show would be a midseason offering or start in the fall. I have read plenty of critiques about Scrubs not living up to previous seasons, which is true in some ways, but it is still a solidly funny show and a lot better than some of those cheesy comedies currently on the air. Besides, it would be tragic for fans if the show wasn’t able to wrap things up. 18 more episodes? I’ll take it! By the way, Zach Braff will be hosting the season finale of Saturday Night Live on May 19th. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven—although I’m hoping that Jason Bateman will also pop over to SNL during Braff’s hosting gig. Sigh.

Read More | E! Online

Gallery: Scrubs—Renewed or Cancelled?

Scrubs So, last week’s promos for Scrubs made it sound a little doom-and-gloom when they announced there were only four episodes left. It didn’t occur to me that that could mean the last episodes… forever. All of a sudden, there’s been a bunch of speculation online about whether or not the show will continue after this year. How could it not? I mean, didn’t Zach Braff just get some major paycheck for the next season? Didn’t I read that even if NBC didn’t continue with another year of the series that ABC would pick it up? It seemed like all was good in the Scrubs universe. But now, plenty of folks are questioning if this is the final season… and not even Braff knows for sure. Braff said, “I don’t know about Scrubs. It will probably be one of those things that gets decided at the last second. I think it will be on. We’re just not sure, but there’s a chance that it will be on ABC, because they seem to want it.” It’s all pretty unclear, but apparently there is a cliffhanger at the end of this season, so if it doesn’t return next year, we may never have things wrapped up. May 15th seems to be the date that the decision will be made. Fingers and toes are crossed that we’ll be seeing the Scrubs gang for one more season.

Read More | Comingsoon.net

Gallery: The End for Scrubs?

My Name is Earl Here’s one of those clever little marketing campaigns that I can’t wait to see—during May sweeps, My Name is Earl will debut a feature called Laugh ‘n’ Sniff for the May 3rd episode. How do you take part in this revolutionary TV viewing experience? Look no further than your nearest issue of TV Guide during that week for a special scratch-and-sniff card. No word yet on what kind of scents viewers can anticipate sniffling in during the supersized episode, but Earl will be taking his first job at an appliance store. Also on tap for May sweeps at NBC are plenty of supersized Thursday night shows. Man, I love those extra long shows. Be on the lookout for Earl, The Office, and Scrubs extended episodes, as well as one-hour season finales of The Office and Scrubs on May 17th. May can’t come soon enough for me.

Read More | Zap2it

Gallery: Smellovision Comes to My Name is Earl

Andy Richter So, this doesn’t look like good news for Andy Barker, P.I.—it’s moving to Saturdays. The kiss of death, perhaps, but at least NBC is keeping it on the schedule and not pulling it altogether. The likelihood of renewal is slim to none for this ratings dud, which earned the title of NBC’s lowest-rated series this season. Me, I like it. I love Andy Richter and I’m glad to see Arrested Development‘s Tony Hale back on TV. But I can also see where this quirky comedy could fail to deliver to a mainstream audience. So, if you’ve been following along with this series, be warned that the final two episodes will air back-to-back on Saturday, April 14th at 8 p.m. You’d think for two little episodes, they could have kept it on Thursday, huh? Scrubs will fill in for the 9:30 p.m. Thursday slot, then move back to 9 p.m. in May.

Read More | Zap2it

Gallery: Final ‘Andy Barker’ Eps Move to Saturday
