On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Rod Serling MediumWe told you about the November 21st episode of Medium, which will be shown in 3-D. We even helped you make your own 3-D glasses. Now, more cool news: As if the next episode of Medium, “Still Life,” weren’t already intriguing enough, it was just announced that it will be introduced by Rod Sterling! Sterling is of course best known as the ironic narrator of the wildly popular “The Twilight Zone.” Sterling passed away in 1975, but no worries…this show, after all, knows all about raising the dead.

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Gallery: Rod Serling to Introduce Medium


Lipstick JungleHave you already exhausted all the DVDs in your six-season Sex and the City collection?  Have you tossed and turned at night wondering what could have happened if Kim Cattrall had agreed to star in the movie version?  Do you still secretly hope that she will change her mind?

Well -  we have no new information to offer on the SATC front (BTW—Charlotte would have unexpectedly become pregnant in the proposed movie,) but there may still be a chance for you to enjoy the characters of Candance Bushnell’s world.  The author has just signed a deal with the Peacock network to bring her recent novel, Lipstick Jungle, to the small screen as a sitcom.  Bushnell says the book is about “women trying to become their own Mr. Big.”  A female Mr. Big?  That would be an interesting turn of events.  Let’s drink a cosmopolitan to that!

Gallery: A New Sex and The City? Lipstick Jungle Hits The Small Screen

Martha Apprentice CancelledAlthough I personally was not a fan of The Apprentice: Martha (I couldn’t stop laughing at those goodbye letter scenes), I’ve always wondered what it was about craft-based reality shows that viewers didn’t like.  I would admit that I was a fan of both Wickedly Perfect and Tommy Hilfiger’s The Cut—but I’m apparently the only one willing to do so.  Though both shows featured contests not too dissimilar from the Donald-version of The Apprentice, both shows tanked in the ratings (judging by their ever-changing time slots).

Well, they say bad things come in threes.. so Martha:  Tag, You’re It!  Your show will officially be considered deceased after the finale on Dec. 21.  Although those NBC reps claim your show was never meant to go past one season, we all know better.  Home confined or not, there’s no way you would ever sign yourself up for something you didn’t think you would succeed at.  So goodbye, Martha.  Good luck and travel safely…

Gallery: Martha Stewart Apprentice Cancelled

ER Human ShieldIs it sad that the most satisfaction I got out of this last episode was watching former Outsider, Tommy Howell (I mean C. Thomas Howell), be dissected? WOLVERINES!!!  A close second was witnessing Dr. Ray Barnett get his butt kicked for sleeping with an underage girl. If you were that girl’s father, you probably would have felt the same way about that punk.  Is my morbid fascination a reflection upon me or on this show?  All I know is that even though I still watch this show routinely, ER has now become so routine that I am forced to entertain myself with the little things.

Click to continue reading ER:  The Human Shield

Gallery: ER:  The Human Shield

3-D MediumIt’s November, and if you are a TV fan, it’s your favorite time of year. Sweeps galore! This is the time every show tries to outdo itself to grab you and keep your attention. They’ll shock you, they’ll repulse you, they’ll delight you. Births, deaths, fights, make-ups, marriages, break-ups, murders, weddings, cross-overs and more…nothing is too wild for sweeps.

One show gets my vote for the best sweeps stunt this year: NBC’s Medium. The Nov. 21st episode (Monday, 10pm) will be shown in 3-D. That’s right: 3-D! Perhaps you have to be a child of the eighties to appreciate this fully, but could there be anything cooler? TV Guide first leaked the news back in August, and it’s been a long wait. One pair of 3-D glasses will be included in every issue of the November 21st edition of TV Guide. Don’t get TV Guide? Don’t want to buy extra pairs for family members?

Never fear. The hard-working researchers here at TV Envy, always with the goal of making your viewing experience better, have tracked down a simple tutorial on how to make your own 3-D glasses. Get the full instructions here. Have a wonderful sweeps, and if you’d like to submit an image to our forum, we’d love to see you in your homemade pair of 3-D glasses!

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Gallery: Medium Goes 3D For Sweeps

MediumTV audiences have gone crazy for monsters, beasties, and things that go bump in the night. Nearly a dozen of this season’s prime time shows follow a ‘supernatural’ theme, something that lets the viewer travel away from the ordinary world into the shadows of all that is freaky. With so many shows to choose from, which is the best? Which most deserves your time and loyalty? Luckily, there’s an easy answer. Not only is Medium the best of these supernatural shows; it’s the best show on television right now, in this reviewer’s humble opinion. Medium follows the adventures of Allison Dubois, based on a true person, wife and mother of three…who just happens to communicate with dead people in her spare time. Medium’s marketing played up the spooky side: every preview included as many dead people as live. Although these aspects are intriguing, Medium offers a wonderful surprise: the best parts are the normal stuff. It’s a truly rare quality in the genre.

Never on television have I seen a more realistic portrayal of family life. Allison and her husband, Joe, love each other, lose patience and worry, sometimes even yell at each other, but can always depend on their bond of mutual respect.  Their three daughters, especially the older two, love and hate each other equally in true sibling rivalry form. There are no cloying, cutesie-pie kid actors here; these children are completely real. It is these scenes of family life that hold the show together and attract such a strong fan base: ask any viewer what they love about Medium. I bet the response will have the word ‘family’ in it.

Gallery: Medium: Rare!

Mandy MooreWhile we don’t have an exact date yet for its mid-season return, we finally have some new news about Scrubs:  actress/singer Mandy Moore will be appearing in two of the upcoming episodes.  Note, we didn’t say whether that was good news or bad news. I can’t say that we are thrilled about Zach Braff’s real-life love interest guest-starring, but we’re gonna step out of our comfort zone and give Mandy the benefit of the doubt.  She definitely proved that she could handle humor in the hilarious movie Saved! and her story arc on Entourage wasn’t bad either.  Oh - and wouldn’t it be juicy to see Mandy and Elliot rip each other’s hair out?

Gallery: Scrubs Alert: Mandy Moore To Guest Star

My Name Is EarlAfter rummaging through Earl’s motel room for the umpteenth time, Joy wonders when she will get some of the money that she is owed. When is she going to get her hot tub?  Earl should have known it was inevitable.  Even after all the grief and illegitimate children Joy gave him, he would eventually have to give her something in return.  Which brings us to #153 on his list:  Broke Joy’s fancy figurine.

Adamant that the winnings were only to be used to for his karma list, Earl agrees to remedy something that he ruined of Joy’s.  He wants to replace the fancy figurine that he and Randy blew up with a firecracker.  Unfortunately, completing that task would not be such a piece of cake.  That particular figurine could only be obtained by the first place prizewinner of the Prettiest Pretty Princess Pageant.  Joy received her last figurine back in 1981 when she and mother won.  Seems Earl destroyed a very important piece of Joy’s childhood because that was the last figurine she ever received.  Once the Stoker family entered the competition, the pageant title never changed hands again.

Click to continue reading My Name is Earl:  Broke Joy’s Fancy Figurine

Gallery: My Name is Earl:  Broke Joy’s Fancy Figurine

West Wing Debate

In case anyone thought the West Wing live experiment would go unnoticed, you were wrong.  The debate between Republican presidential candidate, Arnold Vinick, and Democratic candidate, Matt Santos, brought in nearly ten million people.  The debate, moderated by TV news veteran Forrest Sawyer, brought in approximately 1.5 million viewers than on an average Sunday night. Maybe people were eager to finally see a debate between two intelligent and articulate men?  I know I was.

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Gallery: The West Wing:  Live Debate

ERThursday has got to be the best night of TV for each network.  You need 2 TiVos to keep up…

ABC:  ABC is the only channel not showing new shows tonight.  They are running “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.”  A great movie, but I can’t watch movies with commercials.

CBS:  Probably the best 1-2 punch of the night on CBS.  At 8:00, Survivor: Guatemala.  The tribes are merging and there seems to be some good drama coming from last week’s preview.  At 9:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is back from a few weeks off.  At 10:00 Without a Trace is a good alternative if you don’t like ER.

NBC:  NBC starts with comedy, moves to reality, then transitions to drama.  Joey is on at 8:00 followed by the final season of Will & Grace at 8:30.  Joey isn’t doing as well as the network had expected, but it’s a funny show in its own right.  The Apprentice, the good one, is on at 9:00 and we’ll see the 10th, and possibly the 11th and 12th, person fired tonight.  NBC ends the night with the long running ER, with guest star John Leguizamo.

FOX:  At 8:00 The OC is back all new after the baseball break.  Maybe I’m tainted being from Orange County, but this show is the best.  I hope Ryan gets into a fight with some preppy kids tonight.  At 9:00 is the new show Reunion.  Each episode represents a year in 6 close friends lives from 1986 (high school graduation) until 2006 (20-year reunion).  The first episode shows you someone was murdered and one of them is the guilty one.  Its a good concept but not sure how’ll they’ll do season 2.

WB:  At 8:00 is Smallville followed by Everwood at 9:00.  I bet Superman saves the day.

UPN:   UPN has a few really good shows (Veronica Mars,) but they always get lost in the shadows of the big networks.  Everybody Hates Chris at 8:00 is a perfect example.  Its a really funny show, and I’d say its like The Wonder Years and Malcolm in the Middle, if those shows were written by Chris Rock.  Very funny if you get a chance to see it.  At 8:30 is Love, Inc.  followed by Eve at 9:00 and Cuts at 9:30.

Great night of TV.  Have fun watching.

Gallery: On TV Tonight: Too Many Good Shows
