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Prepare to work hard to get these achievements… the original Prince of Persia, that’s right the 2D side-scroller with play-control of doom will be making its way to the Xbox 360’s Live Arcade. As a bonus, it’ll feature updated graphics (think 2.5D) and from the look of this trailer you can expect a few added surprises. As Joystiq is keen to point out, this game will tie in graphically with the Sands of Time game, featuring the emo-prince character model that we’ve all come to know and love (except in Warrior Within of course - there was nothing loveable about him there).

The original PoP and it’s 2D sequel are some of my fondest old-school gaming memories, so I’m hoping the folks developing this re-telling don’t screw it up. It’s all in the ridiculously hard play control, guys. We’re guessing around $10.00 for pricing (800 MS Points), and it’s slated to be released Q2 this year.

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Lara Sittin' PrettyRumors are floating around these parts about Eidos’ remake, Tomb Raider Anniversary, making its way to the Wii in the near future. As a business move, it would seem to make perfect sense for Eidos. Nintendo’s new console with next-gen controls and last-gen visuals would seem to be a perfect fit for a port, and translating the game will probably be quite easy, meaning more copies sold for very little extra work. Of course, Eidos could ruin this pretty easily by just tacking on waggle-rific controls. Here’s hoping their one of the first 3rd-party companies to get it right and realize that not ALL games have to use the Wiimote. I for one would be perfectly happy to see this game played with the Classic controller.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition is a re-imagining of the original Tomb Raider game featuring updated visuals, an improved Lara model (taken from Legend and enhanced), along with new moves and a few additional surprises. Having had a chance to playtest the game, I can tell you that you that fans of the series won’t want to miss it…

How soon’s it coming out? Well, unless CrystalD has been secretly working on this title for a while, I think it’s safe to guess that the Wii version will trail the PS2 / PSP version (to be released this May).

Update: Looks like it’s official (see here). The game will release “this year” and will feature Wii-specific controls. Dang.

Read More | Wii.Ign.com

Pac-Man chart

Today saw the release of three moderately priced Virtual Console games – Pac-Man, Ninja Gaiden, and Ninja Spirit. I guess the logic was that Pac-Man is like a ninja; evading ghosts without being seen, only to strike when the opportunity (or those corner dots) present themselves. For $5, Pac-Man might be in over his head… which is coincidently his entire body. Pick up the XBLA version (which supports leaderboards and achievements) if you’re really interested in some nostalgia.

The official Nintendo descriptions for each game can be seen after the break.

Click to continue reading Virtual Console 5/14 Releases: Pac-Man Is A Ninja, Apparently

Edie, Andy and Sherveen from MyGamerCard.net (who went to the NYC Halo event) discuss at length their impressions of Halo 3 after about seven hours of play.

In addition, they give away the last of the Halo 3 Beta keys they scored at last night’s event. Well, more like they gave you an opportunity to enter into the pool of those who might win. Make sense? Well, listen in and you’ll understand.


What did we talk about specifically? Well, here ya go:

  • No anti-aliasing but nice looking
  • Not a game to for a newbie to the series
  • Button changes for the new Halo versus old Halos (context-sensitive button, communications button)
  • New weapons (spartan laser, buffed needler, buffed plasma pistols)
  • Changes/new vehicles (mongoose, warthog, ghost)
  • New game modes (VIP)
  • New Maps (Snowbound, Valhalla, High Ground, etc.)
  • An in-depth discussion of the relative value and proper use of grenades
  • More weapon discussions (melee, shotguns, return of a nerfed assault rifle, spikers)
  • Man Cannons?? MMM…..
  • New class of weapons: Really Big ####### You Can’t Run With

GamerAndy Live!Hey guys, we are starting our first live video broadcast for your viewing pleasure. GamerAndy, GamerEdie, and Andru Edwards are all currently sitting in the same room for the first time, ready to hit you with the latest news and opinions from the video game world. Join us now, live, on Ustream.

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Guild Wars Eye of the North

Guild Wars has been a tremendous success since its inception into the realm of online RPGs several years ago. It has spawned two campaigns in addition to the original, but it was recently announced that future GW campaigns were being canned. In their place would be the first expansion in the series, as well as a full-blown sequel. The expansion – titled Eye of the North – will be unlike the previous releases in that it will require you to own at least one Guild Wars title to play.

Today, gamers have the opportunity to take part in a chat with NC Soft, the developers of Guild Wars. Starting at 4:00 p.m. Pacific / 7 p.m. Eastern on May 11, GameSpy Arcade will be home to an NC Soft chat session. You’ll have to head to the GameSpy Arcade LiveWire lobby for the exclusive event about “upcoming developments” in the franchise.

I’m personally a huge fan of Guild Wars, so I’ll be in attendance. The game’s focus on strategy, as opposed to number of hours played, make it attractive to a whole lot of people. And with NC Soft’s promise that future Guild Wars games will continue to be free to play, the MMORPG world and its subscription fees better be worried. ‘sup, World of Warcraft?

Read More | GameSpy Arcade

Crackdown leaping through air

As if your Crackdown disc didn’t already have enough worth – it’s your key into the beta, after all – Microsoft and developer Real Time Worlds are planning on releasing nothing short of a mammoth load of content for the game. Through a combination of a title update and two content packs – one free, and one premium – there will be plenty of reasons to keep Crackdown in your 360 drive long after the Halo 3 beta ends.

Before getting into this laundry list of content, one nifty feature that has been implemented is basically a “try before you buy” system. Join up in a co-op game with someone that owns the “Getting’ Busy Bonus Pack” (the name of the 800 Microsoft Point premium content pack) and you’ll temporarily be given full access to everything included in the pack.

Click to continue reading Tons Of Crackdown Content Coming

Read More | Major Nelson

A new video titled Betalicious has made its way onto the internet. It showcases a Mr. Jukes’ foray into the 3 beta. Mr. Jukes is a Microsoft employee, and using his fancy video editing skills, has put together what is easily the best Halo 3 video the public has had a chance to see. It offers a good look into several of the game’s levels, the man cannon, Spartan Laser, and more. One thing is for sure: the Spartan Laser can be absolutely dominant in the hands of someone who knows how to use it, judging by the montage near the end and the scattered clips throughout.

Head to Bungie to download the video and read an interview with Mr. Jukes.

Read More | Bungie

Hellgate London fight scene

The latest issue of Games for Windows Magazine has revealed all the details pertaining to the subscription service Hellgate: London will be sporting. Luckily, previous statements proved to be true as online multiplayer will be free for all players. Beyond that, there are some perks that may warrant paying the monthly fee of $9.95 to become an ‘Elite’ player, but casual players should find the free game to suffice. If Hellgate turns out to be anything like Diablo, it’s going to suck in a lot of unsuspecting people and get them to fork over that subscription fee.

Click to continue reading Hellgate: London Subscription Multiplayer Details Revealed

Read More | Games for Windows Magazine via Voodoo Extreme

GoldenEye 007 box art

GoldenEye 007 is one of those titles that most gamers have fond recollections of. Released in 1997, it was the first console FPS that really got it - that is, up until that point, everyone looked at FPSs as something that only worked on PCs. But with a solid combination of single player and multiplayer mayhem, it captured the hearts of N64 owners to the tune of eight million copies sold. It seems only natural that a classic of this caliber would eventually makes its way onto the Virtual Console.

But there’s one problem – when developer Rare was sold to Microsoft, the rights to the title became, as Rare put it, “… caught up in a convoluted web of rights the likes of which would make the Weaver from Perdido Street Station jealous. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen, just that a lot of people with a lot of different perspectives are involved.”

Click to continue reading GoldenEye On Arcade Or Virtual Console? “It’s Possible,” Says Rare

Read More | Scribes via Cubed3

