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GamerAndy Live! Episode 83: A Sucker for Game Bling
Posted by Edie Sellers Categories: Action, Adventure, Announcements, Corporate News, Electronic Arts, Fighting, Microsoft, PC, PlayStation 3, Portable/Mobile, PSP, Reviews, Sports, Xbox, Xbox 360, GamerAndy,
Finally a return to gaming news! So much for Andy, Hawkes and Edie to talk about, including Sony’s “major announcement,” the 80Gig Europe hate, Blu-Ray price drops, and (gasp!) Andy’s discovery of a great PS3 title! But that’s not all! We’ve got conversation about EA and ID going to the Mac, the PSP “slim, Shadowrun and Forza 2.
But wait! There’s more! Winners of last week’s contest are annouced.
Order now and you’ll recieve GamerAndy’s TV corner, where we discuss the end of the Sopranos and the return of Jherico.
Don’t walk… RUN to the download!
Tomb Raider Anniversary: The Hotness
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, Eidos, PC, PlayStation 2, PSP, Wii,
As a huge fan of the original Tomb Raider game, it’s really gratifying to see how well Crystal Dynamics has re-invigorated the series. And frankly, I can’t think of a better way to make a new Tomb Raider game than to just remake (and improve upon) the original. And judging from the video above, CrystalD has done a really good job of improving on the original. Not only are there huge graphical improvements evident, but this video goes a long way in showing that Anniversary won’t just be a quick port. The developers are obviously taking the time to add some new features and puzzle elements to the game, so that even seasoned TR gamers will be getting a new experience.
TR Anniversary Edition will be releasing shortly for the PC, PS2, and PSP, with a Wii version to follow shortly thereafter. Color me giddy. Now, if we could just erase the memories of Tomb Raider 3 through Angel of Darkness and the movies.
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PSP Gets Version 3.50, A Lot More Awesome
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Portable/Mobile, PSP, Wireless,
Sony’s big little handheld that could has been getting precious little coverage recently, so we’re happy to see that Sony is working on some Good Things for the widescreen wonder. The latest and greatest this week is the 3.50 firmware update which will allow you to remotely access your PS3’s harddrive from any wireless access point using the PSP. That opens up a lot of possibilities, including streaming games, movies, and photos to your PSP. Assuming, of course, you already have a
small inheritance
PSP and PS3.
PSP Fanboy has the file just waiting on their site, so we’ll point you their way! Enjoy!
Read More | PSP Fanboy
Need for Speed Video Teaser Shows Massive Damage

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Driving, Electronic Arts, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Gamecube, PC, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, Trailers, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360,
On the heels of EA’s new Madden video comes this brief look at the newest Need for Speed title, which we know next to nothing about - not a title or even the platforms it’ll be released on. The video is entitled “Damage,” and if you take a look at the video, you’ll agree that it’s an appropriate name. One of the features in the new NFS is apparently going to be the ability to rip your car to shreds in an accident, Burnout-style.
Like the Madden video before it, the game certainly looks pretty, but hopefully the game will play as well as the competition. As the video alludes, there apparently will be some sort of announcement on May 31 at the official Need for Speed website, and we’ll get word of whatever that might be to you as soon as it’s made available.
Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition Wii Bound?
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Adventure, Eidos, PlayStation 2, PSP, Wii,
Rumors are floating around these parts about Eidos’ remake, Tomb Raider Anniversary, making its way to the Wii in the near future. As a business move, it would seem to make perfect sense for Eidos. Nintendo’s new console with next-gen controls and last-gen visuals would seem to be a perfect fit for a port, and translating the game will probably be quite easy, meaning more copies sold for very little extra work. Of course, Eidos could ruin this pretty easily by just tacking on waggle-rific controls. Here’s hoping their one of the first 3rd-party companies to get it right and realize that not ALL games have to use the Wiimote. I for one would be perfectly happy to see this game played with the Classic controller.
Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition is a re-imagining of the original Tomb Raider game featuring updated visuals, an improved Lara model (taken from Legend and enhanced), along with new moves and a few additional surprises. Having had a chance to playtest the game, I can tell you that you that fans of the series won’t want to miss it…
How soon’s it coming out? Well, unless CrystalD has been secretly working on this title for a while, I think it’s safe to guess that the Wii version will trail the PS2 / PSP version (to be released this May).
Update: Looks like it’s official (see here). The game will release “this year” and will feature Wii-specific controls. Dang.
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Sony Computer Entertainment’s re-release of the classic PlayStation title, Parappa The Rapper, is headed to the United States this July. Sony Computer Entertainment America today announced the title’s release. For the most part, the title is a straight-up re-make of the original, with a few changes. First, the graphics have been remade to fit the PSP’s widescreen format display. Second, the company has added support for wireless networking. In ad-hoc mode, gamers will be able to compete against three other players wirelessly, and SCEA will also be providing downloadable content via the PSP infrastructure connection.
SCEA’s full press release continues below.
Click to continue reading Parappa PSP Gets US Release
Following the lead of the US PSP price cut, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe today announced that they would be officially dropping the price of their handheld as well. Currently 149.99 GBP, or 199.99 Euro, the portable console will drop in price to 129.99 GBP and 169.99 Euro on May 4. According to, Platinum Hits titles for the PSP will also drop to 14.99 GBP. The PSP has somewhat been languishing while Sony focused its energies on the PS3 launch, but now it appears that the company is starting to get more aggressive as it attempts to build more market share.
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March NPD Data Hits, DS, PS2, Wii Lead Sales
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Hardware, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, Xbox 360,
The NPD sales data for March has been released, and Gamasutra is reporting on the sales numbers. Overall, the sales data pretty much seemed to follow expectations. The Nintendo DS again showed strong sales, moving over 500,000 units in March. Sunday’s release of the latest in the Pokemon series might have the potential to even spike this further in April and May. The PSP sold 180,000; this month’s price drop would seem to ensure an increase for April. Of the non-portable consoles, the PS2 continues to have legs, moving 280,000 consoles and outselling all of the current generation platforms. This was probably helped a bit by the release of God of War II, which sold over 833,000 units.
Within current generation platforms, rankings stayed the same. The ever-supply-constrained Wii moved 259,000 consoles; Nintendo has promised more supply, but this may not happen for a few months. The Xbox 360 continued to hold on, with 199,000 units sold, and Sony’s sales numbers held relatively steady at 130,000 units.
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SCEA Reveals Second Quarter PS3, PSP, PS2 Titles
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, Release Dates,
Sony Computer Entertainment of America revealed the list of software titles coming in Q2 for the PlayStation 3, PSP, and the PlayStation 2. The PlayStation 3 releases seem a little sparse, with the exclusive Ninja Gaiden Sigma coming some time in June, and the downloadable Calling All Cars hopefully coming in the next month or so. Most of the rest of the titles are cross-platform releases, but it will be interesting to see how good the F.E.A.R. port is. The PSP will see the release of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas, which might be interesting on the portable. The updated Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars could be a decent entry in the franchise, and there are the upcoming enhanced releases of Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II on the PSP. The PlayStation 2 still offers a number of games, including the upcoming Manhunt 2 and a new .hack release.
Sony’s full press release and list of titles continues below.
Click to continue reading SCEA Reveals Second Quarter PS3, PSP, PS2 Titles
PS3 Firmware 1.70 Adds Rumble For PS1, PS2 Games
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Hardware, PlayStation 3, PSP, Retro,
Sony has made a new firmware update for the PlayStation 3 available, version 1.70. While not as huge as the previous 1.60 update, it looks like there are some decent improvements included. According to posts on the official Sony forums, the update includes the following:
- You can now download PlayStation® format software from PLAYSTATION®Store, and play it on the PS3™ system.
- You can now use saved data for PlayStation® format software on the PSP™ system.
- You can now use the vibration function of accessories that are for use with PlayStation® and PlayStation®2 format software.
Sony’s settlement with Immersion seems to be paying off again, with gamers getting rumble back in their older games, assuming they have a way to connect their old dual shock controllers to the PS3. It also looks like the promised feature to allow downloadable PS1 games on the PS3 will be coming soon – users in the forums are reporting that existing titles don’t have this ability, but common PS3/PSP classic downloads should be available in the next few days. As an added bonus, game saves should also be compatible between the two, meaning that gamers can play downloaded titles on the road and when they get back home, they can upload their save to the PS3 and continue playing.
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