On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Gear Live

Whoa! Gear Live is now five years old—can you believe that? I sure can’t. It seems like it was just yesterday that I started up this little blog, to share my thoughts on consumer electronics in my spare time, and eventually getting a friend to help me post some news. Before we knew it, this become my full-time gig, and we were adding writers, and sections, left and right. Today, Gear Live has over 20,000 articles spread across our various sections, headed up by some of the best writers in the blogging game. We’ve got video shows, giveaways, and a social network that we are building as well. Regardless of how many things we’ve got going on from the past, we will always have some neat tricks up our collective sleeves in the future.

So how are we celebrating? Well, how about if we gave you presents? Since it’s our fifth birthday, we decided we would give away five Mophie Juice Pack Airs. After all, people are all over the if our numbers are correct (they are,) and what better way to celebrate than by doubling the battery life of your iPhone 3G or 3G S?

How do you enter? Simple. Just leave a reply in our ‘Gear Live Turns 5’ forum thread, letting us know what your favorite Gear Live story of all time happens to be. It can be a text update, or one of our videos. Just leave a link and tell us why you liked it. Once you’ve done that, head on over to Twitter and tweet the following:

“@gearlive Turns 5, and I just entered to win a Mophie Juice Pack Air! http://bit.ly/mophie-air” (Click here to tweet this now)

We will choose five random entries as our winners, and they’ll receive the Mophie Juice Pack Air for their troubles. Why should you want one? Check out our Mophie Juice Pack Air review. Now to start comparing kindergarten programs…


Delicious Library is now available for the iPhone and iPod touch, as illustrated by the amazing video above. If you are unfamiliar with Delicious Library, it is primarily a program you run on OS X that lets you keep track of just about anything you own - books, video games, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, clothing…really anything that Amazon sells. You can then lend things out, and check them out from the library, knowing exactly where everything is that you own. There’s even a Bluetooth scanner you can use to input all your belongings, or you can scan using the iSight camera on your Mac. Delicious Library for iPhone and iPod touch allows you to access your database remotely, right on your device. It’s also free, which makes it totally worth it.

Read More | Delicious Library for iPhone

Platinum Zune HD giveaway

The Zune HD is real, and we are going to be giving one away to one of our readers. You want in? All you need to to do enter to win the is help us win the I’m a Blogger Get me Out of Here contest. If we win, we will be bringing you content straight from the set of I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here. Seriously, I had to taste some of the most vile flavors I’ve ever put in my mouth, and you’ll probably get a few laughs out of it.

Here’s how to enter to win:

  1. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) - make the subject line “Vote for Andru Edwards” and hit send.
  2. If you don’t have one already, sign up for a Gear Live account
  3. If you don’t have one already, sign up for a Twitter account
  4. Add the Gear Live Twitter account to your follow list
  5. On Twitter, post the following tweet about our contest:

    “I just entered to win a Zune HD from @gearlive! http://bit.ly/zune-hd” (Click here to tweet this now)

  6. Once that is done, leave a comment in this forum thread with a direct link back to your Tweet, or a screen capture showing you voted. Be sure you are signed in to your Gear Live account before you leave the response.

Im a blogger get me out of here

BONUS ENTRIES: Want more chances to win? Share the link to our contests on the following sites, and leave us a comment linking to those as well:

  • Post a screen capture in the forum thread showing that you voted
  • Facebook: Shared Link
  • Del.icio.us bookmark
  • FriendFeed: Use Post a Link
  • Your blog: Have a site? Link to our contest on it!

Remember: The bonus entries are just that - bonus. In order to be eligible to win, you must complete the core Twitter requirements.

As we (hopefully) make it through each round, you get another chance to Vote all over again, giving you even more chances to win. The contest starts today, and is open to US residents only. You have until 11:00 PM PST on June 11th to enter your votes. We will then announce our winner, chosen randomly out of all valid entrants and bonus points, on June 12th. The winner will be sent a Zune HD right after the product launches. Remember, you have three chances to enter a vote!


Pixelexip has two apps for photographers that have iPhones and are seriously irritated by its camera. LightSource turns your phone or iPod touch into a light panel with several specific settings, such as tungsten or halogen. GrayCard is the same principle in that it is a light, but it gives you an adjustable gray card for balance and correction by degree of heat. Each of the applications is available for $.99 at the App Store.


Read More | Pixelexip

Mobile SpyNow you can spy on your friends and loved ones with Retina-X Studios’ Mobile Spy for iPhone. After setting up the software, the application will record SMS and call activities and upload it to your private account. It also records GPS locations every thirty minutes as long as a signal is available. This is good news for worried parents, not so good for kids ditching school and trying to lie about it. A year’s subscription will cost you $99.97.

Read More | Mobile Spy

Lucky Gambling DaysUse this app to find out your best days to earn some extra cash. Enter your birthday on Lucky Gambling Days 2009 and choose between Western or Chinese Astrology. It will then come up with the best days to buy that lottery ticket or run to the nearest casino. The application gives lucky colors, hours, gambling tips and an Instant Luck Game. LGD is available at the App Store for $.99, a small price to pay to become a millionaire.

Read More | iPhone Application List

tap tap revenge dave matthews band

Tap Tap Revenge has really become an iPhone staple, and today it just keeps on coming with Tap Tap Revenge: Dave Matthews Band. If you’re a fan of Dave Matthews Band music, and also happen to love rhythm games, you’ll want to grab this game, which costs $4.99 in the App Store. Here’s the track list:

  • Funny The Way It Is
  • Shake Me Like A Monkey
  • Tripping Billies
  • Everyday
  • Ants Marching
  • American Baby
  • Crash Into Me
  • What Would You Say
  • So Much To Say
  • Two Step

See? A lot of the Dave Matthews classics. Tap Tap Revenge: Dave Matthews Band is available now in the App Store.

Read More | Tap Tap Revenge

ExtraordinariesWould you spend a few minutes a day to help others with your iPhone if you could? The Extraordinaries app does just that. Still in a rough version, the free app (at least for now) allows users to help with tasks such as sorting photos or subtitling human rights videos. Co-founder and CEO Jacob Colker feels that the “human mind is far superior to any super computer. It’s no match for five minutes of human intuition and knowledge.”

Read More | Courier Mail

Flashback iPhone

Flashback is a game a remember fondly from my childhood, specifically played on the Sega Genesis console. In its time, the game was so fluid and fantastic and packed quite the challenge. It was also the largest (in terms of file size) cartridge sold on Genesis back then. Imagine my surprise when I found out the game was now available in the App Store for the and . Yes, if you’ve played Flashback, you know the goodness that is waiting for you—if you haven’t, you need to, right now.

Read More | Flashback [App Store]

NBA Take All the Action With You Contest

If you’re an NBA fan, then this Take All the Action With You contest is going to be right up your alley. Even better? We are partnering with about 24 other sites to bring you some exclusive prizes as well. We will go into all the details after the jump, but here it is in a nutshell:

By entering the HP-Microsoft contest, you are entered to win a grand prize that allows you to see Kevin Garnett and the Celtics play a home game in Boston, and an away game in a West Coast city. That’s right, coast-to-coast baby! That includes VIP tickets to the games, airfare, hotel, and some HP gear as well. At the very least, check it out. So, that’s one contest. But the real deal is that we are having our own giveaway with 24 other sites, with the prizes being 2 trips to the 2010 NBA All-Star Game in Dallas, TX, including travel, accomodations, and a ticket to the game. The winners will be accompanied by the site owner. In other words, if someone from Gear Live wins, I’ll be personally going to the NBA All-Star game with them.

Now, there are a bunch of runners-up prizes as well, so jump down for all the details, including how to enter.

Click to continue reading Contest: Want to go to the 2010 NBA All-Star Game?

