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Kickstarter for iPhone

We've often wondered by a site like Kickstarter lacked an official iOS app, but that ends today with the release of Kickstarter for iPhone. The crowdsourcing site's new app allows you to view campaigns, watch the pitch videos that go along with them, and pledge your cash towards one of the reward levels offered. If you've created a campaign, you can track your progress in the app as well. The app is not yet iPad-native, but it does support iPhone 3GS and later, including support for the iPhone 5 4-inch display. Grab Kickstarter for iPhone for free.

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Gallery: Kickstarter for iPhone now available


Facebook in-app Video Recording   Facebook Audio Messaging

Facebook has updated its main iOS app to version 5.4, adding in-app video recording and audio messaging. Users can now record their cat videos without leaving the Facebook app and have the ability leave cryptic audio recordings when messaging their besties.

Share your moments with voice messages and video recordings right in the app.

  • Send voice messages when you have more to say
  • Record and share videos right from the app
  • Share and connect with your favorite places using the improved Nearby tab

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Gallery: Facebook 5.4 for iOS adds in-app video recording & audio messaging

Facebook Messenger App VoIP   Facebook Messenger App VoIP (2)

Hot on the heels of Facebook's event announcing its new Social Graph feature, Facebook Messenger iOS app has been updated to VoIP audio calling functionality for US users. It's interesting since, technically, Facebook uses Skype backend, which is owned by parent company Microsoft. Thus, the collaborative user base is pretty vast. It appears that it is limited only to audio calls, but it is safe to assume that video calling is in the pipeline. VoIP may not use your monthly allotment of cell minutes but it will definitely use your mobile data plan, of course it will not effect your carrier plan if users use a WIFI acces point. The app is a free download available in the App Store.

What’s New in Version 2.1.1

  • Back by popular request: Now you can swipe right to archive a conversation again
  • Other improvements and bug fixes

*Free calling uses your existing data plan, and will be rolling out over the next few weeks.

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Gallery: Facebook Messenger iOS App adds free VoIP audio calling

Twitter App iOS version 5.2 (2)     Twitter App iOS version 5.2

Instagram started it; Facebook has it now and, of course, social micro-blogging service Twitter won't be left behind. Twitter has followed suit with it's own editing and filtering functionality update in version 5.2. Here is a list of changes and new features:

Create beautiful photos right within Twitter, with filters powered by Aviary.

  • Apply one of eight different filters to instantly add a new look and feel to your photos
  • Choose a filter by comparing all your options in a convenient grid view or by swiping through each version
  • Make your photos pop with balanced light and colors by tapping the auto-enhance wand
  • Crop and scale to frame the action the way you want
  • We’ve also added many other improvements and fixes to this update.

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Gallery: Twitter for iOS updated with Instagramish photo filters

Instagram version 3.2       Instagram version 3.2 iOS

Photo enthusiasts will be happy to know that their favorite mobile photo editing social app, Instagram, has been updated. Version 3.2 has a plethora of new features and design improvements, along with deeper FourSquare integration. Here is a list of changes that come with this update.

  • A new filter! Willow
  • Take photos faster with Instagram’s all-new camera
  • Improved quality of tilt-shift
  • Scroll infinitely on user profiles and other grid views

Other improvements:

  • We added a Foursquare button on location pages that opens the Foursquare app (or Foursquare mobile website) with details about the venue
  • Filtered photos are now saved to a separate album called "Instagram" in the camera roll
  • New welcome screen design

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Gallery: Instagram 3.2 adds improved camera, new filter, Foursquare integration

Skype 4.1.2 for iPhone 5 Skype 4.1.2 for iPhone 5 (2)

The popular Voice Over IP service, Skype, has updated its iOS app to 4.1.2 for iPhone 5 display; so no more funky black borders. It only took them what? Two months to update it? Better late than never, we guess. This update also brings along the usual bug fixes. You can download Skype 4.1.2 now.

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Gallery: Skype app for iOS updated for iPhone 5

Facebook 5.2

Facebook has just released version 5.2 of its iOS app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, and this update brings the long-awaited ability to share content in the mobile client. Previously, users could only share items from their News Feed from the desktop browser version of Facebook. Here's the full changelog:

  • New Share link to re-post stories from your news feed
  • Tag your friends in any post, comment or photo
  • Smileys, hearts and other emoji in messages
  • To sort your feed, tap the button next to News Feed in the left sidebar

You can download Facebook 5.2 now.

Gallery: Facebook 5.2 for iOS now available with re-sharing included

Facebook App 4.1 iOS

Facebook, the biggest social site, has now updated their native iOS app. Version 4.1 includes a variety of features, such as the ability to share multiple photos, a new swipe feature to message friends from anywhere within the app, image filteres (similar to Facebook-owned Instagram,) and the gift giving functionality. One feature that has finally been restored is the ability to make albums.

Sadly, for many who updated, it has not been without some setbacks as users, myself included, are encountering sign-in errors and news feeds being blank. Users have voiced their complaints to Facebook and, ironically, taken it to Twitter to make themselves heard. Gear Live advises waiting to update until Facebook submits another version to fix the issues that are currently affecting users. 

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Gallery: Facebook for iOS updated to version 4.1, brings new camera and chat features

Facebook 5.0 app

Facebook has (finally!) released its updated iOS app that's been rewritten from the ground-up in native iOS dev code. That means that instead of being HTML5 based (and super-slow,) it's now twice as fast. There are other visual tweaks, but they're relatively subdued. You can scroll faster in the News Feed, pictures are a bit larger, there are nicer animations, and Timeline profile pages can now be viewed on the iPad app. All nice, but make no mistake about it, the star here is the fantastic speed of the app. You can download Facebook 5.0 for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch now, for free on the App Store.

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Gallery: Facebook 5.0 for iOS brings amazing speed boost

Instagram 3.0 photo maps

Instagram 3.0 was released today, and with it comes a host of new features and bug fixes. One of the major additions is the Photo Map, which makes it easy to find images that have been geo-tagged to specific locations. Users will find a new Photo Map section in their profiles that will allow them to see their own images overlayed on a map as well. Other features include infinite scrolling on photo feeds, redesigned profile and upload screens, and other performance improvements. Grab Instagram 3.0 now from the App Store or Google Play for free. Check out a video explaining it all after the break.

Click to continue reading Instagram 3.0 introduces Photo Map feature

Gallery: Instagram 3.0 introduces Photo Map feature

