On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Sarah Chalke Sarah Chalke, who stars as Elliot Reid on Scrubs, is taking on a decidedly different role. Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy tells the story of a woman who has discovered she has breast cancer and how she copes with it. Here’s the twist—it’s a comedy. The story is about Geralyn Lucas, now the director of public relations for Lifetime Networks, who documented her battle with breast cancer and survival in the book of the same name. Now adapted for a Lifetime movie, the story is a humorous look at how one woman coped with something that most can’t wrap their brains around. I’m looking forward to seeing Chalke bring her gift of comedy to this film—so far, I’ve read good reviews of her performance. Jay Harrington (Coupling, Desperate Housewives) plays Lucas’ husband—a doctor who is trying to understand what his wife is going through. According to Geralyn Lucas’ bio on the Lifetime web site, her cancer diagnosis was 11 years ago. The movie premieres on Monday, October 23rd at 9 p.m on Lifetime—a fitting film for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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Sara Evans A lot has come from Sara Evans about her divorce—her husband’s alleged cheating, verbal and emotional abuse, drinking problems and love of porn. Now, her soon to be ex-husband is saying that Evans was having an affair, and filed for divorce the day after he found out. No word on who Evans has allegedly had the affair with, and Evans’ publicist had no comment. Craig Schelske denies all of the accusations that Evans made in her petition for divorce—including having 200 nude photos of himself and sleeping with their former nanny (and Evans’ good friend). “No other photographs exist and any allegations of such are outrageous, defamatory, malicious and legally actionable,” the suit states. Schelske also says that Evans neglected their children when she started Dancing With the Stars. One thing’s for certain—this is getting uglier by the minute.

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Heidi Klum, Project Runway The finale of Project Runway on Wednesday drew record-breaking numbers for cable network Bravo. I can see why—there was a marathon of the third season this past weekend, and since I was sick, I was able to finally see what all of the hype was about. And I was hooked. Sadly, I forgot about the season finale, but that didn’t stop 5.4 million other viewers from tuning in Wednesday at 10 p.m. Not only did that break records for Bravo viewership, but it also made Project Runway the top-rated show on cable for that night. Even the Bravo web site saw a healthy bump in numbers, thanks to the series. The site saw an increase in traffic of 267% over the previous season for the Project Runway section. In the end, Jeffrey Sebelia was named the winner of the clothing design competition.

Bob Saget OK, I admit it. I watched 1 vs. 100—and it was pretty entertaining. For anyone who is tired of Deal or No Deal, this just may be the change of pace you need in a game show. With solid ratings, 1 vs. 100 was given the go-ahead by NBC, who ordered 10 additional episodes of the show (they already had 5 on the docket). “1 vs. 100 grabbed the public’s attention when it delivered solid ratings last Friday and staked out its own identity to become a great extension of our game-show franchise.” says Craig Plestis, head of alternative programming at NBC. 1 vs. 100 also brings Bog Saget back in the limelight and he does a fine job as host. If you’re unfamiliar with the premise, this game show puts one player up against a “mob” of 100 others—testing their knowledge of trivia. The individual player wins money for each correct answer as more members of the mob who answer incorrectly are eliminated from the game. The twist here is that if the individual player answers incorrectly, the remaining mob members split his or her earnings. The show premiered last week with almost 12.8 million viewers.

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T.R. KnightI can’t believe this qualifies for big news—and People magazine says they have the ‘Exclusive.’ As if matters of one’s sexuality are newsworthy enough to be considered exclusive stories—why can’t people just leave gay/not gay out of the equation? Yet, here I am reporting the news as well for anyone interested—, of Grey’s Anatomy, made a statement to People magazine today saying that he is gay. Knight plays Dr. George O’Malley on the series, and has also been seen on CSI:Crime Scene Investigation and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. According to Knight’s statement, “I guess there have been a few questions about my sexuality, and I’d like to quiet any unnecessary rumors that may be out there. While I prefer to keep my personal life private, I hope the fact that I’m gay isn’t the most interesting part of me.” Well said.

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Friday Night LightsRuh-roh. This decision sounds like a bad sign for Studio 60—for one night only, Friday Night Lights will replace the Aaron Sorkin lovefest. NBC is trying to switch things up, and may just be trying to decide which one of these ratings stinkers will get the boot. On October 30th, during the 10 p.m. slot that Studio 60 normally fills, the football drama will get a shot at seeing whether it sinks or swims. Friday Night Lights will air following Heroes, NBC’s most successful freshman show. The new episode of Lights will air on October 30th, with a repeat of the episode in its usual 8 p.m. Tuesday time slot on October 31st. Studio 60 will take the week off—and for you Studio 60 fans, let’s hope it’s not more than a week. The much-hyped behind-the-scenes look at sketch comedy has steadily dropped viewers, now dipping below 9 million. People have a lot of complaints about the series, and I’m beginning to wonder if it will make it at all.

Friday Night Lights also seemed to be in danger of cancellation, but NBC ordered more scripts and now has the night switcheroo plan in place. The series has only averaged 6.6 million viewers.

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Fox logo From the power-team of Mark Burnett and Steven Spielberg comes the latest reality show—On The Lot—a chance for wannabe filmmakers to make it in the big leagues. Fox offers up this competition, with applicants 13 and over being asked to submit their self-directed, five minute short film online at TheLot.com.

Video submissions have already been received, with hundreds available to view and critique. On The Lot promises a $1 million development deal at DreamWorks to the winning director. The show will air in the spring, featuring the 16 finalists chosen from the online entries. The show’s viewers will vote each week and ultimately determine the winner. The series will air over two nights—one night to show the films that the filmmakers produce for a chosen theme; the next night to announce results. They will be given writers, cast and crew to work with.

If you’re an aspiring filmmaker, there’s still time. The deadline for submissions is December 1st.

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The Amazing Race Save the date—two of your reality faves will air their season finales in December. The Amazing Race will wrap up season 10 on December 10th, while Survivor: Cook Islands will air its finale on the following Sunday. The Amazing Race will crown the winner in just one hour. Survivor, of course, continues to drag their finale to the three hour mark. The first two hours are the last moments on the island, while the last hour announces the winner, live, followed by the reunion of the cast members.

The Amazing Race continues to go strong, even in its tenth season. The winner of four Emmys, Race was moved to Sundays for this season and has averaged 11.15 million viewers. Survivor is still keeping viewers interested in its 13th season, despite the move to provide a racial split among tribes this go-around. The negative press did bring some attention—then the show merged the tribes after the first two episodes, so the whole “social experiment” was moot. Despite it all, Survivor still averages about 16.7 million viewers.

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RunawayThe axe just keeps falling—the latest casualty is the CW’s drama Runaway. With only four episodes aired, this new series barely got off the ground to provide itself. This is the one about a family on the run, when dad (Donnie Wahlberg) is accused of murder. Of course, it’s all just a misunderstanding, as he is really innocent. The series aired Mondays at 9:00 p.m., then CW moved Runaway to Sunday, but the move didn’t make any impact on ratings. CW will fill the slot with repeats until another replacement is announced. As you recall, CW came about when UPN and WB combined. Runaway was only one of two series from the newborn network. The other was the comedy The Game.

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Flavor FlavI actually had to read the article twice about Flavor of Love 2—as in, did I just read that Flavor Flav’s finale show has earned the biggest audience ever for VH1? It’s true. Unbelievably true. I’m not sure if anyone reading this has ever seen this show, but to me, it’s just terrible. Maybe the ratings come from that “can’t take my eyes off of this trainwreck” feeling. I can only imagine that’s what it is. I can tolerate a lot of reality shows, but this one is unbearable to me. I’ve flipped past it a couple of times and lingered for about two minutes, including last night’s finale where he made his ultimate choice. Wow. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I can actually feel IQ points dropping when I watch it. So I watched about five minutes of it last night and those are five minutes of my life that I can never get back. But enough about me.

Flavor of Love 2 had 7.5 million viewers. I know… it’s not a typo. That makes it the most watched program ever on VH1 and the number one cable show for the evening. Among the 18-49 set, Flavor of Love was the top-rated non-sports show on cable for 2006. Seems Flav has found his niche—after appearing on The Surreal Life, Strange Love (with Brigitte Nielsen) and two runs of Flavor of Love—he is the darling of VH1. Go figure.

Oh, and by the way, he picked “Deelishis” in the final episode.

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