NBC’s The Book Of Daniel Draws Protests
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Drama, Prime Time, NBC,
A priest addicted to painkillers, an alcoholic wife, a gay son, and a daughter who peddles drugs…The Book of Daniel is definitely not in the same vein of the soon to be departed 7th Heaven. The NBC drama, which follows the trials of an Episcopal priest and his (apparently) dysfunctional family, has not surprisingly garnered protests from those more conservative-minded, namely, The American Family Association. The group is calling for boycotts of the new show. It was bound to happen, though I think a more relevant topic to protest would be the convoluted plot lines.
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The Amazing Race: Conspiracy Edition

Posted by Wolfeman Categories: Reality, CBS, Amazing Race, The,
So last week it looks like that the mildly insane, Jesus loving, and pretty much hated by all, family the Weavers had finally met there match. They were yeilded by the Linz family and took the rural road to the challenge and at some point even stopped for a McFurry. They completely gave up and strolled in last… BUT WAIT! It was a non elimination round so after all that they survive. Why put a yield on a non-elimination round? It seems to make no sense except to knock someone into last but as we’ve seen before and Phil pointed up to the Weavers, teams have come from last to win.
So last week rolls around and low and behold, the Weavers work there way all the way back to the front and almost hit the mat before the Bransens. The strangest thing about this season is 2 times now a team has dropped from first to last with no explination but that, “Due to a production error involving the camera equipment the car battery was drained. A replacement vehicle was provided, but they have fallen into last place.” This happened to the Linz family last week and they went from a comfortable lead to last. It just makes this already bad season just so much worse knowing that the Production team is now affecting the race. Stay tuned…
On Tuesday, November 29, TV will offer a special treat: Barbara Walters’ The Ten Most Fascinating People of 2005. Subjects are a diverse mix including Dakota Fanning and Lance Armstrong. You won’t want to miss this fascinating peek at these notable personalities.
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A Snow Job On Nip/Tuck
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Prime Time, Cable, Nip/Tuck, Talent,
The adorable Brittany Snow will began her guest appearance spot on Nip/Tuck last night as a new love interest for Matt. Fans who are used to Snow’s sweet, well-scrubbed, character Meg on American Dreams are in for quite a shock. As a young woman with extreme views, Snow’s Nip/Tuck persona, Ariel, will lead the troubled Matt into even darker waters.
Surprise, surprise! ABC has finally announced the long-overdue series finale of Alias. After five-long years, the producers have exhausted all the reasons for Sydney (and now Rachel) to do recon in a bikini. While it distresses me greatly to know that my time with Sark will end soon, I’m hoping and praying that the show’s conclusion will finally bring an end to all those unanswered questions. Mainly—who is Rimbaldi again, and why do I care?
The Not So Prodigal Father Returns to Gilmore Girls
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Drama, WB,
Lorelai is on decent terms with her parents again, her love for Luke is growing every day, and best of all, her beloved daughter Rory has returned. Ah, peace has finally returned to the Gilmore Girls. Or has it? Just when things were looking up in Stars Hollow, thunderclouds have arrived. First Luke finds out about a long-lost daughter, and now the always troublesome and absentee-father Christopher will pay a visit and stir things up once more.
Will the Girls never catch a break?
Elizabeth Berkley Shows A High ‘Threshold’ For Role Variety
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Prime Time, Sci-Fi/Horror, CBS, Talent,
Three mysterious women make an appearance on Threshold tonight, among them sex symbol Elizabeth Berkley, best know for her roles as Jessie on Saved By The Bell and Nomi in the unintentionally hilarious Showgirls. Berkley plays a woman infected by an alien signal, who is confronted by the team after a violent encounter.
After you watch your favorite stars on their respective shows, you can get even more up-close and personal.
With sweeps approaching, more and more TV stars will be showing up on late night talk shows. Don’t miss your favorite.
Here’s who you can see this week:
Thursday: Will & Grace’s Megan Mullally on David Letterman (CBS, 11:35 pm), Desperate Housewives’ James Denton on Craig Ferguson (CBS, 12:35 am.)
Friday: Breaking Bonaduce’s Danny Bonaduce on Craig Ferguson (CBS, 12:35am), Supernanny’s Jo Frost on Jay Leno (NBC, 11:35 pm.) Hmm…I hope Jay hasn’t been very naughty.
Rod Serling to Introduce Medium
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Prime Time, Sci-Fi/Horror, NBC, Medium, Talent,
We told you about the November 21st episode of Medium, which will be shown in 3-D. We even helped you make your own 3-D glasses. Now, more cool news: As if the next episode of Medium, “Still Life,” weren’t already intriguing enough, it was just announced that it will be introduced by Rod Sterling! Sterling is of course best known as the ironic narrator of the wildly popular “The Twilight Zone.” Sterling passed away in 1975, but no worries…this show, after all, knows all about raising the dead.
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In honor of the best time of the television year — sweeps, of course — we’d like to provide you with some spoilers for your favorite shows. First up: House, M.D. Just what’s in store for our favorite misanthrope? Spoilage after the jump.
Click to continue reading Spoilers In The House!
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