On House, MD tonight (9pm, Fox) the notoriously rude doc will have some suffering of his own to deal with: a visit from his parents. Turns out House is human after all…and here we thought he was grown in a test tube. Word has it that the visit will reveal family secrets and some insight into House’s misery.
On Gilmore Girls (8pm, WB) Rory will finally snap out of her Junior League daze with a visit from her old flame, Jess. Jess, fresh from literary success, will force Rory to take a hard look at the choices she’s made, and admit she’s on the wrong path.
A night full of amazing TV goodness…you won’t want to miss a second of it.
My Name is Earl: Broke Joy’s Fancy Figurine

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, Prime Time, NBC, My Name Is Earl, Features,
After rummaging through Earl’s motel room for the umpteenth time, Joy wonders when she will get some of the money that she is owed. When is she going to get her hot tub? Earl should have known it was inevitable. Even after all the grief and illegitimate children Joy gave him, he would eventually have to give her something in return. Which brings us to #153 on his list: Broke Joy’s fancy figurine.
Adamant that the winnings were only to be used to for his karma list, Earl agrees to remedy something that he ruined of Joy’s. He wants to replace the fancy figurine that he and Randy blew up with a firecracker. Unfortunately, completing that task would not be such a piece of cake. That particular figurine could only be obtained by the first place prizewinner of the Prettiest Pretty Princess Pageant. Joy received her last figurine back in 1981 when she and mother won. Seems Earl destroyed a very important piece of Joy’s childhood because that was the last figurine she ever received. Once the Stoker family entered the competition, the pageant title never changed hands again.
Click to continue reading My Name is Earl: Broke Joy’s Fancy Figurine
Nip/Tuck: Remember to Turn Back Your Clocks!

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, Prime Time, Cable, Nip/Tuck,
Okay – is it just me, or does this show have some serious issues with chronology? I really do love Nip/Tuck and am willing to overlook its flaws for the sake of overall enjoyment, but the glaring errors with time cannot go without comment.
Going back to the show from two weeks ago—
Let’s assume that it took about a week for Sean to agree to the crematorium job that was presented to him (the mortuary couldn’t have let those dismembered corpses wait any longer.) Are we supposed to believe that in the same amount of time: Gina pitched her proposal to Julia about the spa.. the ladies presented their plan to McNamara/Troy.. the building was purchased and permits were secured… and a crew had been hired and already started working?? Seriously—by the time Sean got around to dismembering Frankenlaura, the women were already
into their project!!
Now let’s proceed to last week’s episode—
Let’s again assume that it took about a week for Christian to meet with a patient then eventually agree to saw off his leg. In this short period of time: the ladies were able to conceive a new semen-based product.. collect samples from a sperm bank… mix the final ingredients and package it.. present their idea to Joan Rivers.. get it on QVC.. and then already determine that they will turn a profit in their first year?
I mean, I know that women can multitask—and can move mountains when working in threes—but they’re not miracle workers. It pains me to say this: but we’re not gods.
Baker finishes her two-episode arc this week on Nip/Tuck. The November 8th episode will have Christian confronting his mother about the huge bomb she dropped on him in the October 18th episode regarding the identity of his father. Kathy Baker, a three-time Emmy award winner, is best known for her role in the groundbreaking drama Picket Fences. Fans everywhere are anxious to find out if Christian will finally get the closure he deserves. You don’t want to miss this one.
The West Wing: Live Debate

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, Prime Time, NBC, West Wing, The,

In case anyone thought the West Wing live experiment would go unnoticed, you were wrong. The debate between Republican presidential candidate, Arnold Vinick, and Democratic candidate, Matt Santos, brought in nearly ten million people. The debate, moderated by TV news veteran Forrest Sawyer, brought in approximately 1.5 million viewers than on an average Sunday night. Maybe people were eager to finally see a debate between two intelligent and articulate men? I know I was.
Read More | CNN
Even The Stars Blog About Nip/Tuck
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Drama, Cable, Nip/Tuck, Internet,
Weird, wild, and way over the top: say what you will about Nip/Tuck, the viewers love it. Just take a look around the Internet sometime to find blogs and message boards galore dedicated to this cult hit. Sure, the fans blog about their favorite show…but did you know the actors do, too? Willam Belli plays the transvestite, Cherry, who had a rather violent encounter with Matt. Belli recently blogged about his experiences on the hit show. The link and excerpt appears after the jump, to avoid accidental spoilage.
Click to continue reading Even The Stars Blog About Nip/Tuck
Maury and Connie: Together At Last

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Cable, Syndication, News,
What do you get when you combine a former CBS anchorwoman with the man best-known for collecting paternity tests? The new anchor team for MSNBC: Connie Chung and Maury Povich. Despite being married for 20 years, this is the first time that the married lovebirds will appear on a national news program together. Debuting the weekend of January 7th, the unnamed news program will take a look at the weeks headlines - ranging from politics to pop culture - and will include live guests. Kind of like a cross between The Daily Show and The Soup? Coincidentally, the executive producer of the show is a former head writer for The Daily Show.
I must say – I’ve always thought that Maury and Connie made quite an interesting pair. But I’ve always wondered how Maury could come home at the end of the night and not be ridiculed for his latest episode of “Who’s Your Daddy?“ Then again, Connie’s been off the air since 2003 while he’s currently in his eighth year of Maury…so I guess she really doesn’t have any room to criticize.
In case you were wondering, the latest round of paternity results will be revealed this Friday on Maury.
Read More | NY Times
Newsflash! Americans Want Their Sex - And Their Violence, Too.
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Music, CBS, Desperate Housewives, Lost, Editorial, Gossip,
When Janet Jackson’s breast was exposed during her routine with Justin Timberlake at the 2004 Super Bowl, the world seemed to explode. Suddenly, every channel was carrying censored footage of the event. Newscasters rambled about it. The exposure was the hot topic, everywhere from news stations to the work water cooler.
The reaction was almost violent in its intensity. The FCC fined CBS a record $550,000 for the incident. The NFL swore to never let MTV—surely the most qualified for the position—ever produce a halftime show again. The FCC called the incident “disgusting” and “indecent,” and swore that stricter codes of morality and decency would be enforced upon entertainment media. But who has the right to decide what is decent? More importantly, is it even a relevant issue?
The top 5 television shows in a current Nielsen Rating were:
- Desperate Housewives
- Lost
- Without A Trace
- Grey’s Anatomy
Let’s review what the driving force behind each is, shall we?
- Violence. Death. Gross stuff. Really, really gross stuff.
- Sex. Quirky sex. Forbidden sex. And Sex.
- Violence. Death. Sex on the beach.
- Violence. Crime.
- Sex. Doctors doing gross stuff in operating rooms. Doctors having sex right after doing gross stuff in operating rooms.
Obviously, Americans are not as concerned with ‘decency’ as the FCC may like to believe. Perhaps it’s time to step off the soapbox and examine the real evidence: Americans want their sex, and their violence too.
TV-oholic Jumps On Board! Introducing Rhys Alexander
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Announcements,
Hello, everyone. My name is Rhys Alexander, and I’m thrilled to be part of TV Envy. There is some great writing, and great people here, and I’m excited to watch this site develop. Besides being a complete TV addict, I’m also a professor of Writing and Literature. I currently maintain a personal site and write for several blog networks, with many more blogs in development…because you can never blog to much! And you can definitely never watch too much TV…no matter what your Mom says!
I hope you’ll enjoy reading my entries as much as I’ll enjoy writing them. Have a great day and a fabulous Prime Time!
The Official Lost Podcast

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, Prime Time, ABC, Lost,
ATTENTION LOST FANATICS: As you already know by now, you can catch up on lost episodes of Lost by purchasing them on iTunes. Now, starting tomorrow, you can also listen to the very first Lost podcasts. To promote the show during November sweeps, various Lost cast members and producers will help tease the week’s upcoming episode. Fans will also have the opportunity to submit questions to have answered during the weekly podcasts. Starting Tuesday, November 8, the first Lost podcast will be available only at ABC.com. Come November 15, the podcasts will also be available via iTunes.
We have the full release for you, after the jump.
Click to continue reading The Official Lost Podcast
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