Eva Longoria to Pen Erotic Novel
Posted by Christina Furtado Categories: Desperate Housewives, Talent, News,
Eva Longoria, known for playing Gabrielle Solis on the megahit Desperate Housewives and for being glued to the side of basketball star boyfriend Tony Parker, now also wants to be known for something else: writing erotic novels. Longoria already has a book deal and an idea for the plot. “They offered a huge deal and I like the idea of seeing my book on a shelf,” says Longoria. “The plot’s top secret so far but let’s just say I have a wild imagination.”
Someone should tell her that the book will sell really well among the male demographic if she makes herself the main character—and adds pictures.
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I felt so bad for Lauren last night. Her boss had her take a red-eye flight to New York City to deliver a dress for Fashion Week. Once the dress arrived in New York they sent Lauren directly home to Los Angeles. She wasn’t even allowed to watch the fashion show! How unfair is that!? I think that Lauren’s boss did this just to prove that she has authority over her. It seems ridiculously unfair after all of Lauren’s hard work, but maybe this will all pay off for her in the end.
Heidi also had her share of trouble at work this episode. Gradually she is beginning to realize that it might take her longer to get her dream job then she originally anticipated. It’s also going to take a lot more dirty work to get the dream job as well, such as stuffing envelopes and getting her boss sandwiches. Heidi’s boss is catching on to the fact that she believes she’s too good for the dirty work and he stays on her back about it. Heidi should have taken Lauren’s advice and stayed at the Fashion Institute. If she stayed in school she might not have had to start at the very bottom of the P.R. firm.
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Spoiled Brat Shows Have Not Gone Bad Yet
Posted by Abby Rose Dalto Categories: Reality, Cable, WB, The Hills, Editorial, Gossip,
Why is it that we, as a society, are so obsessed with watching other people with bottomless pockets throw away their money? I never realized how many shows there are out there that focus on what can only be called “spoiled brats”. These past few years there have been an excess of reality programming documenting the lives of these spoiled brats.
The first one to come to mind is, of course, FOX’s Simple Life, which stars America’s most famous spoiled brat, (famous for nothing more than being just that) Paris Hilton and equally-spoiled Nicole Richie. MTV has Laguna Beach which follows around a group of rich teenagers and was so popular it inspired both a spin-off (The Hills) and a rip-off (8th & Ocean). Bravo’s Real Housewives of Orange County follow women who those teenagers will be in twenty years. Bridezillas gives us a glimpse into the lives of spoiled women throwing elaborate weddings, while MTV’s My Super Sweet Sixteen is the sixteen-year-old’s equivalent.
Joe Millionaire tricked women into falling in gold-digger’s-love with a “millionaire” who wasn’t rich after all, while NBC did the opposite in For Love or Money by offering the winning female contestant a large monetary prize for “winning” the heart of a man who is unaware of the incentive.
There has also been E!’s The Anna Nicole Show, A&E’s Growing Up Gotti, the WB’s Survival of the Richest, and MTV’s Rich Girls, Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica and sister spin-off The Ashlee Simpson Show. At least WE’s Daddy’s Spoiled Little Girl openly admits that their “stars” are spoiled rotten.
What is it that keeps us tuning in to these shows? Do “have-not” viewers live vicariously through these “have plenty” stars? Does watching their excessive waste make us feel superior for own conscientious frugality? Do we take pleasure in their seeming lack of intelligence? (I’m not implying that all spoiled people are stupid; I’m simply questioning the brainpower of certain wealthy people from some of the above shows, no names, no names).
A male friend in his twenties recently confessed that he sometimes watches My Super Sweet Sixteen. He and I both find the show extremely funny (even when it might not mean to be), but he also described it as a type of social-commentary. While some people might watch the show from a “wow-isn’t-that-cool” position, he sees it as a mockery: “how ridiculous that these children are complaining that they’re getting a $100,000 party instead of a 500,000 party!”
Whatever it is, America has not stopped watching.
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Injured ABC anchorman Bob Woodruff came to work Tuesday for the first time since being injured in January while covering the war in Iraq. It’s the first time he’s made a public appearance since being unconscious for 36 days. The gossip mill seemed to spread around mid-town Manhattan that he had a long road to recovery, but the ABC News video clip on their web site shows what appears to be a healthy looking Woodruff visiting the newsroom. It was just a short time ago his job of main co-anchor was handed off to Charlie Gibson.
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An Open Letter To Britney Spears

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Reality, Specials, NBC, Editorial, Gossip,
Dear Britney:
I’ve seen all the bad press you’ve been receiving lately and I know that it has really gotten to you. Access Hollywood has been promoting your upcoming interview with Matt Lauer all week. I often feel bad that I pay US Weekly good money to publish all those bad stories about you—but for some reason I just can’t tear my eyes away from all your photos. Those tear-stained eyes…your poor son looking helpless.
I know—it must be hard to live in the limelight…photographers waiting everywhere hoping that you will make a mistake. I understand it must be horrible to live in such a fishbowl.
Maybe we’re all wrong about K-Fed. Maybe he is a better father than he seems. Shar Jackson still seems to say good things about him…even if he did leave her for you.
But no matter what you have to say about your mothering…about K-Fed…about the state of your marriage. Do you want to know my main problem about you?
I hate it when people with good money can’t clean their acts up—emotionally OR physically.
Granted—I have only seen clips from your upcoming interview, but I feel like I can comfortably say this: FIRE YOUR PR AGENT (If they haven’t already quit).
PR 101: If you want people to respect you—- LOOK RESPECTABLE. I have no idea who let you go on national TV looking that…especially when the whole point of the interview was to set your record straight. America—I’m not white-trash…even though I may dress like it.
Your television interview has NOT EVEN AIRED YET—but I can tell you right now, you are going to win very few people over.
There is no reason your hair should lack a good conditioner. Your boobs should not be falling out of your top. You should not be wearing short denim skirts that practically expose your rear.
I hope you know that they do make good maternity clothes now….especially for those who can afford it. EVEN TARGET HAS BETTER MATERNITY CLOTHES THAN WHAT YOU ARE WEARING.
You may want people just to leave you alone—BUT YOU MAKE IT TOO EASY FOR THEM TO KEEP LOOKING. You are a train wreck we can’t pull our eyes from—whether you are walking barefoot into a gas station bathroom or nearly dropping your baby.
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not a prude. There is a time and a place for revealing tops and short skirts— and a sit-down interview on primetime television is not it.
Stop blaming everyone at home for perceiving you wrong. GOOD PR STARTS AT HOME. When you look good on the outside, you start to feel better on the inside.
P.S. Just in case you were wondering: Thursday night @ 9pm on NBC—I’m so all over it!!!
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Help Dustin “Screech” Diamond Save His House
Posted by Christina Furtado Categories: Talent, Gossip, Internet, News,
Yesterday, Dustin Diamond, better known as “Screech” on Saved by the Bell, appeared on the Howard Stern show. Among other more, uh, salacious topics, Dustin sent out a plea to help him keep his house in Wisconsin. Apparently, he bought his house on a land contract, and now that the property value has gone way up on it, he has 30 days to pay $250,000, or it will be taken away from him. Moved by compassion and nostalgia to pity his plight? If so, you can help. Dustin has come up with the idea of selling “D-Shirts”, the proceeds of which will all go towards helping Dustin pay for his house before it’s foreclosed on. Just $15 will get you a shirt that says “I Paid $15.00 to Save Screeech’s House.” Or, if you don’t feel so bad for him, just e-mail him and ask him where all his Saved by the Bell money has gone to.
I bet that somehow, some way, someone is gonna find a way to make a reality show out of this…
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Gilmore Girls Take a Turn for the Worst
Posted by Kristen DeLeon Categories: Comedy, Prime Time, ABC, Editorial,
Lately it has been somewhat disappointing watching episode reruns of “The Gilmore Girls” on ABC Family. The show started out so well until around the end of the fourth season. Aspects of the show started to go downhill, such as the storyline and character personalities. Just watching the past seasons on ABC Family can be depressing if you know what happens next. Conflicts between Lorelai and Rory also began to surface in the later seasons as Rory goes off to Yale and becomes more of an adult. This didn’t do much for the show since the mother and daughter pair were known for having such an incredible bond. As this started to happen viewers of the show became increasingly uninvolved. I guess that is what happens when you have a show on the air for so long. The audience gets so attached to these characters that any serious changes often result in major disappointment.
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Britney Spears On Today, Dateline

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Daytime, Music, Prime Time, NBC, Rumors,
You may have seen the previews and teasers…well, wait no longer. The Britney interview with Matt Lauer will be airing tonight on the Today show and Dateline NBC. Find out more about the appeal of K-Fed (can’t wait to hear that), the parenting mistakes with Sean Preston, and Brit’s self-proclaimed statement “I know I’m a good mom.” Clips of the interview promise tearful responses and plenty of cleavage.
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Last Comic Standing Finalists Selected

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Comedy, Prime Time, Reality, NBC,
Last night, part two of the semi-final competition heated up on Last Comic Standing as the contestants battled it out for the five remaining spots. In part one of the episode, which aired last week, five finalists had been selected. The semi-finals consisted of 40 comics who each performed a 3-minute set for an audience and three judges – Kathy Griffin, Tim Meadows and Garry Marshall.
Last night’s show promised a twist…who doesn’t love a good twist? After the final 5 finalists were selected, host Anthony Clark (anyone else missing Jay Mohr?) announced that 2 additional people would be joining the finals as well. OK, kind of fizzled as a twist, but it did make things slightly more interesting.
The final 12 comics will live aboard the Queen Mary and continue to compete over the weeks for the coveted Last Standing prize. The finalists are: Chris Porter, April Macie, Joey Gay, Roz, Josh Blue, Gabriel Iglesias, Bill Dwyer, Michele Balan, Stella, Ty Barnette, Kristin Key, and Rebecca Corry.
If you visit NBC.com, you can select one of five contestants that didn’t make it to the finals to join the house. So, if one of your favorites didn’t get through, you have some voting power. The winners of the online voting will compete and the viewers will choose two comics to return to a later episode of Last Comic.
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Rescue Me began as a poignant, honest look inside the life of a post 9-11 NYC firefighter, but those days have gone up in smoke. Denis Leary’s pet project has officially become a prime-time guilty pleasure soap opera. This season is already full of incestuous romantic relationships- Tommy Gavin’s co-worker is dating his sister, his wife is sleeping with his brother, not to mention his ongoing relationship with his “sister-in-law”- that leave us wondering if there is anyone in New York City that Tommy Gavin is not related to. This season also tackles the seriously overdone storyline of female school teacher seducing young male student (anyone remember the first season of Dawson’s Creek?), but they complicate the situation by adding his uncle as a competitor for attention from the hot young teacher.
The show has already begun introducing big name guest stars. Tommy’s sister is played by the delightfully trashy Tatum O’Neal, and this season adds timeless sex-symbol Susan Sarandon as Franco’s new love interest, and upcoming appearances by Marisa Tomei. Combined with the millionaire uncle in jail for murder, the best friend left destitute by a scheming porn star, and hints that “probee” will be coming out of the closet this season, and you start to wonder how the boys of Ladder 62 will ever find time to even rescue a cat out of a tree.
What do you think about this new format? Visit our Discussion Forum and voice your opinion.
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