Getting back into the swing of things with baseball over and November sweeps -
ABC: At 8:00 According To Jim and at 8:30 Rodney. The new hit for ABC, Commander In Chief is at 9:00 and Boston Legal starts at 10:01 to screw the TiVo people. Both shows are getting high ratings but, at 9:00 you may be able to find better programming.
CBS: The night starts out with NCIS at 8:00. Then the very disappointing season of Amazing Race: Family Edition at 9:00. Hey at least they left the country last week. Then at 10:00 the new show Close to Home which is another investigation-type show that CBS seems to love putting on television (CSI:, CSI: Miami, Without a Trace, etc.)
NBC: The Biggest Loser starts at 8:00. Then NBC has the best 1-2 comedy punch all week with My Name Is Earl starring Jason Lee at 9:00 and The Office staring Steve Carell at 9:30. Both really great shows. NBC rounds out the night with Law & Order: Special Victims Unit at 10:00.
FOX: For FOX, Tuesday night is all about science and medicine. It starts at 8:00 with a new episode of Bones staring David Boreanaz (of Angel fame) as Special Agent Seeley Booth working with a forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperence Brennan (played by Emily Deschanel). If you like CSI, I’d suggest checking this show out. At 9:00 is a new episode of House with guest star Ron Livingston (Office Space).
WB: WB is on repeats tonight. Gilmore Girls at 8:00 and Supernatural at 9:00.
UPN: Repeats for UPN as well. America’s Next Top Model starts at 8:00 and two episodes of Everybody Hates Chris at 9:00 and 9:30. If you have a chance check out Everybody Hates Chris tonight. Its really funny and probably the best show people aren’t watching. Good thing UPN isn’t quick to cancel like the other big networks.
My choices for tonight are Bones on FOX at 8:00, Amazing Race: Family Edition on CBS at 9:00 (TiVo House), and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit at 10:00 on NBC.
Unpacking WrestleMania: The Complete Anthology

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Sports, DVD, Features,

Our friends over at World Wrestling Entertainment just sent us the new WrestleMania: The Complete Anthology box set, which will be on store shelves tomorrow. Before hitting you with a full review, we figured we would drop a bunch of images on you so that you can get a look at the work put in to the presentation of the set. For a wrestling fan, it’s easy to see that the WWE chose the artwork carefully. One bummer is that all discs are dual-sided - this means no art on any of the discs themselves. Luckily, the WWE more than made up for that with the inserts and graphical interpretations of some of the more memorable WrestleMania moments from the past 21 years. Check out a host of images after the jump.
Click to continue reading Unpacking WrestleMania: The Complete Anthology
The Apprentice: Dick’s Sporting Goods

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Reality, NBC, Apprentice, The - Donald, Features,

After seeing the end of this week’s episode, one has to wonder: did Mark Burnett and Donald Trump consciously make a decision to shake things up a bit? Or were they getting just as tired of this show as many of us are now and wanted it to end quickly? Ironically, if all the episodes were as exciting as this one—more people would probably start watching again.
Disappointed in Capital Edge’s continual losses, Trump asks for a reshuffling of the teams. As project leader for the women, Alla gives up Rebecca, Jennifer and Marshawn to the other team. What—Marshawn?? What the heck has she ever done wrong? Did she call you out on something stupid? In exchange, Capital Edge gained Adam, Clay and Markus from the Excel.
The focus of this week’s challenge would revolve around sporting goods. The teams are told they would be working with Dick’s Sporting Goods to create an interactive event focusing on one particular sport. The goal of the task would be to generate the most revenue. NOTE TO PROJECT MANAGERS: Someone will inevitably forget what the goal of the task is. Repeat after me—sales revenue.
Click to continue reading The Apprentice: Dick’s Sporting Goods
Desperate Housewives: They Asked Me Why I Believe in You

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, ABC, Desperate Housewives, Features,
I don’t know about you—- but if I was a mother of four children, I’d be more than happy to have an excuse to get a few drinks after work. “But honey – my boss made me do it.” Apparently Lynette doesn’t feel the same way I do, and she was growing very resentful that her boss, Nina, was dragging her to bars every night. Unfortunately, Lynette only had herself to blame since she was the one who opened up Pandora’s box. Who knew that trying to help out her boss would go so wrong?
In an effort to help her unwind, Lynette threw in the towel and offered to buy Nina a drink. Unbeknownst to Lynette, her boss was a wildcat repressed in a hard management shell. After scoring a few drinks and an eventual score, Nina comes back to work in old clothes and a new attitude. Not wanting the good times to end, Nina pressures (a.k.a. blackmails) Lynette to come out with her again…and again…and again. After all, it’s fun going out with someone who’s married – you don’t have to compete for the male attention. Fed up doing Nina’s man-bidding, Lynette finally decides to end the fun once and for all. With a new look and new attitude, she works the bar for herself. After stealing the spotlight from Nina, Lynette wins her freedom back. Apparently going back home to a husband and four kids is a real victory for some.
Click to continue reading Desperate Housewives: They Asked Me Why I Believe in You
Nip/Tuck: Frankenlaura

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, Cable, Nip/Tuck, Features,
After such a spectacular ending to Nip/Tuck‘s last episode, this week’s started with such a letdown. Whatever happened to Kit? After all, she was only slashed by The Carver, how they could not address that at all? I guess when you’re racked with debts, other people’s problems fall to the waste side. Sean and Christian can’t afford to be doing pro bono work on backstabbing detectives.
Still reeling from the publicity backlash, McNamara/Troy is forced to deal with the financial health of their company. Unsure if they will survive past a few more months, Liz offers to help them out by turning in her resignation. Sean and Christian try to assure her (and themselves) that they will be back up and running very soon.
Click to continue reading Nip/Tuck: Frankenlaura
On TV Tonight: Monday Night Football, Prison Break, and Repeats Galore

Posted by Wolfeman Categories: Sports, ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, UPN, WB,
Slow TV night due to Halloween, so expect to see lots of repeats…
ABC: Monday Night Football has the Baltimore Ravens (2-4) at the Pittsburgh Steelers (4-2) in a battle for the AFC North. With a hurt Baltimore team just trying to salvage their season, the Ravens are missing 2 major pieces of their D (Ray Lewis & Ed Reed) so expect the Steelers to serve up a heavy dose of running led by Willie Parker and Jerome “The Bus” Bettis. Our prediction: boring game with Pittsburgh dominating the clock and the game.
CBS: The King of Queens (8:00), How I Met Your Mother (8:30), Two and a Half Men (9:00), Out of Practice (9:30), & CSI: Miami (10:00). Nothing new though - everything on CBS is a repeat tonight.
FOX: 2 episodes of Prison Break on tonight. A rerun of last weeks episode, “The Old Head”, at 8:00 and then a new episode, “Tweener”, at 9:00. This show is really good, but it can take a while to get on board. Its not too late to start watching, check it out.
NBC: NBC is on an all “Medium” kick this evening for Halloween. They have three episodes starting at 8:00, but again, all reruns.
WB: The WB has got a new episode of 7th Heaven at 8:00, followed by a new episode of Related at 9:00.
UPN:UPN has new shows on too. One on One at 8:00, All of Us at 8:30, Girlfriends at 9:00, and Half & Half at 9:30.
Simon Cowell Is Calling Out All American Inventors

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Reality, ABC, American Idol,
Are you a fan of Simon Cowell but have been told that you cannot sing? Have you secretly hoped that he would insult you just so you could fire back? Well here’s another way for you to get close to the body behind the famous man-boobs: invent him something. The man who made American Idol what it is today (admit it—that show would be nothing without him,) and created that barely-noticed show “Cupid” has another trick up his sleeve: he wants to find…the next greatest American inventor?? Apparently one can only take so many bad renditions of ‘I Believe I Can Fly’ before they are forced to find a back up job.
Finalists will each receive $50,000 to create their project with the eventual winner receiving $1 million. Those interested will have eight opportunities to present their ideas. Auditions will start November 14 in Los Angeles and will move on to seven other cities.
Read the following press release for more info.
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Grey’s Anatomy: Bring the Pain

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, ABC, Grey’s Anatomy, Features,
This week’s episode touched on an issue many women have dealt with before – pain management. Not the type of pain caused by any type of illness or injury, but that distinct pain brought on by only those who can: men.
After weeks of sexually-charged spats, Alex and Izzie finally brought their relationship to the next level and went out on their first date. Despite the buildup to that night, Alex’s emotions were all over the board. First he acts like a jerk to Izzie all evening, but then confuses her when he says that he enjoyed himself. (I thought boys only hit you in elementary school when they were trying to tell you they liked you?) But just when Izzie thought their night would cap off nicely, Alex ends their date prematurely. What?? Don’t men know when a woman has shaved her legs?? It’s a shame for something like that to go to waste.
Click to continue reading Grey’s Anatomy: Bring the Pain
Time to dust off those dancing shoes! ABC has finally announced the air dates for the revival of Dancing With the Stars. The show will start airing in the Alias time slot beginning Thursday, January 5. The 30-minute results show will air on Fridays (time TBA) with the finale scheduled for February 23. Alias will be shuttled off into hiatus-land during this time (presumably allowing time for Jennifer Garner to get rid of the extra poundage). No word yet as to which stars will fight for a chance to revive their careers.
Read More | Dancing With The Stars
I was having a very bad dream the other night. I was stuck in this really dark, round-shaped place. I remember it being very gloomy and confining. I’m extremely claustrophobic and my breathing was getting heavier. I couldn’t take it anymore.. I needed to get out of there! The next thing I know, I’m on the beach. The open space provides a lot more greenery and life. I see more people moving around and I’m loving the change. Then I come to a realization—that was never a dream. Just an answer to my prayers. I had been praying to the gods of Lost to get me out of that damned-biosphere for weeks now. I needed to see see other people again. You know—those other people that live on the island? No - not The Others, but the others. Thankfully the coconut offering I left behind finally began to pay off.
Click to continue reading Lost: And Found
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