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Gordon Ramsay Roasts His Nuts

Gordon Ramsay I’m not a crass person by any means. A dirty joke makes me blush and look the other way…but this news about burning his, well… “privates” seemed like an interesting news topic to cover. Ramsay is of course the rude dude in charge of —his mean demeanor no doubt adding to the entertainment factor of this reality cooking show. According to Ramsay, “The other day I was standing too close to the [stove] when I was cooking. I was wearing these cotton trousers and underneath I was going commando.” (OK, that enough is too much information). “Suddenly, I felt this searing heat. I went, ‘F**k me, bol***ks to that,’ and for once I was spot on. My balls were burning.” Now, that’s no laughing matter, to be sure. Just last night I burned my fingers removing the lid off the steamer—and it hurt like crazy. The thing about Ramsay’s story is that I immediately thought about the repeat of My Name is Earl that was on last week… the one with Norm MacDonald called “Two Balls, Two Strikes,” where Randy and Earl describe MacDonald’s character’s (Little Chubby) injury using colors like “blorange.” Anyway, the parallel between Ramsay’s injury and My Name is Earl got me thinking about karma and wondering if Chef Ramsay was just getting a little payback for all of the contestants he’s ripped on. Just my deep thought for the day.

Read More | Reality TV World


Top 5:  Cliffhangers I’m Waiting to See Resolved

The Office

Having (purposely) blacked out what was left hanging in May, I actually managed to enjoy my summer.  Now with premiere dates looming, I’m finding myself salivating and feeling a bit antsy again.  Will my returning shows serve me right—or will they just drop the ball?  Here are the five season enders I’ve been fretting about the most:

The Office (NBC)
Although they have left me with dread before, the writers have proven they can write themselves out of a possible corner.  When Jim initially professed his feelings for Pam, I was afraid the show had gone too far, too soon.  But who could have predicted the route last season would take?  And now that Jim and Karen are kaput, will Jim and Pam finally be happy?  More importantly, will we be happy?  And let’s not forget about Ryan and Kelly.  What on earth will she do if he really takes that promotion?

Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)
Right now I’m really in the mood for a good girl fight, so I would pay money to see Callie give Izzie (as much as I like her) what she seriously deserves.  There’s nothing better than a Callie-done-wrong.  And while I liked Preston Burke as a character, I’m surprisingly not sad that he walked out of his wedding.  If anything, I’m hoping this will lead Cristina Yang (the fabulous Sandra Oh) to become bitter x 5.

How I Met Your Mother (CBS)
Funny—this show is supposed to be a comedy, yet last season’s finale really shook me up.  When Ted and Robin realized they simply wanted different things in life, I immediately found myself going through stages of grief.  Nah—they’re

not going to break up.  Seriously, why

did they have to break up—so what if she doesn’t want kids??  Arrgh—can’t anyone be happy these days?  Really, I just want them to do what is best for the show.

CSI:  Crimes Scene Investigation (CBS)
As inconsistently as I watch the series (I have to know what’s going on at Seattle Grace)—I found myself drawn to that miniature-doll-killer storyline.  Now I will have to find more room on my DVR because I must know what will happen to Sara!  Will Grissom find her in time?  And now that everyone knows that they are secret luvahs, how will this affect the rest of the show?

Heroes (NBC)
All I can say is:  “WTF is gonna happen now?”

Jenna Fischer, Husband Split

Jenna FischerI just read this news and let out an audible sigh. I don’t know why… it’s not like I even have a clue who ‘s husband (James Gunn) is, nor have I ever really seen them together to get a sense of their chemistry. It’s just kind of sad to always read about another celebrity split. And I can’t help but think it’s because Fischer is becoming a big deal. We’ve seen it all before—I’m thinking Uma Thurman or Jennifer Garner—where one half of the couple is more famous… and the next thing you know, you’re reading about another divorce. Of course, I can only believe that Fischer has got to be the sweetest person; from her blog alone, she seems really down to earth. She and Gunn (who is a writer and director) have been married for more than six years, but according to a statement they released, they said, “We have chosen to separate. We are sorry for any pain this causes family and friends. The enthusiasm we have expressed for each other’s lives, spirits and careers is real – we have been each other’s cheerleader and friend during the past six years and continue to be so now and in the future.” Now we’ll have plenty of tabloid reports about who she’s dating next. Anyone want to put money on her co-star, John Krasinski?

Read More | People

Fall 2007 TV Programming Schedule

Despite having a Tivo and another DVR, I know that a new television season can take some serious planning.  When will your favorite shows start?  What days are they now on?  Which programming ‘conflicts’ will you have to resolve?  Will you need to buy another TV???

Hopefully our detailed scheduling guide can assist you in the weeks to come.  We have compiled information from five different networks (, , , and ) and included the days, times and premiere dates for this fall’s shows.

Click to continue reading Fall 2007 TV Programming Schedule

NBC Leaves Apple, Turns to Amazon

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: NBC, Announcements, Internet, News,

Bionic WomanAfter severing ties with Apple, Universal has forged a relationship with Amazon.com.  So fans in need of a missed show can now turn to Amazon’s ‘Unbox’ service for their fix.  NBC claims this new partnership allows for more pricing flexibility and packaged content.

To whet your appetite, the network will be allowing fans to download for free pilots of their new fall shows (including those for , and ).  Interestingly enough, later episodes will then be available for $1.99 (the same price made familiar by iTunes). 

Be looking for those new pilots come next Monday (September 10th).

Read More | Hollywood Reporter

TV on DVD:  September 4, 2007

The OfficeGiven the theatrical DVDs releasing this week, television programs are looking better than ever.  Here’s just a sampling of the many shows on tap this Tuesday:

  • 30 Rock (Season 1)
  • Rules of Engagement (Season 1)
  • Robot Chicken (Season 2)
  • Prison Break (Season 2)
  • Desperate Housewives (Season 3)
  • The Office (Season 3)
  • Nip/Tuck (Season 4)

NOTE:  Click here to see the Movies-On-DVD options for this week.

This Week on TV (9/3-9/9)

Justin TimberlakeMONDAY (9/3)

  • Justin Timberlake Concert Special (HBO, 9pm):  JT brings sexy to Madison Square Garden
  • Kyle XY (ABC Family, 8pm):  mid-season finale


  • The View (ABC,  check local times):  Whoopi Goldberg officially joins the looney bin today
  • Oprah (syndicated, check local times):  Special appearance by President Bill Clinton
  • The Singing Bee (NBC, 8pm):  fall premiere


  • Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style (Bravo, 10pm):  ‘s guru revamps fashion disasters with the help of model Veronica Webb
  • Sunday Night Football (NBC, 8:30 EST):  Special Thursday kickoff day (New Orleans Saints vs. Indianapolis Colts)
  • Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? (FOX, 8pm):  fall premiere
  • Don’t Forget The Lyrics (FOX, 9pm):  fall premiere

Click to continue reading This Week on TV (9/3-9/9)

NBC Programs No Longer Available Via iTunes

NBCForget to Tivo the latest episode of ?  Lose this week’s due to a power outage?  If you find yourself in one of these predicaments this fall, don’t be looking to iTunes to save your butt.

A dispute over money has severed ties between the Peacock Network and Apple.  It’s reported that Universal wanted a dramatic price increase for their shows in their latest contract (over twice the wholesale cost).  According to Apple, this would have raised the consumer price-per-show from $1.99 to $4.99.  Although the current agreement expires at the end of 2007, Apple has elected to stop offering any new NBC programs before the 2007-08 season even begins.

It’ll be interesting to see which side, if any, caves in first.  Though NBC’s programming accounts for approximately 40% of iTunes’ video downloads, many of its shows have greatly benefited by this popular viewing method.  And let’s not forget—NBC is still considered the fourth place network.

Read More | Seattle PI

TV On DVD:  August 28, 2007

Heroes The new fall television season is still a few weeks away.  In other words—you should have enough time to catch up on that show everyone keeps talking about.  Here are some of the other TV-on-DVD options coming out tomorrow:

  • Heroes (Season 1)
  • Friday Night Lights (Season 1)
  • The Odd Couple (Season 2)
  • Samurai Jack (Season 4)

NOTE:  Click here to see the Movies-on-DVD options coming out this week.

The Return of ‘American Gladiators’

GladiatorsThe sick voyeur in me has always loved seeing Average Joes fight for their lives—which probably explains why Schwarzenegger’s The Running Man still remains a guilty pleasure for me to this day.  This fascination also fueled my enthusiasm for the horribly addictive show from the 90’s known as American Gladiators.

The series pitted male and female contestants against the Gladiators who reigned over their arena.  The poor souls would do their best to score points by navigating various obstacle courses.  They would also try and avoid being taken down along the way.  I would compare the show to Iron Chef+Battle of the Network Stars+WWE.

Gladiators, which ended its run in 1996, is now being resurrected by as a mid-season addition.  Unfortunately, the show will be subject to an ‘updating’....which could mean just about anything.  (Having tried to watch Battle of the Network Reality Stars, I’m hesitant about anything that’s tweaked).

Here’s to hoping that some of my favorite challenges like The Assault and Breakthrough & Conquer will return.  If not, I may have to turn to the re-runs currently airing on Classic.

What were your favorite challenges?  How about your favorite Gladiators?  Let us know!

Click here for an update to this story.

Read More | Variety
