On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

The Boston Celtics’ surprise comeback last night was the biggest attraction of the evening. Thanks to the heated contest, ABC had its 8th consecutive win in the demos on a Thursday.


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Even though it fared better than the quickly-cancelled Secret Talents of the Stars, Celebrity Circus didn’t do anything to brag about. NBC’s latest reality offering was outdone by a repeat during its hour. By night’s end, FOX was the winner in both the viewers and the demos.

Celebrity Circus' Joey Fatone

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Gallery: Wednesday Ratings: Celebrity Circus Lacks Dazzle

While it wasn’t the evening’s stronger performer, last night’s episode of SYTYCD did well enough to get FOX past CBS.

Cat Deeley, So You Think You Can Dance

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Despite the lack of new episodes, American Gladiators was still fairly unimpressive. Although the program showed improvement, it was overpowered by comedic repeats. In the end, CBS swept the night in both the viewers and the demos.

American Gladiators, Hellga

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Gallery: Monday Ratings: American Gladiators Still Weak

Ben on Lost

(You can view TV Envy’s Summer Television Programming Schedule here.)


MONDAY (5/26)
  • American Gladiators (NBC, 8pm):  “A tree climber tries to rise above a SWAT officer.” If tree boy gets a chance at the wall, his opponent will have no choice but to gas him.
  • Flavor of Love 3 (VH1, 9pm):  “The cast of Season 3 reunites.” I often wonder what a sober Brigitte Nielsen thinks about this.
  • Denise Richards: It’s Complicated (E!, 10pm):  “Denise goes on a blind date with a so-called regular guy.” When you’re getting alimony and child support from your celebrity ex, you can afford to go out with “regular guys”.
  • Living Lohan (E!, 10:30):  The title of the tonight’s premiere is “Mommy Will Fix It.” I hope she’s referring to Ali’s hair.

Click to continue reading This Week on TV (5/26-6/1)

Gallery: This Week on TV (5/26-6/1)

Even though Ugly Betty and Grey’s Anatomy have seen better scores for their finales (this year was their lowest ever), both shows got their best post-strike numbers. Grey’s even turned out the highest 18-49 performance for any scripted drama in nearly three months.

Grey's Anatomy's Patrick Dempsey

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Gallery: Thursday Ratings: ABC Finales End on High Note

So You Think You Can Dance, Sabra and Neil

(You can view TV Envy’s Summer Television Programming Schedule here.)


MONDAY (5/19)

Tonight’s Finales: The Big Bang Theory, Bones, CSI: Miami, Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother, One Tree Hill, Paradise Hotel 2, Rules of Engagement, Two and a Half Men

  • Gossip Girl (CW, 8pm):  “Blair comes to Serena’s defense and faces off with Georgina.” Well, I don’t think this is a fair fight at all. Georgina’s got mad Buffy skills!
  • Dancing with the Stars (ABC, 8pm):  Will it come down to the Olympic gold medalist, NFL’s Man of the Year or the Chilean actor? Never underestimate a man who telenovela fans supporting him.
  • How I Met Your Mother (CBS, 8:30pm):  “Ted has an accident, and his close call with death finds him reevaluating his life and his relationship with Stella.” Yeah, I have no idea how he’s going to share her with either.
  • The Bachelorette (ABC, 9pm):  Season premiere. “DeAnna Pappas, the finalist who was spurned in 2007 by Brad Womack, is now dispensing the roses herself.” Why would anyone want to win if losing meant headlining your own show?

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Gallery: This Week on TV (5/19-5/25)

The Bachelorette, DeAnna Pappas

A new season calls for a new schedule.

If you’re without anything to do this summer, this updated programming schedule may help keep you occupied.  Over the next few months, networks will be introducing a crop of reality shows (Celebrity Circus, Greatest American Dog), some experimental dramas (Swingtown, Fear Itself) and the usual horde of repeats.

This list is a

compilation of the calendars

for the five major networks.

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Gallery: 2008 Summer Television Programming Schedule

The Next Great American BandDesperate to fill the musical void that occurs every May when American Idol goes off the air, FOX has tried nearly everything to make the formula work a second time. So You Think You Can Dance became a summer hit, prompting the network to try new mixes and methods to boost those all-important ratings. Even hard promotion didn’t save On The Lot, which was built around the same format as Idol. I actually thought the show – if not the host – was pretty good, but it’s doubtful On The Lot will appear on the FOX schedule again. The documentary-style Nashville was a quick musical casualty of the fall season, but FOX still held out high hopes for the much-touted, highly hyped reality series The Next Great American Band. Someone asked me, yesterday, if FOX execs think they can re-create American Idol. Yes, that is exactly what they think.

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TV Squad

Gallery: The Next Great American Band: The Great Show You’re Not Watching

Sabra JohnsonFrom time to time I feel the need to pen (or type, really) a little bit of television-related correspondence, but I don’t always have the right email addresses.  So why don’t I use the column inches I’m generous granted here to catch up on a few memos I’ve been meaning to write?  (Don’t worry, that’s a rhetorical question.)  Here goes:

To the voting viewers of So You Think You Can Dance: I’m going to ignore the fact that you actually call in and vote, though it still puzzles me, even after all the votes, that people actually do that (and I’m totally going to get dinged by one of my best friend who I think actually does vote).  Anyway, I’m going to ignore that and say thank you for voting for .  I liked, not loved, the show, but I really enjoyed it when Sabra danced.  She just seemed more fun, more watchable than the other finalists, but I can’t give you a good reason why.  Can’t tell you why anymore than I can tell you why Mary Murphy is ... like she is.  I liked Sabra and she won and that’s always a nice moment when you’re watching a reality show.

Oh, also Sabra’s hair is pretty awesome, so that helps.

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Gallery: Our TV Memos: SYTYCD, Flight of the Conchords, Scott Baio
