On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Up against a slate full of repeats (*), and gang easily won last night’s Reward Challenge for .



  • A stale * (12.3 million, 3.4/8 in 18-49 demo) was still the hour’s top draw.
  • * (3.1/8) attended to 8.96 million patients.
  • (2.8/7) kept most of its lead-in with 8.6 million.
  • * (3.0/7) raked in 6 million; Scrubs (5.9 million, 3.1/7) did about the same.
  • * (1.84 million, 0.8/2) was just about ordinary.


  • A repeat * (9.9 million, 2.5/7 in 18-49 demo) still left an impression.
  • A new (8.6 million, 3.4/9) couldn’t manage better than second.
  • (5.98 million, 2.4/6) was looking pretty small.

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Gallery: Thursday Ratings: ‘Survivor’ Wins the Ratings Challenge


Survivor ChinaAfter Frosti’s elimination at the last Tribal Council, Jeff made a surprise announcement to the seven remaining survivors:  they still had other business to attend to.  Before heading back to camp, they had to participate in a reward challenge right then and there.  The prize for this event would be one like no other.  The winner (and two friends) would travel by private jet to the Shaolin Temple.  The monastery – around since the 5th century – is most famous for being the home of kung-fu.  It’s a place where very few outsiders have been invited to stay, and for some reason, 3 stinky contestants from America would get a chance now.

For the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the players had to answer a series of questions based on Chinese culture. The first one to reach 5 points would get the prize.  After a very close battle between James, Peih-gee and Todd, Peih-gee came out victorious; this was now her 2nd challenge win a row.  She opted to take her Zhan Hu buddy (Erik) and the possible swing vote (Denise) with her.

Click to continue reading Survivor: China: “Ready to Bite the Apple”

Gallery: Survivor: China: “Ready to Bite the Apple”

Phil KeoghanSo evidently I’m really bad at predicting the outcomes of reality shows (which, I know, already happened).  I mean, really exceptionally bad.  Now, I could have just buried my predictions from two weeks ago, but a man has to face his failures, so here we go.  (Oh, and blahblahblahSPOILERALERTblahblahblah.)

Just a few weeks in, and one of my finalists is already gone.  Not only was I wrong about Lorena & Jason being one of the three final teams, I was also wrong about them not annoying me yet.  Lorena’s camel-milking meltdown (and how often did you read that phrase?) was incredibly entertaining and also horribly, cripplingly annoying.  Still, Azaria & Hendekea are running strong and maybe I’ll be right about who ultimately gets to hang out with Phil at the finish line.  But most likely not.

My pick, Heather, was in the Bottom Two last week.  She’s still in it, but her not-great public speaking skills mean she may not be long for this competition.

Click to continue reading Reality Show Predictions Revisited

Gallery: Reality Show Predictions Revisited

Notes from the Underbelly


MONDAY (11/26)

Click to continue reading This Week on TV (11/26-12/2)

Gallery: This Week on TV (11/26-12/2)

Still high from Wednesday night’s victory, came back for another ratings blow:

Jorja Fox


  • About 21.3 million saw Jorja Fox’s last episode of (6.4/15 in 18-49 demo).
  • (19.5 million, 8.2/19) did about the same as last week.
  • (8.9 million, 4.8/11) was slightly up; (6.04 million, 3.2/7) was slightly down.
  • (6 million, 2.1/5) lost about 500,000.
  • (2.9 million, 1.2/3) did about the same.


  • Without Grissom to help out, (4.1/11 in 18-49 demo) sailed back down to 14.5 million.
  • About 9.5 million saw Kovac return on (3.8/10).
  • A special episode of (3.2/9) drew in 8.5 million.

(You can review last Thursday’s ratings here.)

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Gallery: Thursday Ratings: Another Strong Night For CBS

Survivor ChinaIt was Day 25 at Hae Da Fung and James was feeling slightly burned by the previous night’s elimination.  It didn’t make him feel good to see his name written down three times.  From this point on, he was going to make sure he always had his immunity idols with him at Tribal Council.  But would he actually know when to use them?

Courtney started off the morning by celebrating.  With Jean-Robert gone, it was like Christmas in China to the skinny waitress.  Unfortunately, Denise’s evil daggers interrupted Courtney and Amanda’s joyous moods. Unaware that her former Fei Long ‘friends’ had changed their elimination target, she went with the original plan and voted for Peih-gee.  Now the school lunch lady was feeling just as blindsided as Jean-Robert.  Did she make a mistake not aligning with the former Zhan Hu members?  Hoping to secure her loyalty, James lied to Denise about the voting changes.  He claimed it was always their intention to tell her; someone just simply forgot to relay the message.  Although she was unsure whether James should be believed, she knew it would be smart to stick with the man who possessed all the idols.

Click to continue reading Survivor: China: “Just Don’t Eat The Apple”

Gallery: Survivor: China: “Just Don’t Eat The Apple”

DescriptionEvery week I watch and listen to all of the football predictions, but I only really watch a couple of the (sometimes up to) sixteen games.  Sometimes I only watch one (go Steelers!).  What I do watch though is a whole bunch of reality competition shows, and I never ever see programs predict winners on those.  Maybe that’s because most of these shows have been pre-taped and their outcomes have already determined.  But I’m going to ignore all that.  So, even though I don’t have a television show (yet) (or ever, really), I’ll use this forum to make my predictions on all of the reality shows I watch (and a few I don’t).  Here they are in glorious alphabetical order:

Two episodes in, it’s still hard to tell.  You never know who’s going to get a delayed flight or rack up some bad taxi karma, but let me do my best here.  Azaria & Hendekea appear to be doing well, so I’ll put them in the final three.  Lorena & Jason did well in the second leg, and, most importantly, they have yet to annoy me, so they get to be there too.  For the final spot…I say Kynt & Vyxsin.  Yes, I know that before the show I hated them, and I still can’t stand the concept of Goth on principle alone, but they seem to be good competitors and more likeable than I would have guessed.

And the winner is…Azaria & Hendekea.  They’re smart, in shape, and being brother and sister they can fight with each other without having everything come to a grinding halt.  Congratulations, you two, in advance.  Or retrospect.  Or whatever.

Click to continue reading Reality Show Predictions

Gallery: Reality Show Predictions

A / crossover pulled in large numbers for the network.  This week, managed to nab the largest audience and the best demos.

Without a Trace


  • (6.4/15 in 18-49) rolled over the competition with its 21.9 million fans.
  • (19.6 million, 8.1/9) still managed to score the hour’s best demos.
  • (8.3 million, 4.3/10) and (6.4 million, 3.2/7) were practically even with last week.
  • (2.3/5) sang its tune to 6.5 million.
  • (1.2/3) rounded off the hour with 3 million.


  • (21.4 million, 6.3/17 in 18-49) retained CSI’s large numbers.
  • (8.4 million, 3.5/9) declined from last week.
  • (8.0 million, 2.8/8) was the smallest show of the hour.

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Gallery: Thursday Ratings: CBS Pulls Off Huge Ratings Stunt

SurvivorAlthough he had managed to avoid another elimination, Jean-Robert was quite shaken up by the surprise turn of events.  Had Jaime possessed a real Immunity Idol, he would have just attended his last Tribal Council.  Sadly, the man still didn’t have a clue his exit could be coming someday soon.

Meanwhile, Amanda was growing concerned about James’ position in the game.  He was always a physical threat; now he was equipped with both Immunity Idols.  Would it even be possible for them to take him down now? Uhh – did anyone think about asking him to give the unused idol back?

Click to continue reading Survivor: China: ‘High School Friend Contest’

Gallery: Survivor: China: ‘High School Friend Contest’

Survivor ChinaBlindsided by Courtney and Sherea at Tribal Council, Jean-Robert was feeling a bit vulnerable back at Fei Long.  He supposedly had ‘no clue’ that there was so much tension at camp.  Hoping to smooth things over, Todd and Amanda assured him that Courtney’s feelings were hers and hers alone.  Todd said he really liked the hard-working man Jean-Robert had become.  Of course, hearing anyone make nice with Jean-Robert made Courtney feel sick.  It was especially hard to hear Todd and Amanda—the two people who claimed to be her friends—sound so supportive of her enemy.

Meanwhile at Zhan Hu, another level of butt-kissing was going on.  Despite originally planning to eliminate him, Peih-gee tried convincing James he was now part of the team.  She really wanted him to trust them.  After all, they did basically sacrifice one of their own people for him.  Believing their conversation ended well, Peih-gee left James to join Jaime and Erik by the water.  While they were busy conferring, James immediately started working on securing his second hidden immunity idol.  Unfortunately, it took him two tries because the first symbol he knocked down was actually blank on back.  Although he managed to quickly remove the correct idol without being detected, he didn’t have time to retrieve the blank one that had fallen to the ground.

Click to continue reading Survivor: China: “I’m Not As Dumb As I Look”

Gallery: Survivor: China: “I’m Not As Dumb As I Look”
