Switcheroo for ‘Deal’ and ‘Crossing Jordan’

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Games, Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, NBC, American Idol, Apprentice, The - Donald, Medium, Ratings,
Here’s one of those things that totally confuses viewers—moving a show to another day and time. The latest is the switch in days between Deal or No Deal and Crossing Jordan. So, the Wednesday night edition of Deal will move to Sundays, and Crossing Jordan will get the bump to Wednesdays at 9 p.m. The change will make Sundays a bit different, with Grease: You’re the One That I Want at 8:00, Deal or No Deal at 9:00, and The Apprentice at 10:00. Whether or not the move will increase ratings, we’ll just have to see. Jordan will now be in good company with the other Wednesday dramas: Friday Night Lights and Medium. Of course, that also puts Jordan in competition with American Idol, which is currently the ratings king.
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Will ‘Lost’ Get Canned?

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, ABC, Lost, Ratings, Renewals,
I’ve been reading too much doom-and-gloom about the falling ratings that Lost has been experiencing. Many are predicting that the series won’t last much longer because less people are watching these days. I would love to know why people aren’t tuning in anymore. Is it the sheer frustration that some questions get answered while creating new questions… with still so many unsolved mysteries? To me, that just keeps me tuning in for more. There’s a lot of confusing information, but it’s heading somewhere. And don’t viewers want to be there in the end, when all of the information we’ve been presented with clicks into place?
This latest article, posted on Yahoo, predicts that Lost may be “killed off before its time.” Marc Berman, a TV analyst for Media Week Online, says that “Lost is the tragedy of the season.” He adds that ABC “really prematurely put the nail in the coffin. It’s too late to save it.” Ratings have gone from over 20 million in the beginning, to just 12.8 million for this week’s show. That is a significant drop, to be sure… but come on, there are so many sub-par shows out there that keep getting renewed. Are we to believe that viewership for these shows is stellar, or is Lost just too dang expensive to keep producing if the ratings don’t support it? Berman is predicting that the show will be back for one more season, but doesn’t expect it to go beyond that. Other reasons for the slip in ratings—the new 10:00 p.m. time, without a strong lead-in, and the break between “mini-seasons” that caused the series to lose momentum.
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The Black Donnellys Gets Bumped Up a Week

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, NBC, Heroes, Ratings,
Fans of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip are about to see the show bumped off the schedule one week earlier than originally planned. NBC was to premiere the new drama The Black Donnellys in early March, but instead moved the broadcast up a week. The midseason replacement will take over Studio 60‘s Monday night slot at 10:00 p.m. Donnellys is expected to be a hit, partly because its from the team who created the film Crash and partly because its lead-in will be Heroes. Look for The Black Donnellys on Monday, February 26th. NBC has not yet announced when Studio 60 will reappear on the schedule, making fans nervous that it may never return. Studio 60 has not proven to be much of a ratings winner, with only 7 million viewers; 8.58 million if you factor in delayed viewing. Heroes will take a break following the March 5 cliffhanger, and returns in April and May to finish out the season.
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Lost Viewership Down

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, ABC, American Idol, Lost, Ratings,
Can you believe it? Lost viewership is actually down—are people tired of the show, tired of the two months of waiting, or just plain tired from the new 10:00 p.m. timeslot? The debut show last Wednesday brought in 14.7 million viewers, but that’s a drop from the 2 million the show averaged during the first half of the season. The series did win the ages 18-49 demographic, but overall, CSI: NY won the timeslot. One thing is for sure, had Lost been up against American Idol, it would likely not have done as well in the ratings. No word on how ratings were for the lead-in special that recapped Lost. This latest retelling brought perspective from series’ creators/producers and was a good refresher given the long hiatus from the first half of the season.
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Megan Mullally Back on the Small Screen

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Comedy, Drama, Prime Time, ABC,
Never fear, Megan Mullally fans—she’s coming back to the small screen! Don’t worry, her short lived talk show didn’t get renewed, but she will be making a guest appearance on Boston Legal. She’s only scheduled to appear on one episode, but this should give fans enough to hold them over until her next acting gig. She will appear later this season as an ex-girlfriend and former co-worker of Alan Shore (James Spader). No word yet on when it will air, but it’s certain that the dynamic between her, Shatner and Spader will be fantastic. And get this, ABC says that her character, Renata Hall, will make a grand entrance, “as she dashes down the courthouse hallway wearing a bloody wedding gown, carrying a bloody pair of scissors and proclaiming her innocence in the murder of her betrothed.” Classy. Mullally, of course is famous for playing Karen Walker on Will & Grace, for which she won two Emmys. She was also nominated five other times.
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The FOX network has announced upcoming pilots, and with the news comes casting details. First up is a drama, called Supreme Courtships, starring Shane West. West can currently be seen on E.R. and was a cast member of ABC’s Once and Again. Of course, no word on whether or not West will stay on E.R. With a name like Supreme Courtships, you can kind of guess the subject matter—Supreme Court clerks and their relationships.
FOX also announced a new comedy, called The Rules of Starting Over, with Craig Bierko and Rashida Jones. The comedy will look at the lives of friends who are jumping back into dating following their divorces. Jones is currently on The Office, and there has been a lot of speculation about how long her role as Jim’s girlfriend will continue. Perhaps her signing on to a new pilot is good news for Pam and Jim fans?
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Gosselaar, Garofalo Team up for New Legal Drama

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, CBS,
Mark-Paul Gosselaar, who will always be Zach from Saved by the Bell to me, has signed on for a new CBS drama. The series, which so far is untitled, centers around Los Angeles public defenders. Gosselaar will play the lead role, as a young attorney who chooses to be a public defender rather than running for Congress. Janeane Garofalo is on board as well, although it’s less clear what her role will be. The drama comes from Numbers creator, Barry Schindel. To Gosselaar’s credit, he has had a steady career, most recently with roles on NYPD Blue and Commander in Chief. I’m not one for legal dramas, but I’m glad to see Garofalo back on television. I’d rather see her take on a comedic role, but I’ll settle for Janeane any way I can get her.
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‘Lost’ Returns This Week

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, ABC, Lost, Cancellations,
If you’ve felt a void in your life for a couple of months, you’re about to feel whole again. That’s right, Lost returns this week—and get ready for a no-repeat ride all the way until the season finale. Season three of Lost had a huge split, in an effort to produce two chunks of the show, without reruns. To cushion the loss, ABC brought us Day Break, which was promptly canceled after just a handful of episodes. So we sat. And waited. And read our fill of Lost rumors and goodies online. And here we are—finally, February has arrived and we are ready to get this ball rolling again. While the loss was tough, and many were disappointed by the “mini-season” approach, fans of the series can now be assured that their beloved island drama is back and won’t lose any momentum until the season closes. Don’t miss it—this go around, Lost will air 16 new episodes on Wednesdays at 10:00 p.m.
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Premiere Date Set for ‘Donnellys’ and ‘Andy Barker’

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Comedy, Drama, Prime Time, NBC,
These are two of the shows you may have heard some buzz about in the fall, then they swiftly fell off of the radar. The Black Donnellys, a crime drama, will premiere on NBC on March 5 at 10:00 p.m. This mid-season entry will knock Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip off of the schedule, with no clear indication about when it will return. Donnellys will have the lead-in of Heroes, so it’s not too shabby a place to be.
Andy Barker, P.I., the new comedy starring Andy Richter, will begin on March 15th at 9:30 p.m. (also on NBC). So, that will replace 30 Rock mid-season. As much as I’m looking forward to seeing Andy Richter, I will certainly be mourning the absence of 30 Rock. That show just continues to get better each week. Fear not, however, 30 Rock will return to its Thursday time beginning on April 19th.
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Lucy Liu, Jerry O’Connell Join ‘Betty’ for February Sweeps

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Comedy, Drama, Prime Time, ABC, Ratings,
Prepare for the guest appearances, as we head into February sweeps. Ugly Betty will be adding Lucy Liu and Jerry O’Connell to the roster for brief guest star appearances. Liu, who is no stranger to television after appearing on Ally McBeal, will be seen in two episodes beginning on February 15th. Her role should be fun (how could it not be, with this irresistible actress)—she’ll be playing a college classmate of Daniel Meade’s (Eric Mabius). He calls on her for help, but since he stood her up for a date back in college, this could be tricky. O’Connell is a regular on Crossing Jordan, but will be swinging by Betty for one episode on February 15th. And here you can expect cuteness, because he’ll meet up with Alexis Meade (played by Rebecca Romijn, who is engaged to O’Connell) at a bar.
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