On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone


Fans decried the sudden cancellation of the CBS ‘dramedy’ Love Monkey, starring the delightfully talented (and may we say, extremely adorable) Tom Cavanagh. Cavnagh’s character, a record producer in his thirties, faced the perils of the business, life in the city, and the quest for true love, head-on.

With its unique blend of touching emotion and outlandish views of societal quirks, Love Monkey quickly became a favorite of television addicts everywhere. CBS pulled the show after only three episodes. The network claimed they made the decision due to low ratings, but three episodes? The show never even got the chance to succeed!

But take heart: VH1 is picking up the series, and will air the complete first season beginning Tuesday, April 18th.

Whether you already love it or missed it the first time, here’s your chance to enjoy a great show. Let’s just say…you’d have to be bananas to miss out on Love Monkey!

Read More | VH1

Gallery: Love ‘Love Monkey?’ It’s Back!


Rollergirls CancelledThe recent cancellation of the reality show Rollergirls wasn’t a huge shock, but it was a huge disappointment. The show follows the triumphs and crises of several all-women teams competing in the intense sport of Roller Derby. There isn’t a shrinking flower among the bunch: these women are tough, both physically and mentally, and will quite literally knock anyone to the ground who gets in their way.

They are, in short, true “Bad Girls.” No wonder the show was cancelled.

American television likes you to think they appreciate bad girls. But that’s a lie. TV’s idea of bad girls includes sexy vixens and man manipulators, women who use their cleavages and ruby-red lips far more often than any sort of physical and mental prowess to achieve their goals. Even Sydney Bristow of Alias, touted as the baddest of bad girls, is conventionally pretty and achieves successful missions with skintight, skin-baring outfits, always perfectly made up and groomed.  No mater how grueling the life of a double agent, Sydney always manages to get her lipstick on.

The women of Rollergirls appeared on camera without disguise, and although none could be called TV-pretty, they all have a distinct charm. With names like Miss Conduct and Punky Bruiser, they never fail to capture our attention, and often, our respect. With their trailers, love for beer, love for their children they are often raising by themselves, and their strong, muscled bodies, these women are guilty of one TV sin - they just don’t fit into the mold of Acceptable Television Women. The cancellation of the show is a loss in more ways than one.

Read More | Rollergirls Official Site

Gallery: The Cancellation Of Rollergirls and Why America Hates Bad Girls

Arrested Development

20th Century Fox Television, the studio behind the series, has thrown in the towel for Arrested Development. The studio announced that AD creator Mitch Hurwitz is ready to call it quits.  For three seasons, Arrested Development was the darling of critics and award givers, but failed to be a ratings’ winner, or even a serious contender. In February, Fox, the network, not the studio, burned off the series’ final four episodes in a suicide time-slot, opposite the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics.

For a while, Arrested Development had hoped to find a new home on Showtime, but a deal to bring AD to cable was arrested in its development.  With Mitch Hurwitz’s decision to move on, the Showtime deal is DOA.

Read More | Variety

Gallery: 20th Century Fox Says No Further Development

CW Seventh HeavenAfter 10 seasons, the family drama Seventh Heaven was slated for demise by its network, the WB. The newly formed CW has other ideas.

The new network, regardless of waning ratings, apparently believes the show is worth renewing. The merging of the WB and UPN has already caused turmoil with reported show cancellations. This move seems even more puzzling. Is it a good idea to renew a show that shows all the signs of needing to be cancelled? What do you think?

Read More | Hollywood Hotline

Gallery: The CW Wants To Resurrect Seventh Heaven

DescriptionWe warned you it might happen: with the merger of UPN and the WB into the new CW network, some of your favorite shows could get the axe. One has already been booted: the long-running fantasy-drama, Charmed. The series has run for eight seasons, and will end on May 21st. Especially popular among teen girls, the show featuring Rose McGowan, Holly Marie Combs, and Alyssa Milano as a witchly trio of sisters will no doubt be missed by many. What do you think? Was it a wise decision by the CW to dump a show that has already proven to be a success? Or is it time for Charmed to go?

Read More | Access Hollywood

Gallery: The CW Network Dumps Charmed

Book of Daniel CancelledPerhaps it could be called inevitable: The Book of Daniel, starring Aidan Quinn as a troubled priest who carries on casual conversations with Jesus, was a sore spot for many viewers before the show even aired. NBC attributes the cancellation to low ratings. Of course, with the show banned by so many cable carriers, The Book of Daniel hardly seemed to stand a chance.

Conservative rights groups are claiming the cancellation as a personal victory:

BC’s move was lauded by the Tupelo, Miss.-based American Family Association, which had condemned the show as a sign of what it called the broadcaster’s “anti-Christian bigotry.”

The group, along with James Dobson’s Focus on the Family, asked supporters to lobby their local NBC affiliates to refuse to carry it. In an article posted on its Web site, the AFA credited viewer complaints for forcing the network’s hand.

“This shows the average American that he doesn’t have to simply sit back and take the trash being offered on TV, but he can get involved and fight back with his pocketbook,” “AFA founder and chairman Donald E. Wildmon said in the posting.

The network had no comment on the statement.

The show’s creator and executive producer, Jack Kenny, has said his goal was to depict how “humor and grace” help a flawed man struggle with his faith and family. He said the writers never meant to mock religion or Jesus.

What do you think? Do television affiliates have the right to refuse to air a show, or should they let viewers decide? Will there ever be a time when all themes, no matter how controversial, will be accepted on television?

Read More | The Mercury News

Gallery: NBC Closes The Book Of Daniel
