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What's On TV

It’s a great night for television! Too bad President Bush’s undoubtedly boring and awkward State of the Union Address will mess up everything!

American Idol, 8pm, FOX. The auditions continue, as Simon recovers from last week’s hissy fit.

Gilmore Girls, 8pm, the WB. If you only see one show tonight, make this the one. We were lucky enough to view an advance copy, and trust us, it’s good. Before the night is over, there will be a blowup, a Friday Night Dinner fight to beat all others, the ruin of an editor, an eviction that leaves a main character homeless, a rekindled romance, and well…you’ll see.

Fear Factor, 8pm, NBC. Tonight, mothers and sons pair up to challenge themselves with death-defying stunts and bug eating!

State of the Union Address, 9pm, every darn channel! Stupid speech. Don’t they know how important Tuesday night TV is?!

Supernatural, 9pm, FOX. Hottie brothers continue their fight against ghoulies and beasties.

The Shield, 10pm, FX. This critical darling and fan favorite ups the grit and the gore tonight. Good times!

Tuesday’s post-8pm choices are much weaker than usual, with most networks opting for repeats. And we all know why. Stupid speech.

Gallery: Prime Cuts: Your Best Bets In Prime Time For Tuesday, 1-31-06


What's On TV
Surface, 8pm, NBC. This sci-fi excursion is struggling in the ratings, though it has a loyal fan base.

Wife Swap, 8pm, ABC. With the dirtiest little name in television, the show lives up to the tawdriness with plenty of drama.

Skating With Celebrities, 8pm, FOX. Tonight promises endless excitement with an elimination and the season’s first serious injury.

Animal House, 8pm, AMC. The quintessential college hijinks flick never fails to amuse…no matter how many times we’ve seen it.

24, 9pm, FOX. Kiefer tries to save the world in an hour. Again.

9pm is resplendent with repeats tonight. You may want to go for a television movie instead: the nail-biter Flight 93 is premiering on A&E tonight.

The Bachelor, 10pm, ABC. Romance and rejection aplenty!

CSI: Miami, 10pm, CBS. Gore, gore, gore. And more gore!

American Chopper, 10pm, Discovery Channel. Cool bikes and family histrionics make this an always-entertaining diversion. 

Gallery: Prime Cuts: Your Best Bets In Prime Time For Monday, 1-30-06

What's On TV

And so begins the weekend TV doldrums…

Dancing With the Stars, 8pm, ABC. The results of the latest showdown will be announced tonight.

Ghost Whisperer, 8pm, CBS. The lovely Melinda helps the dearly departed, and shows lots of cleavage.

Jamie Foxx: Unpredictable, 8pm, NBC. If you missed this special the first time around, here’s your chance to watch it.

In Justice, 9pm, ABC. This struggling show valiantly tries to stay above water, even in the dreaded Friday-night time slot.

Trading Spouses, 9pm, FOX. The strangely premised, but always entertaining, reality show promises plenty of drama tonight.

Twins, 9pm, the WB. This show is amazing…not the quality, but how it’s managed not to get cancelled yet.

Numb3rs, 10pm, CBS. Wow, did you know math is fun and exciting? Yeah, it really isn’t.

Gallery: Prime Cuts: Your Best Bets In Prime Time For Friday, 1-27-06

What's On TV

Get out those multiple VCRs or gear up your DVRs and TiVo: you’re going to need them tonight!

Dancing With The Stars, 8pm, ABC. This 90 minute extended episode offers an exciting array of whirls, dips, and fancy footwork.

Will and Grace, 8pm, NBC. Be sure to catch one of the last episodes of this popular comedy.

That 70s Show, 8pm, FOX. The end is nigh for this beloved show, so don’t miss this new episode!

Smallville, 8pm, the WB. Fans better not miss this exciting episode, which will feature a reveal of a HUGE SECRET, as well as the death of a regular character.

Beauty and the Geek, 9pm, the WB. There’s no way we’re missing one of our favorite reality shows, and neither should you.

My Name is Earl, 9pm, NBC. Everyone’s favorite reformed bad boy tries to give a prison inmate one perfect day.

Showgirls, 9pm, VH1. We don’t care what people say…we love this so-bad-it’s-good movie. And we’re betting you do too.

The O.C., 9pm, FOX. An all-new episode features more teen hijinks.

True Life, 10pm, MTV. Who can resist complete strangers baring all for our entertainment?

Gallery: Prime Cuts: Your Best Bets In Prime Time For Thursday, 1-26-06

Richard Hatch GuiltyThe reality show star that everyone loves to hate—that would be Richard Hatch, not Simon Cowell—has now been voted out

by another jury of his peers.  A Rhode Island jury has just found him guilty of failing to pay taxes on the prize money he won in Season 1 of Survivor.  While being acquitted of several fraud charges, he was also found guilty of evading taxes on other business ventures.  The 44-year-old is now facing up to 13 years in prison and a $600,000 fine.

Gallery: Breaking Reality News: Richard Hatch Found Guilty Of Tax Evasion

What's On TV

Jamie Foxx: Unpredictable, 8pm, NBC. The likeable comedian-turned-Oscar-nominee will host this hour long music special, complete with clips from happenings in his own life. The multi-talented Foxx will perform several tracks from his debut album.

American Idol, 8pm, FOX. The auditions continue. Good for laughs; bad for ears.

Big Momma’s House, 8pm, FX. If you haven’t caught this silly flick, you may want to catch up before the soon to be released Big Momma’s House 2 hits theaters.

Lost, 9pm, ABC. Charlie’s either on drugs, or just weird. And is baby Aaron in trouble?

Biggest Loser: Special Edition, 9pm, NBC. Two restaurant-owning families fight the battle of the bulge.

Bones, 9pm, FOX. Brennan and Booth find some body parts. And flirt some more.

Beauty and the Geek, 9pm, the WB. If you missed last week’s episode, you can catch up with this repeat.

Invasion, 10pm, ABC. This artsy episode features flashbacks, shootings, and alien hybrids.

CSI:NY, 10pm, CBS. The techs encounter a doozy of a case when they find a college student apparently killed by a train…but with tropical fish in his stomach and shark teeth in his hand. And you thought your job was hard.

Gallery: Prime Cuts: Your Best Bets In Prime Time For Wednesday, 1-25-06

DescriptionBe they romantic, friendly, or of another ilk, there are some TV show relationships that are long overdue. Here are our top 5 picks.

  • Warrick and Catherine, CSI. Enough already! They’ve flirted for years, exchanging compliments, coy looks, and secret smiles. The fans are ready for some action. Dump the other lady, Warrick, and cozy up to Cath!
  • Izzie and George, Grey’s Anatomy. Fans have lost patience with the increasingly dull storyline of lost love between Meredith and McDreamy. It’s time to turn our attention to the far more interesting—and fan favorites—Izzie and George. With their strong convictions and sweet vulnerability, Izzie and George are a match made in heaven. True, many fans would rather see Izzie end up with Alex, but come on…wouldn’t you love to see George happy?
  • House, M.D.’s Dr. Gregory House and…frankly, anyone! Though he does have a terrific friendship with Wilson, House desperately needs some lovin’. Whether it be with Stacey, Cameron, or some crazy patient, we’d love to see House win—and offer—some long-overdue affection.
  • The familial reconciliation of Lorelai and Richard Gilmore of Gilmore Girls. Though the show focuses almost exclusively on Lorelai’s relationship with her mother in the area of family plotlines, the bond between father and daughter seems much more intriguing to us. The two are so alike, and though it’s not often addressed, it’s obvious that Richard’s approval means a great deal to Lorelai. Whose heart doesn’t break a little each time Lorelai acknowledges that Rory is a ‘replacement’ daughter for Richard? Here’s hoping the seventh season will patch up things between these two hot-headed Gilmores.
  • Rory and Jess of Gilmore Girls. We never though we’d be a Jess supporter. For years, we prayed for the return of Dean, The Perfect Man Machine. But Jess’s brief appearance earlier in the season left us wanting more, and showcased his increasing maturity. We loved that he called Rory on the bad choices she was making, and who could miss the sparks between them? Rory: Dump the dull Logan, and give Jess a call!

Leave your picks in the comments section.

Gallery: The 5 Relationships We Most Want To See On TV

Jenna ElfmanFans are sure to rejoice at 9:30 PM tonight when Jenna Elfman returns to series comedy. The show, Courting Alex, is part of CBS’s push to expand its comedy repertoire. Courting Alex follows Elfman is a role that is quite a departure from her ditzy spin on Dharma and Greg, as a successful, single (of course!) attorney who is often the subject of her father’s attempts to pair her with the ‘perfect man.’ Beloved long-time actor Dabney Coleman plays Elfman’s father, so the show has no shortage of talent.

Here’s a question, though: why are successful women on TV so often single?

Gallery: Jenna Elfman Returns To Series Television In Courting Alex

What's On TVAh…last night heralded the return of solid, non-weekend TV entertainment. Tonight, we recommend:

King of Queens and How I Met Your Mother, 8 and 8:30pm, CBS. Enjoy all-new episodes of these charming comedies.

Skating With Celebrities, 8pm, FOX. This wonderfully tacky show is sure to please reality lovers, with big drama unfolding tonight as the first couple is eliminated.

24, 9pm, FOX. Jack embarks on the 11:00am hour, fighting bad guys with a limited time to do it. Shocking plot, I know. This is your best bet for 9pm, though if you’re in a romantic mood, you may enjoy a repeat of ABC’s The Bachelor.

Medium, 10pm, NBC. The best show on television offers a new episode tonight, with Allison in a quandary trying to locate a missing boy who, in her visions, turns out to be a rather evil adult.

CSI: Miami, 10pm, CBS. Horatio battles gangs and ‘gators. 

The Bachelor, Paris, 10pm, ABC. Romantics will enjoy this new episode, but keep in mind: it doesn’t get much sweeter than Allison and Joe’s relationship on NBC’s Medium

Gallery: Prime Cuts: Your Best Bets In Prime Time For Monday, 1-22-06

Jason RitterIt runs in the family: Jason Ritter, son of the late John Ritter, will be testing his comedic genius. The CBS series, The Class, follows the adventures of Ritter’s character, Ethan, who throws a part for seven of his third-grade classmates. The party sets off a series of events that leads to the friends reconnecting with each other. Jason was brilliant in the dramatic role of Kevin Girardi, a paralyzed former sports star on Joan of Arcadia. It will be interesting to see how he does in comedy.  There’s no word yet on when the pilot will air, but we’re looking forward to it.

Gallery: Jason Ritter Stars In New Comedy Series “The Class”
