On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Desperate HousewivesLast week’s show started in true Gabrielle fashion—with a prison ruckus.  Unintentionally, Gabrielle became the object of desire for the boys of the Fairview County Jail prison yard.  The inmates loved to gawk and harass her when strolled past them on her weekly visits to Carlos.  Despite their gentlemanly ways, the inmates ironically came to her defense after witnessing a fight between Gabrielle and her lawyer.  Needless to say, they didn’t take it very kindly when her lawyer called her a “crazy bitch.”  And who thought chivalry was dead?

Click to continue reading Desperate Housewives:  My Heart Belongs to Daddy

Gallery: Desperate Housewives:  My Heart Belongs to Daddy


Ted KoppelIn preparation for Ted Koppel’s departure from ABC News on Oct. 22nd, the network has announced the three anchors who will jointly share his coveted position:  Martin Bashir, Cynthia McFadden and Terry Moran - apparently it takes three people to fill Ted’s shoes.  In addition to the beefed-up team, ABC will also expand Nightline’s one-topic format and devote that time slot to several issues. 

Unfortunately, the one-topic format was something that I truly admired about Nightline because it helped to differentiate itself from other news programs.  Where else could I watch a whole half-hour devoted simply to Muslim comedians?  I’ve also never been a huge fan of Cynthia McFadden, though I do like Bashir and Moran, so this late-night experiment could turn into a big snoozer for me.  Then again, this whole changeover might not be so bad after all—I’ll now be able to start my beauty sleep promptly @ 11:30pm.

Read the following press release from ABC for more details.

Click to continue reading ABC Revamps Nightline

Gallery: ABC Revamps Nightline

Family Friendly TelevisionWhile I’ve never really cared what the Parents Television Council had to say about my TV viewing, I’ve always been fascinated by their opinions.  So when they put out their “Top Ten Best and Worst Shows for Family Viewing,” I listen.  Entertainment Weekly may have their ‘5 Great New Shows to Watch’ issue, but the PTC’s list of worst offenders lets me know what I’m really missing out on! Criticized for their use of bad language, violence, and sex, shows deemed unsuitable this time around included Desperate Housewives, CSI, The O.C., Arrested Development and Family Guy.  (NOTE TO SELF:  Make sure to TiVo a season pass of Arrested Development.)

Surprisingly, shows that were considered family-friendly included Everybody Hates Chris and American Idol.  Apparently when Chris’ mother tells him that she’ll knock him into next week, that’s considered an acceptable form of child punishment.  And when meany Simon Cowell brings contestant to tears—he’s really teaching children how to accept constructive criticism.  So I don’t get it—when Alfre Woodard and her son chain someone up on Desperate Housewives, that’s not considered a good example of mother/son bonding?

Read More | PTC

Gallery: Everybody Hates Chris Deemed Family-Friendly

Commander In ChiefObviously pleased with the success they’ve had so far this year, ABC has already announced that two of its shows will be picked up for a full-season:  Commander in Chief and Invasion.  While Commander in Chief has obviously been a runaway hit for the network (it placed 9th in the Nielsens last week), I can’t imagine that Invasion would be able to survive without ‘Lost’ as its lead-in.  Nevertheless, ABC should be pleased with any success they can get, no matter how they achieve it.

Gallery: ABC Shows Invasion and Commander in Chief Survive Freshman Year

Everybody Hates ChrisHere is what you can catch on TV tonight:

  • Alias
  • Night Stalker
  • Primetime

  • Survivor: Guatemala
  • CSI
  • Without A Trace

  • Reunion (repeats)

  • Joey
  • Will and Grace
  • The Apprentice
  • ER

  • Everybody Hates Chris
  • Love, Inc
  • Eve
  • Cuts

  • Smallville
  • Everwood

Gallery: On TV Tonight: Alias, Everybody Hates Chris, ER, Smallville, and More

Grey's Anatomy

Since the theme of this week’s show was denial, let me be the first to admit that I was in denial about how good this show really was.  Don’t get me wrong—I’ve always liked the show, but I merely found it entertaining.  It just seemed like your average hospital show in a very good time slot.  But last week something turned around for me and forced me to sit up and take notice.  I’m not sure if I hadn’t been paying close enough attention before or if the writers finally catered to the sensitive girl in me.. all I know is that I found myself crying.  Then this week came around - and I started crying again!

Click to continue reading Grey’s Anatomy: Deny, Deny, Deny

Gallery: Grey’s Anatomy: Deny, Deny, Deny

Alias: The Shed

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, ABC, Alias,

Alias: The ShedOkay, is it just me—or did Jennifer Garner gain like 20 lbs. since the last episode?  No matter how much she’s gained, I’m apparently the only one who’s noticed because it doesn’t seem to stop her own father from assigning her to risky missions.  Unless, of course, he secretly wants her to miscarry Vaughn’s love-child.  After all, Jack does know first-hand how hard it is to raise a child in this business.

Well, even if Jack Bristow doesn’t recognize Sydney’s limitations, JJ Abrams apparently did, which is why he added another 100+ lbs. to Sydney’s side by giving her another child to look after—a new protege.  While we can understand the introduction of agent Rachel Gibson (after all, Sydney’s zombie/sister is currently of no help to her,) her introduction has been lackluster.  I mean, was it really necessary for them to give her the exact same back story as Sydney’s?  Methinks this is JJ Abrams’ lazy way of plotting out the show beyond this year.  Should Jennifer Garner fail to return post-baby, the producers could just start the show all over again - with the same heroine!  And with the introduction of the new SD-6 clone, The Shed, they could retool the same plot lines as well.

Click to continue reading Alias: The Shed

Gallery: Alias: The Shed

Michael J. FoxAlex P. Keaton fans—you are in luck!  While you won’t see Elyse, Mallory, Steven, Jennifer and Alex in a reunion episode anytime soon, fans of Michael J. Fox’s work will get to see him again on TV very soon. As we all know, sightings of Michael J. Fox have been rare since he announced being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, but despite his lack of airtime in recent years, Fox proved that he never lost his comedic touch when he appeared on several episodes of Scrubs back in 2004. This time around, Michael J. Fox will sidestep over to a different network and make a three-episode appearance on ABC’s Boston Legal.  Fans should plan on seeing him in December and January as a businessman who has been diagnosed with ANOTHER disease — lung cancer.

Now speaking of returns I can’t wait to see, when the heck is Scrubs coming back?

Gallery: Michael J. Fox Returns to TV

Tony Perkins Leaves GMAAfter seven years of ungodly hours, endless hurricane coverage and forced banter with fans on the streets of New York, weatherman Tony Perkins has decided to leave his post at Good Morning America.  Tired of the commute, Perkins decided it was finally time to live full-time with his family again in Washington, DC.  His last day on ABC will be December 2nd, just after November sweeps. GMA co-anchor Robin Roberts said Tony Perkins’ departure was no surprise. “At a breakfast with co-anchors Charlie Gibson, Diane Sawyer and Robin Roberts about a month ago, ‘he said he had a lot of decisions to make,’ Roberts stated. ‘He never said he was looking, but we all knew how much he missed his family. He had a lot on his mind. It was like a quiet conspiracy, out of respect for him, to wait and see how it would play out.’”

Gallery: Help Wanted: Qualified Weatherman

Rick Springfield General HospitalWow!  Today was a double-doozy of a day for General Hospital fans.  Not only did we finally get a glimpse of fan favorite Robin Scorpio (Kimberly McCullough,) but we also learned that Rick Springfield (yes, that Rick Springfield) will be making a return to Port Charles.  It has been known for some time now that Robin would be coming back into Jason’s life, but Dr. Noah Drake? 

Entertainment Tonight reported earlier this evening that Rick Springfield would be appearing on at least four new episodes.  Other reports add that the character of Dr. Noah Drake will return to help Robin treat Jason’s seizures.  But only four episodes?  That seems a tad bit paltry for such a potentially huge character.  Why bring him back at all if he isn’t going to be utilized better?  Lord knows Bobbi could use a new storyline.. why not put them back together again?  Remember their steamy scenes as doctor and nurse?  And how will Dr. Tony Jones feel about all of this?

My question for Rick - is it a coincidence that your stint on GH coincides with your newly released album?  Know that the buzz you generate with this appearance won’t come close to the hype you generated with your first album which was about 25 years ago. No matter.  Coming from someone who has seen Rick Springfield in concert twice - and that was in the 90’s - I’m happy to see him back.  Port Charles will only be a better place for it.

Gallery: Fan Favorites Return to General Hospital
