On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

If the writing on the wall wasn’t already obvious for ABC’s Commander in Chief, it’s clearly evident now.  The troubled show is now being moved to the competitive 10pm Thursday night time slot— during May sweeps.  Due to the bump, Primetime will temporarily move to Thursdays.  You can watch Geena Davis again (or not) starting Thursday, April 13th.

Gallery: Commander in Chief:  New Day and Time


Commander In ChiefWhen the 2005-2006 broadcast network television season began in September, ABC-TV’s Commander in Chief was the highest-rated new series.  But the honeymoon and high ratings ended prematurely for the Geena Davis drama. Only two episodes had aired when Commander‘s creator and executive producer Rod Lurie was replaced by NYPD Blue auteur Steven Bochco. Focusing on high tension world issues, rather than on the family life of the series’ first female president Mackenzie Allen, the Bochco episodes were unpopular with viewers.  Making matters worse, a five-week holiday hiatus saw the series’ audience turning elsewhere for entertainment.

Now Bochco is out and Rod Lurie crony Dee Johnson is in command.  But, even if Johnson returns to Lurie’s original vision of a series powered by First Family events, Commander in Chief may be a lame duck.  It will be difficult, if not impossible, to regain momentum.  Commander‘s last episode aired two months ago, and the next episode is almost a month away.

Read More | TV Guide

Gallery: Commander in Chief - A Lame Duck Series?

Ana Lucia LostOkay - of all the revelations in tonight’s episode, there was one thing in particular that really got to me.  And no—it wasn’t about Sun’s big secret. Thought that was a doozy. Early in the episode, I had a Different Strokes moment when I caught myself saying: “What chu talkin’ about, Ana Lucia?”  At first I wasn’t sure if I heard her correctly, but thanks to the power of rewind I was certain.  Remember that first conversation between Ana Lucia and Locke?  She said “We’ve been here over a week and you’ve barely spoken two words to me” (or something like that).  “We’ve been here over a week.”

Just over a week?  Are you kidding me?  It’s only been that long?  Let’s recap a sampling of the events that have happened since the arrival of the Tailies:

  • Mr. Eko gave Locke a portion of the film reel
  • Mr. Eko baptized Claire’s baby
  • Psychotherapist Libby helped Claire with her memory
  • Libby flirted with Hurley in the laundry room
  • Sun was grabbed (by Charlie) in the jungle…Ana Lucia was fingered as a suspect. 
  • A mystery man was found in the jungle

And let’s just remind you—this was just a sampling.  I must say though, this does help to explain their lack of hair growth…

Gallery: LOST: It’s A Question of Time

You know that the summer is fast-approaching when ABC is already announcing their big finales.  Make sure to adjust your Tivos—most of these season-enders are two hours long:

GREY’S ANATOMY:  May 14th and May 15th
INVASION: May 17th
ALIAS: May 22nd (Series finale)
LOST: May 24th

Gallery: ABC Season Finales

Bachelor ParisPerhaps it wasn’t true love after all: Travis Stork and his chosen love, Sarah Stone, have broken up less than a week after Stork chose Stone in the final episode of The Bachelor: Paris. The couple claimed that the restrictions on being seen together until the show ended placed a strain on the relationship. Stone claims that if she and Stork had met somewhere other than the show, the relationship would have worked out. What do you think? Is this proof that ‘reality’ television isn’t so real after all?

Read More | Access Hollywood

Gallery: ‘The Bachelor’ Couple Has Already Called It Quits

Beautiful People

See: good things can happen on Monday!

The sweet sudser, Beautiful People, returns to ABC Family tonight at 9pm. When the show debuted last summer, we admit we were a bit skeptical at first. The fish out of water, high-morals family who finds themselves in the glitzy and morally lacking NYC plot seemed so…Beverly Hills 90210-ish.

But the show quickly distinguished itself as one of the best family dramas on television. This is largely due to its extremely likeable leads: Daphne Zuniga as single mother Lynn Kerr, raising her daughters Karen and Sophie, played by Torry DeVitto and Sarah Foret, respectively.

Foret especially is a wonderful talent, projecting a blend of strength and sweetness that provides reality and a (much needed) role model for teen girls. Plus, she’s so adorable, we could just squeeze the stuffing out of her.

Last season left us frantic to know: What will happen between Lynn and Julian? Did Sophie make the right choice with Nicky? Will Gideon ever realize Annabelle’s love for him? Will Annabelle cross over to the BP dark side with Paisley? Will Karen recover from her drug addiction and make it in the modeling world? Will her creepy stalker be caught? We want to know!

We bet you do, too. Tune in with us at 9pm tonight!

Gallery: Hit Drama Beautiful People Returns Tonight

Academy AwardHere’s the night that many people around the world have been waiting for.  The rare opportunity for us to see all our beloved movie stars at the same place and time.  As for me—while I can’t wait to watch the red carpet affair, I have a love/hate relationship with the annual event.  The bad news?  When I notice that I’m watching beautiful people parade by while I’m sitting in my PJ’s gorging on chicken wings, I feel lower than low.  But when I realize that I now have the opportunity (and the vindictive excuse) for me to sit back and be catty to my heart’s content—the good then outweighs the bad.

As for how I actually feel about the awards portion of the event, I think that this could be a potentially exciting year—especially if my personal fave, Crash, sweeps in and takes away the grand prize from Brokeback MountainThat whole gay cowboy thing was so two months ago… we have all moved on now.  But even if Brokeback does come away with the win, it’s still a victory for us all.  Who would have ever thought five years ago that a gay-themed movie could become Best Picture?

Well, we’re now less than an hour away from the big event.  Please keep checking back with us here at TV Envy as we’ll keep you updated with play-by-play commentary of the big night! You can view it all after the jump - and feel free to play along in the comments.

Click to continue reading The 2006 Academy Awards: Live Commentary

Gallery: The 2006 Academy Awards: Live Commentary

SupernannyReality television…you can’t escape it. The shows are everywhere, on every night, demanding our attention and often, our obsession. TV Envy is proud to offer a salute to the best in the genre. Of course, it’s important to be balanced, so tune in tomorrow for our look at the worst of reality shows. Without further ado, our picks for the Top 5 (after the jump).



Click to continue reading Real Winners: A Look At The Best In Reality TV

Gallery: Real Winners: A Look At The Best In Reality TV

AliasThe beloved super-femme spy show Alias returns April 19 with a special 2-hour episode. Several regular-length episodes will air in following weeks. Fans are thrilled about the return, but disappointed in what will apparently be a shortened season.

However, it now seems that ABC has gone ahead and decided to air the last hours of one of the greatest shows on TV. That’s right - Sydney, Jack, Sloane, and the rest of the Alias gang return in April (according to our friends at SpoilerFix.com, April 19 to be exact) for a two-hour midseason special. According to the report, which started with Kristin at E! Online, the two-hour return will be followed by four more hour-long episodes and the series will come to an end with another two-hour explosion sometime in May.

What do you think? Does the show deserve its shoddy treatment simply because of lower ratings, or should the network give Alias the respect it’s earned?

Read More | TV Squad

Gallery: Alias Returns In A Two-Hour Extravaganza

DescriptionTV star extraordinaire and Melrose Place vixen Heather Locklear is in final negotiations to star in the comedy Women of a Certain Age, about a woman who finds herself newly single. Locklear has appeared on some popular shows such as Scrubs and Boston Legal, but has not carried a show since the failed LAX.

How is it that TV has survived so long without a show with Heather Locklear? “LAX” didn’t go over so well, but ABC is banking on that being a fluke.  The Philadelphia Daily News says that the network is trying to entice the 43-year-old beauty to star in the new comedy “Women of a Certain Age.” Locklear would play a woman—of a certain age—embarking on her newly single life.

Read More | TV Fodder

Gallery: Heather Locklear Returning To Television…Maybe
