Monday April 7, 2008 12:09 am
This Week on TV (4/7-4/13)

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, Drama, Food & Home, Music, Prime Time, Reality, Specials, Talk Shows, ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, Hell’s Kitchen, American Idol, Desperate Housewives, ER, Medium, Scrubs, The Bachelor, The Office,

(You can view TV Envy’s Post-Strike Television Schedule here.)
MONDAY (4/7)
- Today (NBC, 10am): Kathie Lee Gifford returns to morning TV this week. And I thought the New Kids were getting old.
- Samantha Who? (ABC, 9:30pm): New episode. “Samantha has to move back into the apartment when she learns that she could be evicted for subletting it to Todd.” The girlfriend you hate gets amnesia and you get to keep her apartment. Todd has seriously been getting off easy so far.
- The Bachelor (ABC, 10pm): “It’s an afternoon of tennis and tea for six of the ladies.” I’ve seen what an afternoon of women’s tennis can look like on The Real Housewives of NYC. This won’t end pretty.
- Medium (NBC, 10pm): “Rosanna Arquette stars as an older seductress linked to the brutal murders of two younger men.” Maybe it’s best her relationship with Paul McCartney fizzled out.
- NCIS (CBS, 8pm): New episode. I’ve often wondered—if Battle of the Network Stars were ever resurrected (for non-reality stars), would Mark Harmon still kick butt?
- Hell’s Kitchen (FOX, 9pm): “In the first challenge, the contestants must slice halibut into 6 oz. filets.” You gotta hand it to Gordon Ramsay. If it wasn’t for him, this would sound like the most boring show ever.
- Boston Legal (ABC, 10pm): New episode. “Alan and Jerry go after a tabloid talk show when a woman is murdered for turning down a marriage proposal on air.” Even though I haven’t watched this show in years, I feel safe in saying there will be at least one sexual innuendo tossed out in the first 15 minutes.
- Secret Talents of the Stars (CBS, 10pm): “Sixteen celebrities showcase hidden talents and compete for viewers’ votes to determine who possesses the best secret ability.” Shouldn’t some of these stars focus on honing their first ability?
- Idol Gives Back (FOX, 7:30pm): Special time. Once this show is over, what will the producers have to pat themselves on the back about next?
- Criminal Minds (CBS, 9pm): “In a Pittsburgh neighborhood, the team investigates a rise in deaths attributed to suicide that could actually be the work of a serial killer.” Oooh—maybe they should call in Dexter!
- Supernanny (ABC, 9pm): “Jo pitches in when four out-of-control kids trigger laughter - instead of discipline - from their mother, while their father confesses that the joy of parenting has diminished.” Oh, c’mon. The dad never enjoyed parenting to begin with.
- Primetime (ABC, 10pm): “Diane Sawyer profiles Randy Paush, a 47-year-old Carnegie Mellon University computer scientist with pancreatic cancer whose September 2007 ‘last lecture’ was seen by millions on the internet.” After a night of Idol and then this show, it’ll be impossible to feel sorry for yourself.
- American Idol (FOX, 8pm): Special day and time. Sorry if you were duped into thinking that someone would be eliminated last night.
- 30 Rock (NBC, 8:30pm): New episode. “Jack delights in the the TV-programming juggernaut that is the reality show ‘MILF Island’.” I had to take a moment to make sure that wasn’t actually a real show.
- The Office (NBC, 9pm): New episode. “Jan and Michael host a dinner party. On the guest list are Jim and Pam and Andy and Angela” Oooh - this episode will definitely redefine uncomfortable.
- Scrubs (NBC, 9:30pm): New episode. “Turk learns Spanish as an anniversary gift for Carla and discovers being bilingual comes with unexpected perks.” Now he can get tamales with his queso.
- ER (NBC, 10pm): “Abby considers coming clean to Kovac about her affair as she travels to Croatia.” Given Goran Visnjic’s own public infidelity, I would hope he’d be understanding.
FRIDAY (4/11)
- Ghost Whisperer (CBS, 8pm): ” A series of break-ins leads Melinda to the town blogger, who knows her secret and intends to tell.” I knew she wasn’t a Size 2! She’s a Size 4!
- Miss USA (ABC, 9pm): “Donny and Marie Osmond host the 57th annual competition from the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas.” I’m not sure these two hosts will be the ones to make Planet Hollywood cool again.
- Numb3rs (CBS, 10pm): “An imprisoned gang leader is suspected of passing secret instructions to a teen chess prodigy about which gang members should be killed.” Who knew chess could be so bad-ass?
SUNDAY (4/13)
- Oprah’s Big Give (ABC, 8pm): Special time. “After seven weeks on the road, Oprah sends the final three contestants home with $10,000 in cash and four days to give big.” You can always count on family to help you get rid of that kind of money.
- Desperate Housewives (ABC, 9pm): New episode. “Susan’s young attractive cousin reveals more than expected.” Her unattractive older cousin would never do something like that.
- Psych (NBC, 9pm): “Shawn believes an apparent suicide is really a murder, and he keeps himself on the case pretending the victim’s cat is giving him information.” I’ve seen the movie Go. I know cats can talk—and in Chinese.
- Related Tags:
- 30 rock, abc, american idol, boston legal, charity, criminal minds, desperate housewives, diane sawyer, donny osmond, er, ghost whisperer, goran visnjic, gordon ramsay, hells kitchen, idol gives back, kathie lee gifford, marie osmond, mark harmon, medium, miss usa, morning, nbc, ncis, numb3rs, numbers, oprahs big give, pageant, primetime, psych, randy paush, rosanna arquette, samantha who, scrubs, secret talents of the stars, sidefeatured, supernanny, the bachelor, the office, this week on tv, today, today show
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