FilmCrunch 044: 300, The Holiday, Confetti

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, Fox Searchlight, Sony, Universal, Warner Bros, Adaptation, Drama, Period, Romance, Comedy, Lists, New Releases, DVD Reviews, Full Episodes, Theatrical Reviews, Videocasts,
Veronica Santiago and Neil Estep are back with the latest full episode of FilmCrunch. The pair bring you reviews for 300, The Holiday, and a look at Confetti on DVD. As a bonus, they also take a look at their top five movies that have a number in their title.
Now we want to hear from you - hit the forums and let us know what you think, what you want us to watch next, and any other recommendations you have for the show.
Box Office Breakdown: Bring On The Fuzz

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: DreamWorks, Disney, New Line, Paramount, Sony, Warner Bros, Action, Animation, Drama, Family, Foreign, Horror, Mystery, Satire, Sequels, Comedy, Sports, Thrillers, Box Office, Lists, New Releases,

This weekend’s Top Ten saw the introduction of several new movies: Fracture, Vacancy and In the Land of Women. But no star-wattage combination (Gosling/Hopkins, Wilson/Beckinsale) could bring down the LeBeouf.
But that’s not to say Indy’s newest sidekick shouldn’t be worried. Hot Fuzz, the latest movie from the makers of Shaun of the Dead, had an impressive debut—bringing in an average of $7000 per theater. With Grindhouse already off the map, here’s how the rest of the contenders fared:
1. Disturbia, DreamWorks-Paramount, $13,010,778
2. Fracture, New Line, $11,014,657
3. Blades of Glory, DreamWorks-Paramount, $7,677,569
4. Vacancy, Sony Screen Gems, $7,603,376
5. Meet the Robinsons, Disney, $6,967,089
6. Hot Fuzz, Focus, $5,848,464, 825 locations
7. Are We Done Yet?, Sony, $5,181,426
8. In the Land of Women, Warner Bros., $4,712,341
9. Perfect Stranger, Sony, $4,104,808
10. Wild Hogs, Disney, $2,820,440
FilmCrunch 043: TMNT, Reign Over Me, Rocky Balboa, Blockbuster Total Access

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, MGM, Action, Adaptation, Adventure, Animation, Drama, Sequels, Sports, DVD Reviews, Full Episodes, Theatrical Reviews, Videocasts,
Veronica Santiago and Neil Estep have another full episode of FilmCrunch. The gang reviews TMNT, Reign Over Me, and the DVD release of Rocky Balboa. Neil also takes an in-depth look at Blockbuster Total Access, and reports back with his thoughts and opinions.
Now we want to hear from you - hit the forums and let us know what you think, what you want us to watch next, and any other recommendations you have for the show.
If fans are expecting Hot Fuzz to be the fun romp that was Shaun of the Dead, they’re in for a disappointment. The reviews are in, and Hot Fuzz is more like a warm drizzle. The UK creators who brought fans the lighthearted zombie flick have enjoyed big success across the pond with their latest comedy, but many American-born fans will find jokes zooming right over their heads. The movie is about two cops (always a good plot for comedy), but fails to create laughs when the actors spend a little too much time pumping lead into their foes. Blood and gore will no doubt appeal to many, but the plot isn’t anything special. Critics have jumped all over the film for not being humorous enough. Expectations for a new, hilarious cop movie were high. The reality has left many rather deflated, but Hot Fuzz will still be in the theatres for anyone who’s interested in British television actors, lots of guns blazing, and some low-brow humor.
Read More | Hollywood Reporter
Alec Baldwin’s Insane Ireland Phone Call

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Celeb News, Celebrity Gossip, Celebrity Controversy,
Dealing with an ex is never fun. Dealing with an ex when you’re both in a media limelight…well, that’s fun for the rest of us. Years after calling it quits, Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger are going toe-to-toe in court again. The drama erupted April 11, 2007, when Baldwin reportedly called his eleven-year-old daughter, Ireland, per previously scheduled appointment. And now we’re going to take a break from the story to ponder this: Alec Baldwin feels the need to schedule calls he makes to his eleven-year-old daughter’s cell phone. Hmmm. Allegedly, Ireland missed the appointed call and Baldwin was stuck with voice mail. How annoying! So, Baldwin left a voice mail message. Nothing wrong with that…unless that particular voice mail message is filled with swearing, heated words, and ends on a somewhat threatening note – and, of course, you’re addressing a child. A judge revoked Baldwin’s visitation rights after hearing the message, which was “mysteriously” leaked to Everyone goes to court May 4, 2007, to determine if Baldwin is fit to continue his visitation rights. Alec Baldwin’s rep has already issue a contrite statement to Extra in an attempt to do some damage control.
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FilmCrunch 042: Ghost Rider, Half Nelson, Flags of our Fathers, The Queen

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Columbia Pictures, DreamWorks, Paramount, Sony, Warner Independant Films, Action, Adaptation, Documentary, Drama, Period, Political, Thrillers, DVD Reviews, Full Episodes, Theatrical Reviews, Videocasts,
Veronica Santiago and Neil Estep have another full episode of FilmCrunch for you. In this show we review Ghost Rider, Half Nelson, Flags of our Fathers, and The Queen.
Now we want to hear from you - hit the forums and let us know what you think, what you want us to watch next, and any other recommendations you have for the show.
A dark, somewhat eerie night. A strange, somewhat scary locale. A couple with a broken-down car. Either this is a classic B-movie horror setup, or we’re about to be treated to a fabulous cult classic. Many, many movies have used the same premise – a handful have even created memorable screen drama with this same scene, but it’s even more ambitious for horror filmmakers to use a plot that’s been brilliantly, and totally, done before. If nothing else, Vacancy is at least a very ambitious flick. It’s not easy to take the same old plot that’s worn thin and present it to movie-goers as though it’s something new - in fact, it’s quite courageous. Scary, weird old hotel in the middle of nowhere, travelers with no place else to go, a spooky and offbeat proprietor…this movie could have gone a lot of ways. But, Vacancy is no Psycho.
Click to continue reading Vacancy Leaves Fans Empty
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FilmCrunch 041: The Number 23, Shut Up & Sing

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: New Line, Weinstein Company, Documentary, Drama, Political, Thrillers, DVD Reviews, Full Episodes, Theatrical Reviews, Videocasts,
Veronica Santiago and Neil Estep are back with another full episode of FilmCrunch. This time they are reviewing The Number 23 and Shut Up & Sing.
Now we want to hear from you - hit the forums and let us know what you think, what you want us to watch next, and any other recommendations you have for the show.
Live Free or Die Hard: Which Date Is It??

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: 20th Century Fox, Action, Drama, Sequels, Thrillers,
In my household, my husband is the one who’s known for remembering dates. He’s so good at it—it can actually be annoying at times. But attention to detail is where I have the upper hand. This leads me to my discovery this weekend.
While watching Grindhouse, I got my first chance to see the full trailer for the upcoming Bruce Willis sequel, Live Free or Die Hard. Aside from being completely disappointed with what I saw (something that will probably be discussed in a later post), I had a gut feeling that something was off. It was only when we finished the movie did I figure out what it was.
The trailer for the film gave a release date of July 4th....but the poster outside the theater said June 29. Okay, I’ve had my share of ditzy moments—but I knew I wasn’t crazy. So as soon as I got home I took the matter straight to the internet. And guess what I found?? The movie’s own website has a third date (June 27)!!!!
After reading around, it seems the movie was pushed up from 7/4 to 6/27 in order to avoid competition from that other holiday release, Transformers. That move does make sense to me (even if the action in the movie is set over the July 4th weekend). But why, oh why, then does the film’s poster clearly have 6/29 all over it???
To prove my point—you can witness the evidence yourself. Just click on the link below. You will see that the TEASER trailer has 7/4 imbedded in it….the THEATRICAL trailer says 6/27…but the POSTER (on the side) has 6/29 on the lower right-hand corner.
Wow. It’s not like the film doesn’t appear to have enough problems going for it…
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Box Office Breakdown: Oscar Winners Fail to Prevail

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Disney, Paramount, Sony, Warner Bros, Weinstein Company, Action, Adventure, Animation, Drama, Family, Horror, Mystery, Period, Sequels, Comedy, Sports, Thrillers, Box Office, Lists, New Releases,

DISTURBIA [di-stur’-bee-uh), noun:
A rare state that occurs when three previous Oscar winners (e.g. Berry, Swank, Tarantino) struggle to remain in the Top Ten. This anomaly often coincides with the meteoric rise of a 20-year-old star (e.g. Lebeouf).
1. Disturbia, Paramount, $22,224,982
2. Blades of Glory, Paramount, $13,826,386
3. Meet the Robinsons, Disney, $12,467,155
4. Perfect Stranger, Sony, $11,206,163
5. Are We Done Yet?, Sony, $8,952,686
6. Pathfinder, Fox, $5,001,214
7. Wild Hogs, Disney, $4,676,734
8. The Reaping, Warner Bros., $4,567,478
9. 300, Warner Bros., $4,454,355
10. Grindhouse, Weinstein Co., $4,331,372
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