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According to, Sony’s President Ken Kutaragi stated that the console will not be cheap and even went as far as to say:
“…the PS3 can’t be offered at a price that’s targeted toward households.”
So what does that mean for consumers? For starters, that means you have to save up every bit last penny you can find if you want to get your hands on one of the not-so-household-friendly gaming systems. Since Sony wants to cramp as much future tech goodies as it can into a box that will supposedly last up to ten years, it will hurt consumer’s wallets. Could we start seeing many Sonyfanboys start switching to Xbox fans or will they stay faithful and give up a meal each day in order to have the newest and greatest that Sony has to offer the gaming world?
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The Fathers of Zelda Call Wind Waker “Dull”
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Adventure, Nintendo Gamecube,
As Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto and director Eiji Aonuma are hard at work on the new Gamecube title, they’ve also taken the opportunity to comment on their last Zelda outing – Wind Waker. While normally criticized for its cartoon graphics or simple play mechanics, both men have admitted that they also felt the gameplay was not what it could have been. Aonuma points directly at Wind Waker’s Triforce collection as an example of what should have been improved, had not scheduling demands gotten in the way. This comes as a major “I knew it” for any faithful Nintendo fans confused by the lackluster final act of Wind Waker. However, while the two men expressed some criticism for Wind Waker, they were quick to point out that Twilight Princess would directly counter many of these complaints, promising specifics such as many more dungeons and longer gameplay.
Read More | Eurogamer
Sony begins its experiment in providing movie and television downloads to PSP owners in Japan tomorrow, July 27th. The service, dubbed “Portable TV,” will feature free downloads of select movie trailers, TV shows, and independent films. A fee-based premium service for more extensive and better known movies and content will be released later. The content will be divided up into 256MB chunks and play at a resolution of 320x240 pixels. There has been no announcement of a similar service in the United States, but since success might lead to expansion, all US PSP owners should start praying now that things go well in Japan.
Read More | Gamespot
Best Buy Giving Away Burnout Revenge Demo Disc

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Driving, Xbox,
Get a chance to play one of our favorite racers right now by heading over to Best Buy and snatching the free demo disc. According to one Joystiq reader, Best Buy stores are handing out these demo discs free of charge. Run down to your local Best Buy before they are all gone.
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Myfanwy Ashmore Makes Mario Even More Harmless
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Mods/Hacks, Retro,
Myfanwy Ashmore, a conceptual artist, has unveiled a ROM version of the original Super Mario Brothers for NES with almost everything removed - including enemies, structures, and power-ups. Basically what this means is that, as Ashmore describes it, “all you can do is go for a walk.” This idea of a “walk” might be so foreign to the average gamer that the download site even includes directions on the ultra-limited controls, presumably to make it clear that nothing else is possible.
Perhaps it’s the pure manic nature of such outrageous reductionism, but the idea of this game seems very intriguing. As a parody of the current trend toward open-ended environments in videogame design, it really is pure genius. Make sure to notice the mention of Ashmore’s previous piece on the download site, a controversial project involving two-way communication between a viewer and a network of decaying grapefruits.
Read More | Year01
Snood Solitaire version 1.0 has been released for the Mac OS. Featuring characters from one of the most popular shareware games of the past decade, Snood Solitaire lives up to its title by featuring over 30 different solitaire-based games. While this may be a draw for the hardcore solitaire fans out there, for the rest of us this seems to be no better than what comes free with our computers, with the strange addition of the ugliest characters known to man. Maybe someday, if not here then in the bizarro world, Snood characters will enjoy the same cross-category video game success as the Mario characters.
Read More | WomGames
Thoughts on Nintendo Revolution Emulation

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Retro, Wii,
This last week I was inspired to break my 8-bit NES gear out of cryogenic hibernation and play some classic old school games without any emulation or ports to modern hardware. Call me a freak, but no matter how advanced game system gets I will never get totally bored with the NES era games. I think a lot of them hold up pretty good over the years, and most of the Java based cellphone games are not technically more advanced than what we played in our NES decks back in the 80s.
Nintendo has been making lots of money recently off repackaging older NES games on the Gameboy Advance or a special edition disk of Zelda games for Gamecube.
Nintendo announced at E3 that their next game console the Revolution will be able to play downloaded classic games for the NES, Super NES and N-64 from half a gig of flash memory or a SD memory card through emulation in a virtual console. That is not to shabby since it will also play Gamecube disks and new Nintendo Revolution games and DVDs. They also might include the ability to play Gameboy, Gameboy Color and Gameboy Advance games through the virtual console but that has not been confirmed but it is entirely technically feasible.
Click to continue reading Thoughts on Nintendo Revolution Emulation
Dead to Rights Reckoning PSP Review

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Features, Portable/Mobile, Reviews,
I love my PSP, but you know what boys and girls? There are just not enough good games for it if you ask me. That is why I had a smile on my face when I saw that Dead to Rights Reckoning was out for my game hungry PSP. Namco has put together a pretty good action game for the PlayStation Portable that involves shooting wave after wave of henchmen over and over again with hot lead. This is sort of a PSP side story port of the PS2 game Dead to Rights.
Dead To Rights Reckoning is an over the shoulder gunfight driven action game where you play a hard nose bad ass cop who has a killer dog for a friend. Some evil druglord bad guy kidnaps some girl that we never actually see, and a killing spree and blood bath ensues that is not over until there is an off screen virtual pile of dead henchmen the size of Dallas. The game play is very similar to Max Payne and you can even jump into a “Bullet Time” dive and shoot a lot of bad guys in super cool slow motion. In addition to co-opting Max Payne’s biggest gameplay gimmick, you also can sic your off screen dog after the bad guy you have targeted and the dog will magically jump in and run over and rip out their through while the bad guys just stand there. Think of it as a summon evil hound spell that this guy chants when your killer canine meter is full.
Click to continue reading Dead to Rights Reckoning PSP Review
Burnout Legends is coming to a Portable Playstation near you this September and features one of the most entertaining game types well known to the serious – road rage. As many people know, this game combines speed and destruction in a game that becomes highly addictive and fun. Now this same game type will be available in a portable form very soon. EuroGamer has the trailer available for download for your viewing pleasure. You will need a BitTorrent download client such as Azureus to download.
Read More | Burnout Legends PSP Trailer
What Gamers Want In Next Gen

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360,
With the next generation of gaming consoles still in production, many gamers have been voicing their opinions as to what they are looking for when it comes to features in a new video game system. David Wong and Haimoimoi are such gamers voicing their opinions. They make 20 requests from the video game industry ranging from a better A.I. to telling us the truth when it comes to in game footage. Makes for an interesting read, however, what do you want to see changed or added to the next generation in gaming?
(Thanks Kidd!)
Read More | A Gamer’s Manifesto
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