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Apparently this is in-game footage, folks. That’s right – looks like we’ve got an FPS that actually stands a chance during the Halo 3 onslaught later this year. I just can’t figure out if that smoke looks really good, or really out of place…


Sonic in another bad gameThe original Sonic Rivals game for PSP wasn’t particularly well-received, but it certainly faired better than the recent 360 and PS3 Sonic outing. Sometimes I wonder if Sega is deliberately trying to smash the beloved series into the ground. Seriously, outside of Sonic Rush there hasn’t been a good Sonic game in many years.

But there is some promise for Sonic Rivals 2. Sega has already laid out the framework, so hopefully things can be fleshed out and developed more – the original was pretty unrefined and didn’t have many stages. SR2 will have plenty of unlockables, as well as game sharing multiplayer features. Unfortunately, though, it doesn’t look like online play will be an option.

Here’s to hoping we get a half-decent Sonic game when Sonic Rivals 2 is released this fall. God knows we’ve earned one.

I think the title of this story and video speak for themselves, but I’m definitely getting excited for Mercenaries 2. While I have no doubt that GTA IV will provide a much more solid narrative and better all-around experience, Mercs 2 looks like it’s shaping up to be one of those games that is just pure fun to play. I mean, who doesn’t want to blow up everything in sight, then rappel up to a nearby helicopter, eject the pilot, and then man the controls themselves? That’s the definition of fun.

Diablo novelLegendary Pictures’ website has listed Diablo as a title under their “In Development” section. The same guys who brought you 300 and are also working on a big-screen adaptation of World of Warcraft are apparently set to send you to Hell.

We’re praying that this isn’t going to be based directly upon either of the Diablo games, which – when you really look at what they boil down to – essentially offer up the gameplay equivalent of Windows. Now don’t get me wrong – I spent thousands of hours playing Diablo II, taking part in more Baal runs than I wish to recall.  But it’s just not the sort of thing that you make a movie out of.

But at least there’s more promise for a real plot here than there is in the WoW movie – there’s quite a lot of Diablo backstory, and a number of novels out there based upon the games (which, sadly, one of which I have actually read. While it hasn’t been revealed, WoW is an open-world game, whereas Diablo follows a tight narrative. Regardless, hopefully these monster series of Blizzard’s are done justice. Just keep Uwe Boll far away, and they’ve got a shot.

Call of Duty 4

I hate Games for Windows Live. I love the potential, but currently I think it’s a horrible, horrible excuse for an online system. It’s completely gimped in comparison with Xbox Live, and ultimately worthless right now; I could go on and on, but frankly it’s just not ready for mainstream use, and doesn’t warrant any sort of subscription fee. And as far as cross-platform play goes… so far, not the greatest thing in the world. And I’m not the only who thinks so – in an interview with IGN, Infinity Ward’s Grant Collier stated:

Our rep left us a message saying ‘hey, want to talk about this, Live Anywhere, it’s big, it’s cool’, and I thought, well yeah, if you’re playing online poker, but who wants to be playing an RTS on a console and have some guy on a PC clicking and dragging all his troops, attacking your base while you’re sitting there with your thumb sticks. So I think for FPSs and RTSs, no way, but for, y’know, card games or Tetris or something like that. There are games that I think it’s cool for, but there are other games where I don’t think there’s any point. So they just didn’t respond.

So if you’re looking for a safe bet to make with an uninformed friend, gambling that Call of Duty 4 won’t be featuring cross-platform play is about as safe as you can get.

Read More | IGN Australia via Kotaku

Gears of War Raven Down map

Void of any achievements related to the added-after-the-fact Annex mode or Hidden Fronts maps, Epic will be releasing a title update for Gears of War tomorrow, Thursday, at 2 a.m. GMT (which is 9 p.m. EST tonight, if I’m not mistaken). It will add eight new achievements worth 250 points, improve (read: un-break) the Roadie Run controls, prevent glitches in exploits in the multiplayer, and other various tidbits.

If you’re a real achievement whore and haven’t already picked up the Hidden Fronts map pack (which goes for 800 Microsoft Points, or $10), you might be tempted to do so now. But keep in mind that all four maps included in it will be released for free on September 3.

For release notes and details on the new achievements, check after the break.

Click to continue reading Gears of War Getting More Achievements With New Title Update

Prince of Persia Classic

For those of you who think Prince of Persia is a series that began last gen, you’re dead wrong. Prince of Persia was originally a PC title, developed back in 1989. Now the game is resurfacing as Prince of Persia Classic on the Xbox Live Arcade for 800 Microsoft Points ($10). The interesting catch to the game is that you’re required to save a princess… but in under 60 minutes.

The features list is exactly what you would expect from an XBLA game: improved graphics; new traps, puzzles, and enemies; 12 achievements; and leaderboards in three flavors – Normal Mode (complete the game as fast as possible, saving after each level), Time Attach Mode (start from the beginning if that princess isn’t saved in 60 minutes), and Survival Mode (complete the game in under 60 minutes without dying – good luck).

Finally a return to gaming news! So much for Andy, Hawkes and Edie to talk about, including Sony’s “major announcement,” the 80Gig Europe hate, Blu-Ray price drops, and (gasp!) Andy’s discovery of a great PS3 title! But that’s not all! We’ve got conversation about EA and ID going to the Mac, the PSP “slim, Shadowrun and Forza 2.

But wait! There’s more! Winners of last week’s contest are annouced.

Order now and you’ll recieve GamerAndy’s TV corner, where we discuss the end of the Sopranos and the return of Jherico.

Don’t walk… RUN to the download!

Playfeed reviews gamesOur review scoring guide here at Playfeed is very simple and straightforward: games get a single number score, from 1-10, where 5 is considered average. There’s no 0.1 nonsense here, leaving you to wonder what the difference is between a game scoring an 8.2 and another that received an 8.4. We’re looking to provide you with a simple number that sums up the reviewer’s thoughts on the game being reviewed. However, we encourage you to read the text, as it will almost always be of much more help than the review score we assign to a game.

To be clear, a 10 doesn’t imply perfection – no game will ever achieve such a feat. But, if a game receives a 10, rest assured that we cannot more highly recommend it.

10 – Excellent.

9 – Great.

8 – Very good.

7 – Good.

6 – Above average.

5 – Average.

4 – Below average.

3 – Bad.

2 – Terrible.

1 – Bubonic Plague-level atrocity; a sin against nature.

Soltrio Solitaire screenshot

Typically when I download an Xbox Live Arcade game, I know right away whether or not it’s something that I’ll play for three minutes and delete, or if it’s something that’ll sit on my hard drive awaiting me to plunk down however many Microsoft Points it costs to own it. Soltrio Solitaire is one of those games I expected to delete right away. I mean, it’s just solitaire. Albeit, 18 different kinds of solitaire, but that doesn’t change the fact that this is something I’ve played enough of as I waste time on my computer. So I played a game of regular old Solitaire (which is apparently called Klondike – who knew?) and enjoyed it, and decided to try another type. Then I noticed that I was playing over and over and over. I quickly snatched up the full version so that I could attempt to climb the leaderboards and try out some of the game’s other features.

After a ridiculous number of games played (including time spent willingly playing this over the Halo 3 beta), I can safely say that if you’re a fan of card games, you should pick up Soltrio. Casual fans with short attention spans or graphic whores need look elsewhere – this is clearly aimed and successfully works as the type of game that sucks in anyone that can appreciate the depth of a card game.

Click to continue reading Soltrio Solitaire Xbox Live Arcade Review

