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Fable III gets DLC in the form of afros and a new town

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Adventure, Downloadable Content, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Marketplace,
On November 23 gamers can get their hands on the Exclusive Hair Pack for 160 Microsoft Points. This pack adds afros, corn rows, asymmetrical bobs, and a dog buff which gives your dog five stars across all abilities without having to train him.
The Understone Quest Pack will also become available for 400 MP. This expansion adds an entirely new town for you to pillage and find sexual conquests in, if you like that sort of stuff. Understone is a fully realized town built by the hands of Montague Hummes under the streets of Bowerstone. Plenty of property is available for purchase just as you'd expect from any other town in the game.
The catch of the town is that the villagers are under the control of a mysterious voice, and it is up to you to find out who or what is keeping the villagers under this spell. The decision you make will decide Underworld's fate, and your own moral one.
Lastly, the pack will turn the Saker's bandit camp into a tourist attraction with a shooting gallery mini-game, Reaver's Wheel of Misfortune, and new prizes to be won.
It's no mystery that the Xbox 360 isn't Japan's ideal console. Big name first person shooters like Halo are not hyped up in Japan to nearly the same extent as they are in America. Apparently, it seems that Kinect may too suffer the same fate, as gamers line up to play Gran Turismo 5 and neglect Kinect entirely. While this doesn't necessarily mean Kinect will have a poor launch in Japan, it's not a good foreshadowing of things to come either. Although, the Japanese base is a fairly small one when compared to both the European and American markets, so Japanese producers still have good reason to make Kinect games even if the hardware isn't embraced by the locals.
Click to continue reading Japan not embracing Kinect?
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Wii successor not a top priority for Nintendo…yet

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Nintendo, Rumors, Wii,
The Nintendo Wii has done well. Really well. Though, sales of the hit console peaked in its third year, and have since been waning. This kind of shift in sales is what usually prompts a successor to be named. Not to mention that the Wii now faces an uphill battle against the motion technologies of both Sony and Microsoft, the latter of which is taking off into American homes like hot cakes. However, Nintendo of America's Reggie Fils-Aime believes that the original Wii still has a lot of fight left in it, even against the transformed market strategies of Sony and Microsoft.
In an interview with Kotaku journalist Stephen Totilo, Reggie stated:
"As we sit here today we're saying the Wii has many, many more units to sell. After we've reached an installed base of 45 million here in the U.S., we can have a conversation about the next generation. "
As of now the Wii has an installed base of more than 30 million in North America. Looks like it's going to be at least another two years before we Nintendo even thinks about a new console. Or at least that's what they want us to think, wink wink.
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Nintendo trademarks phrase: It’s on like Donkey Kong

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Corporate News, Culture, Nintendo,
"It's on like Donkey Kong, beeyotch."
Sorry, Stifler, but not anymore. Not since Nintendo decided to make the phrase "it's on like Donkey Kong" a permanent staple of their company.
However, if Nintendo had decided to trademark this phrase a few years ago they would've been able to cash in on the phrase's popularity, but it's not quite at the height that it was around the time that the Stif-meister brought it to mainstream popularity in American Wedding.
This decision to now trademark the phrase comes on the heels of the announcement of Donkey Kong's return to the gaming world in the appropriately titled Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii.
Lets all have a moment of silence for "it's on like Donkey Kong". Perhaps a new saying will emerge? "It's on like Banjo Kazooie", just sayin'...
Kinect Munich launch brings Stachus gate to life

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Culture, Microsoft, Xbox 360,
Dutch sweetheart Sylvie van der Vaart joined shoppers in Munich's famous Karlsplatz to create a breathtaking piece of interactive, art inspired by Kinect. State of the art technology allowed shoppers to take control of the iconic Stachus gate, bringing the ancient medieval structure to life by jumping, dancing, waving and gyrating. Definitely a cool sight to behold.
Hearing the “pluck” of an achievement is a joy to some, but to others, that little achievement sound is a rush similar to sky diving on cocaine. As gamers, we’ve all been there - slightly obsessed with getting all the achievements for a particular game. But, for achievement hunter and stay at home mother Kristen, one full game of achievements wasn’t enough.
"I wanted to get to 200,000, so I started playing some cheesy kid games," said Kristen. Playing games in this manner to get achievements is called “boosting” by some, and now that Kristen reached her goal of 200,000 she plans to cut back a whole lot.
"I've been gaming for so long, I'll never quit - I'll probably keep gaming until I'm 70. But as far as achievements, I plan to cut back a lot now," said Kristen. “Now that I've hit it, I can't wait to just play Black Ops."
Kristen seems to have gotten over her achievement addiction, but only time will tell if she can stop from going on achievement benders this holiday season.
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Sonic Colors celebration in New York City

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Adventure, Culture, SEGA, Wii,
Sega seems to be quite happy with Sonic Colors, and plans to celebrate in New York City this evening, from 6pm to 10pm in Bryant Park with an ice skating party and free hedgehog hats. If you are among the first 300 people to arrive at Sonic Colors launch part at Citi Pond in Bryant Park then you will be able to keep your head warm in Sonic style with a free Sonic the Hedgehog hat.
Furthermore, the same 300 attendees will get to skate for free, and as a bonus to make things seem extremely cheesy, will get to skate to the Sonic Colors theme song - “Reach For The Stars”, awesome!
Click to continue reading Sonic Colors celebration in New York City
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Xbox Live Gold Family Pack now available

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Microsoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,
A couple of days ago, Microsoft raised the price of an annual Xbox Live Gold suscription by $10, to $59.99 per year. However, realizing that there are people out there with multiple accounts in a family setting, the company has finally incorporated an Xbox Live Family subscription into their offerings, and it's a great deal. For $99.99 per year--$20 less than the cost of two Xbox Live Gold subscriptions--you get a pack of four Xbox Live Gold accounts. Even cooler, though, is if you have young children, you get details on their activity and can set up preferences and allowances, and even get activity reports. Here's a look at the features that are exclusive fo the Family Pack:
- Family Center: It’s a single easy-to-use destination to manage your family’s memberships and online settings.
- Activity reports: Sign in to to view reports on your family’s activities on Xbox LIVE, and encourage discussions with your family about safer, healthier, and more balanced gaming.
- Microsoft Points Allowances: Parents and caregivers can purchase and gift Microsoft Points to their children.
- Family Pack Deal: Get exclusive discounts on family-friendly content.
You can convert over to the Family Pack from any existing Xbox Live account. If you're already a Gold member, then you get $5 towards the purchase of the Family Pack for each month of Gold that you have remaining on your account. Even better, if other accounts that you want to add to your Family Pack have time left on a Gold subscription, the entire family will get another month of Gold added for every two months remaining on each account.
The Xbox Live Gold Family Pack is available now, and you can set it up online, or from the Xbox 360 dashboard.
Read More | Xbox Live Family Pack FAQ
The 5 Most Memorable Video Game Experiences

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Action, Adventure, Bungie, Culture, Editorial, Features, Fighting, First Person Shooters, Microsoft, Nintendo, Xbox,
Once in awhile there comes along an experience that shapes the way that we look at things. A video game experience that makes something in your brain tingle. A game where simply a mere melody from its title screen sends nostalgia crawling up your spine. There are a few video games with these kinds of experience that stick out in our minds; not just for being great games, but for their “wow” factors. Sometimes these experiences are shaped by our personal interpretations; i.e. revolving around what was going on in our lives at the time. Therefore, you may have a different top five list, but we can all agree that the following five games helped to shape the way video games are made even to this day.
Click to continue reading The 5 Most Memorable Video Game Experiences
Mandatory Xbox Live update coming Nov 1st

Posted by Patrick Lambert Categories: Microsoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,
If you've been waiting for the Fall 2010 Xbox Live dashboard update to drop, tomorrow is the day, just in time for the launch of Kinect. This'll be a mandatory update, and anyone who refuses to get it will find themselves unable to connect to the service. According to the message Xbox Live users are receiving in their inboxes, the update will also add minor changes the Dashboard so that: "You will notice a change to the layout of the Xbox LIVE Dashboard, a new color scheme, and new fonts being used.
If you want a look at all the new features the update will bring to your Xbox 360, hit our video after the jump.
Click to continue reading Mandatory Xbox Live update coming Nov 1st
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