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Ads with sound hit Xbox 360 dashboard

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Culture, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,
Well, how’s this for a slap in the face? It looks like ads that have sound incorporated into them have come to the Xbox 360 dashboard. As you can see in the video above, the ad appears in a tile, and if you bring that tile into primary view, sound automatically plays - even if you don’t select the ad. That’s pretty low, considering you paid for the console, paid for the games, and more than likely, pay $50 a year for an Xbox LIVE Gold subscription. Here’s hoping that Silverlight in the Xbox 360 Fall 2009 dashboard update doesn’t bring even more advertising with it.
Xbox 360 Fall 2009 Update Preview

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Downloadable Content, Features, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace,

Lucky us, we are getting early access to the Xbox 360 Fall 2009 Dashboard Update this coming Monday. We will bring you all our thoughts on everything we are able to try out. We have a list of stuff we will have access to on Monday, which you can see after the jump, but we were also able to put together a gallery of some of the things we will be playing with as well. You can find all those images over in our Xbox 360 Fall 2009 NXE Dashboard Update Preview Gallery.
Click to continue reading Xbox 360 Fall 2009 Update Preview

Sega just launched a teaser page, called “Jackpot,” and they aren’t really telling what it’s all about. The page features a simple Flash unit that has a clickable handle and a tumbler full of lottery-type numbered balls. You click the handle, and out come six balls numbered 0-4-2-0-4-5. I tried again a few minutes later, and got 0-4-2-0-4-0, and then 0-4-2-0-3-9. Some sort of countdown timer? If so, it ends on Tuesday at about 10:00 AM EDT. Comic-Con anyone? Give us your best guess as to what Sega Jackpot is all about.
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Japan’s Black Wii Box

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Culture, Nintendo, Special Editions, Wii,

Continuing the trend of Japanese gamers getting the premium Nintendo goods while us in the US just get to watch, Nintendo is set to release a black Wii over in the Land of the Rising Sun. Sure, it’s the same console, but the Wii and WiiMote are a shiny black, rather than the glossy white we are all used to. Oh, and here’s the box. The black Wii hits Japan store shelves on August 1.
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Mothership Zeta Fallout 3 DLC info

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Adventure, Downloadable Content, Games for Windows Live, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Marketplace,

The fifth and final Fallout 3 DLC, called Mothership Zeta, will be available on August 3rd on the Xbox Live Marketplace, as well as Games for Windows Live, for 800 Microsoft Points. It will be released for the PS3 at a later date. Here’s the synopsis from Bethesda:
Defy hostile alien abductors and fight your way off of the massive Mothership Zeta, orbiting Earth miles above the Capital Wasteland. Mothership Zeta takes Fallout 3 in an entirely new direction – outer space. Meet new characters and join with them in a desperate bid to escape the Aliens’ clutches. To do so, you’ll wield powerful new weapons, like the Alien Atomizer, Alien Disintegrator, and Drone Cannon, and deck yourself out in brand new outfits, like the Gemini-Era Spacesuit and even Samurai Armor.
You can color us excited. Now we know that the alien crash site was meant for more than just finding the fantastic Alien Blaster weapon. Who’s excited?
Read More | Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta DLC
What Super Mario Galaxy would look like on high definition Wii

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Adventure, Mods/Hacks, Nintendo, Platformers, Screenshots, Wii,

When Nintendo announced the Wii initially, one of the large collective groans we heard from gamers was in regards to the lack of high definition output. Well, here are a few images to make you lust for that HD Wii even more. The images in our Super Mario Galaxy HD gallery are taken from a Wii emulator that is capable of outputting 720p video. The images look great and all, but I guess Nintendo knows what’s best for us.
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Summer of Arcade 2009 brings Turtles in Time, Marvel vs Capcom 2, more

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, CAPCOM, Fighting, Release Dates, Retro, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace,

The second annual Summer of Arcade kicks off on July 22nd, bringing with it one of the most hotly anticipated games to hit the Xbox Live Arcade: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled for 1200 Microsoft Points. Over the course of the following four weeks, the excitement continues. Here’s a look at the schedule for the 2009 Summer of Arcade:
July 22: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles™: Turtles in Time Re-shelled 1200 Microsoft Points
(Ubisoft Singapore®/Ubisoft®): Cowabunga dude! Marking the franchise’s 25 anniversary, everyone’s favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game is back with a brand new look in “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled.” The arcade classic has been revamped with all new 3D graphics, but the same classic beat ‘em up gameplay.July 29: Marvel vs. Capcom 2 1200 Microsoft Points
(Backbone Entertainment/Capcom): One of the most popular fighting games of all time, “Marvel vs. Capcom 2,” arrives worldwide on Xbox LIVE Arcade. Choose from 56 legendary characters from Marvel Comics and Capcom history, including Ryu and Wolverine. With online multiplayer over Xbox LIVE and enhanced HD graphics, decide your own dream team in the ultimate tag-team fighting experience.August 5: Splosion Man™ 800 Microsoft Points
(Twisted Pixel Games/Microsoft): Fools they were, to tread where knowledge should stay forbidden. For what emerged was not a man - it was a Splosion Man. “And all who saw him were sploded, for he was the fire and they were but meat.” Able to splode himself at will, the Splosion Man launches his way through levels as an uncontainable force. From Twisted Pixel Games, developer of the award winning The Maw™, Splosion Man will keep you on your toes as you play through more than 50 single-player levels and 50 multiplayer levels. Nominated by GameSpy, Gamespot, IGN, and 411mania, this meat-riddled splosion-fest took several Best of E3 awards including Best Platformer and Best Downloadable Game.August 12: Trials HD 1200 Microsoft Points
(RedLynx/Microsoft): Nominated for GameSpy’s Best Downloadable Game of E3 award, “Trials HD” is guaranteed to get our heart racing.” Put on your helmet, and rev your way through “Trials HD,” a full-featured, physics-based motorcycle racing platformer in stunning HD graphics. Tear up more than 50 tracks and test your metal in two unique game modes: Race and Skill. Create, share and download an unlimited number of free tracks with the level editor, and customize your rider to fit your personality.August 19: Shadow Complex 1200 Microsoft Points
(Chair Entertainment and Epic Games/Microsoft): Winner of numerous Best of E3 awards including Best Downloadable Game from 1UP, IGN, GameTrailers and G4TV, “Shadow Complex” is the next evolution in downloadable games. “Shadow Complex” marries the quality and depth of a full retail title with the stunning visuals of Epic Games’ industry-leading Unreal Engine 3, and a classic side-scroller. Set in the world of Orson Scott Card’s best-selling novel, “Empire,” Shadow Complex provides more than 10 hours of in-depth gameplay and introduces a compelling universe.
Between Turtles in Time, Marvel vs. Capsom 2, and Shadow Complex, this is going to be one expensive summer.
Read More | Major Nelson
MapleStory video features new player class – Cygnus Knights

Posted by Drea Avellan Categories: Action, MMORPG, PC, Trailers,
Nexon is gearing up for a new update coming to MapleStory, set to release later this summer. To keep fans of the game excited, they have released a video featuring a new player class coming to the game – Cygnus Knights. The video not only shows off this new class, but also various types of characters MapleStory players may be able to play. In addition, they have also opened dedicated site for the Cygnus Knights and will be continually updated until the expansion.
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Bioshock 2 promotional vinyl

Posted by Drea Avellan Categories: Culture, PC, PlayStation 3, Survival Horror, Xbox 360,

I’m a sucker for video game promotional items. Why? Well, they are usually extremely creative and make a great addition to any game collection. Also, the bragging rights are kind of nice. The fine folks over at Destructoid got such item last week from 2k Games promoting Bioshock 2. The package delivered a 7” vinyl and well – lots of mystery. Assuming we all carry around a record player (which obviously we do), we could find that the vinyl contained a Rapture anthem which is later interrupted by some crackling by the voice of a young girl calling out, “Daddy”. Now, I know I can make all kinds of clean jokes about this, but it’s not the same if you, the reader, have not yet been graced by these sounds. You can head over to There’s Something in the Sea and after the page loads, click the yellow arrow on the left and then click on the record player. You will then be able to hear what the vinyl contained. You know what they say—it ain’t no fun if the homies can’t have none.
Read More | Destructoid
Exclusive Green Day Tracks and Mayhem Festival Artists on Wii Rock Band

Posted by Drea Avellan Categories: Downloadable Content, Music, Wii,

If you are like me and were not able to score tickets to this year’s Mayhem Tour, you can pretty much guess you will spend that day mopping or curling up in bed. Well, Harmonix says NO to that and is releasing 28 tracks from the artists performing at the event in addition to back-catalog tracks from The Presidents of the United States, The Offspring and Lamb of God all available July 7th, 2009. Only catch? These tracks are only available for Wii Rock Band.
Track listing available after the jump.
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