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Transformers The Game Xbox 360 boxartA heads-up to those of you out there with any artistic or speaking ability: the Xbox Live 10K Club is celebrating its one year anniversary all this month and this week they’re sporting a contest for a copy of Transformers. All you need to do is design either a wallpaper or Zune background or submit an audio clip about the 10K Club.

There’s a free game at stake here, folks. Get crackin’.

Read More | Xbox Live 10K Club


Tabula Rasa LOGOS NCsoft’s upcoming MMORPG Tabula Rasa certainly seems to be shaping up nicely – as well it should be considering how long the game has been in development for. Finally scheduled for release this fall, one of the game’s features includes the ability to harness the power of LOGOS (which is what that strange image is to the right). As the developers put it:

In Tabula Rasa, you are a Logos-receptive soldier of the AFS, and are able to learn the language of Logos at shrines throughout the worlds you travel to.  Not only can your knowledge of Logos be used to activate special abilities that can help the AFS win this war, but the ancient symbols you uncover can also unlock hidden locations where you can further your training and enhance your skills.  Ancient secrets will be revealed to you as you collect more and more Logos to your tablet.

Intrigued? Check after the break for screenshots and a description of the power of LOGOS.

Tabula Rasa screenshot

Click to continue reading Everything You Could Want To Know About LOGOS In Tabula Rasa

Xbox 360 Price Cut

Three different images have made their way onto the Internet promoting an Xbox 360 price drop, showcasing sales circulars from Circuit City, Walmart, and Toys ‘R Us. The Core system drops $20 to $279.99, the Premium drops $50 to $349.99, and the Elite drops $30 to $449.99. Cheaper prices are nice, sure, but as one NeoGAF poster pointed out, the differential between the Core and Premium systems’ prices seem, well, stupid.

When asked what about this makes the Core system (which has long been referred to as the ‘tard pack) even more ‘tarded, Sho_Nuff82 responded, “Core + 512MB memory card = $330, which is now $20 less than a Premium, that’s what.” And he has a point.

With the Wii set in stone for the time being at $249.99, it would have made sense to drop the Core system’s price down to match that. It would have made for all the more compelling of a reason to pick up a Core for the average consumer. What we have instead appears to really be a ‘tard pack.

The only sense that can be made of this is that another price drop is coming later this year, perhaps in November so as to create some buzz before the holiday shopping season.

Mass Effect E3 screenshot

As if you didn’t already have enough reasons to be drooling over BioWare’s newest RPG, Mass Effect, this Director’s Cut video of the footage seen at E3 will make the wait all the more unbearable. Now, stop reading this and go check out the video on the official Mass Effect website.

Read More | Mass Effect

Halo 3 4 player co-op

UPDATE: For all of you Negative Nancys out there, the news has been made official on Bungie.net. Head over there for details on the two Elites players three and four will take the role of (pictured above).

ORIGINAL STORY: While the news has yet to make it onto Bungie.net, a post made on the NeoGAF forums a short while ago posted a translation from Dutch website Inside Gamer stating that Halo 3 would support 4-player co-op. While the wording was difficult to understand (and initially looked like it might only be confirming 4-player split-screen co-op), Bungie’s Luke Smith has given this the thumbs up with a single word: “Believe.”

He later in the thread stated that news about this would make its way onto the official Bungie website later today, but this is huge news for Halo fans who were told that Halo 3 wouldn’t even be supporting online co-op.

As a huge Halo fan, I’m absolutely ecstatic over this. Online co-op in any form would have been fantastic. But FOUR players? That’s ridiculously awesome. I just wonder who the third and fourth players will play the role of.

Read More | NeoGAF

Marathon Durandal Xbox Live Arcade

Finally, Bungie’s Marathon. The game that was arguably better than Doom back in the day, but got little no attention because it was released only on Macs. (That’s what they get.) Marathon: Durandal, however, is actually the sequel to the original Marathon which saw a release on both Windows and Mac. The XBLA port was developed by Freeverse, and includes a variety of features that will make it worth its 800 Microsoft Point price tag – HD graphics, Xbox Live play, and co-op.

Spyglass Board Games has been heavily anticipated by many gamers, as for 400 Microsoft Points you get a sweet package of Chess, Checkers, Mancala and Reversi, all with Xbox Live Vision Camera support.

Both games will be available this Wednesday on Xbox Live Arcade.

Dynamite Headdy Sega Genesis boxartWhile the Xbox Live Arcade is set to get the classic Marathon, Virtual Console’s additions this week include Star Soldier (vertical shooter; NES, 500 Wii points), Dynamite Headdy (platformer; Genesis, 800 points) and Drop Off (puzzle; TurboGrafx16, 600 points) – all pretty old titles. This is really a hardcore retro week, apparently.

All three are now available. Check after the break for more details.

Click to continue reading Virtual Console 7/30: Star Soldier, Dynamite Headdy, And Drop Off

Xbox 360 HD-DVD add-on

Announced at Comic-Con, the new price drop on the HD-DVD add-on for the Xbox 360 will lower the unit’s price to $179 (down from $199.99) starting August 1. As an added incentive, Toshiba’s Perfect Offer has been extended to the 360 HD-DVD Player – anyone who purchases the HD-DVD add-on will be able to select five free HD-DVDs from a list of 15 through a mail-in offer. Don’t expect the greatest selection of movies, though, as is the case with the five free Blu-ray movies that come with the purchase of a PlayStation 3. But free is free.

Microsoft also teased the HD-DVD release of Heroes: Season 1 and 300; Xbox Live will be home to some exclusive content. On August 14, 300 will be available for download in HD, and for a limited time, the pilot episode of Heroes will be free to download.

It certainly looks like Microsoft is pushing hard with HD-DVD, and understandably so – Blu-ray has been the more successful of the two next-gen DVD formats as of late. And the success of Blu-ray is of major support to Sony and the PlayStation 3 - and Microsoft isn’t looking to do them any favors.

Guild Wars Eye of the North boxartWe’ve got an exclusive first look at some of the friendly NPCs you’ll be meeting along the way in your journey through Guild Wars: Eye of the North. Eye of the North is the first expansion in the Guild Wars series – prior GW titles were standalone, but connected with one another, whereas Eye of the North will require you to own a previous GW campaign. The prerelease bonus pack is now available, with the game’s release set for August 31.

Check after the break for the first ever look at these friends from Eye of the North - longtime Guild Wars fans might spot a familiar face.

Click to continue reading Exclusive: Guild Wars: Eye of the North Friends & Allies

Electronic Gaming Monthly executive editor Shane Bettenhausen had a chance to sit down with Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto during E3 to ask him some questions – ranging from the new Wii accessories to people’s perception of Wii Fit to Animal Crossing Wii. There’s nothing groundbreaking, but it’s nice to hear SOMETHING about Animal Crossing Wii. And from what Miyamoto said, it sounds as if we’ll certainly be seeing New Super Mario Bros. 2. (Like we didn’t already know that.)

