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Sony PS2 Price Cut To Combat 360 Launch?

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: PlayStation 2, Xbox 360,
Microsoft plans to be king of the consoles by launching their Xbox 360 this holiday season, but this could be easier said then done. Even though the PS3 is not due out until next year, Sony is pulling all the stops to foil Microsoft’s plans for dominance. According to one source, Sony is planning to make a price cut on their slim PS2, bringing it $100, in order to battle Microsoft’s Xbox 360. A very brave move since the consumer will know that what they are buying is essentially an out dated system. Nonetheless, Sony will not go down without trying to do some damage. This is shaping to be a highly competitive holiday season with one clear winner – retail stores.
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Gamespot: 50 Cent Interview

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Action, PlayStation 2, Portable/Mobile, Xbox,
Gamespot has an interview with 50 Cent where he talks about his upcoming video game, Bulletproof. They also show a bit of the game along with some behind the scenes content. The game is looking very interesting, but I’ll hold my opinions off until we see a demo or the actual finalized game. If you want to be a true gangsta, be sure to have this game pre-ordered.
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Xbox 360 HD-DVD Rumor Explained

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Corporate News, Xbox 360,
The apparent rumor floating around that Bill Gates had said future Xbox 360s would pack HD-DVD drives is unfounded. All signs point to Microsoft adopting HD-DVD over Blu-Ray, however, Gates has not said anything to confirm that. The original quote that was chopped up and re-arranged in such a way as to spur this rumor was the following:
“The initial shipments of Xbox 360 will be based on today’s DVD format,” Gates said. “We are looking at whether future versions of Xbox 360 will incorporate an additional capability of an HD DVD player or something else.”
One thing is for sure, next gen DVD support will happen in the Xbox 360, however, just which one or how they’ll go about it is yet to be revealed.
Read More | arsTechnica
Vaja, the makers of many fine leather cases for laptops, phones, and MP3 players have introduced the PSPouch and PSPouch retro. These stylish leather cases protect the PSP and 2 extra games along with 4 Memory Sick Duo cards. With a number of great color combinations available this could be a winner for toting your games. With a $140 and $160 price tag respectively you should really love your PSP consider forking out for it, but when you do you will be the most stylish kid on your block!
Shigero Miyamoto gave an interview today to GameSpy and talked about making controllers for Nintendo’s both in the past, and what ideals should be observed in the future. He commented that he wants a controller to be something fun - something that you want to interact with - not something complex that needs to be learned.Miyamoto wants each button of a controller to be different, feel different, look different - he feels that this helps audiences young and old be comfortable anddifferentiate between the wide array of buttons present on modern game controllers. He seemed surprised that Sony and Microsoft had not taken strides in this direction - Microsoft has colored their buttons, but has failed to change their shape even with the release of theXbox 360. Near the end of the interview Miyamoto expressed his two goals for the revolution controller design: “What we really want to do is create something that’s not frightening to the user that is usable for a Zelda-type game. We’re going to have to figure out a way to marry both those ideas.”
Obviously with rumors of a QWERTY controller for the Xbox 360 Microsoft has taken a very different approach to designing a controller. Everything from electro-shocking cylinders to hepatic feedback touch screens have been proposed for the Revolution design by people in Nintendo’s fan base. What do ourPlayfeed readers think the Revolution controller is going to look like? How will you interact with it? How will it interact with you?
Read More |Gamespy
Someone has snapped some camera phone pictures of a Spanish language presentation from Microsoft which featured a controller for theXbox 360 which appeared to have a full QWERTY thumb board nestled between the main game controls. Of course the rumor mill is flying about this, but the potential for online communication and game control (particularly for MMORPG’s) is limitless if you add a feature like this to the Xbox 360. Let’s hope this is a planned product and not just some marketing guys “what-if” prototype.
Read More | GamersReports via Joystiq
Richard Simmons In The Twilight Princess?
Posted by Edwin Soto Categories: Adventure, Nintendo Gamecube,
One of the most anticipated games in history will beexcruiatingly horrible if this is true. This rumor comes from the usually reliable IMDB where I usually solve argument’s about who was in what movie/tv show. The rumor being that Richard Simmons will voice the already slightly annoying Mr. Tingle. Honestly, everyone will be starting the web petition . Jerry Springer’s final thought: WTF?
Nintendo Profits Down, Still Doing Fine
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Corporate News, Nintendo Gamecube, Portable/Mobile,
The Reuters service of Japan is reporting a 78.5% fall in the operating profits for Nintendo in the fiscal quarter ending June 30th. Reasons for this loss include the lack of third-party games and the declining sales of the GBA SP and Gamecube. While this might seem like very bad news, it should be pointed out that Nintendo is still the only major current-generation console company making any money at all. The DS has managed to gain a foothold large enough to avoid complete destruction by the PSP and Nintendo has presented a conservative strategy for the future that looks to ensure a viable and stable business model. In the next-generation of consoles, it may be enough of a Revolution to simply make any profit at all.
Read More | 1Up
Get More Out of Your PSP 2.0 Firmware Upgrade
Posted by Edwin Soto Categories: Internet, Mods/Hacks, Portable/Mobile,
This list of awesome things to discover out of your new PSP upgrade saves you the trouble of figuring out the can and cant-do’s. C.K Sample has tinkered and continues to tinker about all the goodies surrounding the new firmware - tabbed browsing, Wallpapers, etc. I tried to find where I download the new white version of the PSP on this page, but it seems no one has gone that down pat just yet.
Read More | Sample The Web via Joystiq
Coming October 21st of this year, the movie based on the highly popular video game, Doom, will be released and awaited eagerly by fans of the game to witness first hand if it will leave you in awe or feeling you were just ripped off when the movie ticket was purchased. The website to the movie is finally online and sports some information, a wallpaper of the logo, some pictures and a download link to IGN’s exclusive movie teaser trailer. So far the trailer looks promising, but of course that’s the whole point. We’ll just have to wait a bit longer to decide weather this movie will be worth watching or if getting some sleep would be more enjoyable – and less expensive.
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