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EA and Valve Team Up

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Corporate News, First Person Shooters, Xbox, Xbox 360,
There’s one more notch on EA’s belt now that Valve has signed an agreement with EA to allow the company to deliver its award wining games to its gaming audience. This means that EA will be publishing and distributing the Half-Life 2 version for the Xbox later this year, Half-Life 2: Game of the Year and Counter-Strike: Source for PC. Valve will still be selling online versions of their games via their website – Is EA trying to take over the gaming world or do they just want a piece of the pie that is Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike?
Read More | TeamXbox
Although Nintendo Revolution owners may not get to play the next Resident Evil on their systems, they will be able to play SEGA games. SEGA announced this week that they will be showing strong support for Nintendo’s next console. Details about what types of old games or new entries will be available are scarce, but so are any details on the Revolution itself. Therefore, instead of citing any tech specs, SEGA’s Simon Jeffrey is pointing to the two companies’ “similar software philosophies” as the reason for the enthusiastic endorsement.
Read More | EuroGamer
Ben Heck is certainly a creative and talented hardware hacker. He has managed to take an assortment of older video gaming systems including the NES, SNES, and Atari and rework them into portable units featuring batteries, speakers, and LCD screens. He is now ready to share his genius with the world and has written a book on how to build your own portable gaming systems. A perfect gift for the Final Fantasy 3 fan in your life who wants a quick fix on the road.
Read More | Benheck via Kotaku
If you own a modded Xbox and have been playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live I invite you all to log in to Xbox Live and install the latest update. That’s right, fire up your Xbox, load up your copy of Halo 2, log in to Xbox Live, download the update and be BANNED! Bungie has released its latest update and without it you cannot play Halo 2 on Xbox Live. This update is to rid most of the people using mods on Halo 2 – I say most, because there is no doubt someone will come up with some way to go around it. For now, I once again invite you all to install the update.
Q: What will happen to a player if his or her Xbox contains modded content?
A: You will be banned if you are detected playing our game with modified Halo 2 content. Your ban will be from matchmaking, it will be permanent, and there will be no appeal process.
Read More | Bungie Update FAQs
White PSP and Firmware Update Official Announcement
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Portable/Mobile, Wireless,
The white PSP has moved from rumor to official according to Sony?s announcement at the Playstation Meeting 2005 today. The ?Ceramic White? unit, which should now blend in perfectly with your iPod, will ship in Japan in mid-September. Additionally, Sony announced PSP firmware v2.0. This update, due in Japan this week, will include a web browser, a photo-swapping program, and an opportunity for hackers to make a fresh start, as many previous hacks will probably be addressed and rendered useless.
Resident Evil 5 Details Emerge, No Mention of Nintendo
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Adventure, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360,
According to details uncovered from scans of an official announcement, Resident Evil 5 will be coming to the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Overseeing the project will be Street Fighter and Onimusha series veteran producer Jun Takeuchi. While details and speculation are already pointing toward issues of main character (Chris Redfield of RE1) and atmosphere (brighter), the biggest surprise is in what is NOT being discussed ? namely, Nintendo. Even with strong sales of Resident Evil 4 during the period of exclusivity for Nintendo?s Gamecube, there seems to be no intention by Capcom to bring the next installment of the franchise to the Big N. Strange, really, if you consider what some see as a strong connection between Nintendo and the waking dead.
Read More | 1Up
Rockstar Stops Production of GTA: San Andres Amidst AO Rating

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Corporate News, PlayStation 2, Xbox,
How a major corporate gaming presence like Rockstar could overlook something like this is beyond me. Nonetheless, on the heels of all the Hot Coffee controversy regarding the GTA sex scene, the ESRB has revoked the game’s “M” rating and has instead rebranded it with the AO 18+ label. Now, this is a big blow as most retailers refuse to carry any game that is rated Adult Only. In light of the ESRB’s decision, Rockstar Games has announced that they have stopped production of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Rockstar Games has ceased manufacturing of the current version of the title and will begin working on a version of the game with enhanced security to prevent the “hot coffee” modifications. This version will retain the original ESRB M-rating and is expected to be available during the Company’s fourth fiscal quarter. Rockstar Games will be providing AO labels for retailers who wish to continue to sell the current version of the title.
Project Gotham Racing 3 is one of the most highly anticipated next gen game that has sparked up its fair share of controversy. Aside from the E3 trailer and the short clip we saw when the Xbox 360 was unveiled on MTV, Gamespot has a great teaser trailer on this upcoming game. Of course, this game is not done yet so don’t expect these images to be from actual game play. Just remember not to blink, or else you’ll miss this “high speed trailer”.
Read More | Gamespot
Zelda Gets A Guestimated Release Date
Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Adventure, Nintendo Gamecube, has posted a release date for the hotly-anticipated Gamecube release of “The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.” The date, November 14, 2005, fits what we’ve heard about Nintendo’s intentions, but remains a probable guestimate by Amazon. Until Nintendo comes out and says something themselves, the biggest benefit of this announcement is the ability to preorder. Even then, though, it’s probably wiser to wait and see if Nintendo decides to package in any free gifts with a preorder as we get closer to the holidays.
Read More | Amazon
Now this is just off the hook. This kid’s stepdad is Microsoft’s Regulatory Compliance Manager, and brought home an Xbox 360 test unit for some reason or another. Obviously wanting to prove to his friends that he really was 733t, he invited them over for a game of Halo 2. They took some images and posted them to the internet. I bet that Daddy is now in a world of trouble with his employer. One thing to note, the kid says that the 360 has an external power supply, and that it is a monster.
Read More | 360Hacker
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