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This is not new; however, many people were skeptical this actually works. It’s apparent now that this video actually works. While this video will not fix dead pixels, it will fix any stuck pixels you may have. This video is ripped from a DVD stores such as Best Buy give their customers who purchase LCD T.V.s - it rapidly flashes red, green, and blue frames on the PSP screen. The trick is to leave it running in a loop for several hours. Give it a try, after all what do you have to lose?
Download Video | Stuck Pixel Fix via PSP Hacks
In anticipation for next month’s release of the Halo 2 Multiplayer map, Team Xbox has a short movie showing off the Warlock map and its fast action game play. If you don’t have Xbox Live, chances are you have not had the pleasure of playing in this extremely fun map. Here’s a quick description of Warlock:
Warlock, a small to mid-sized indoor arena set in ancient Forerunner ruins, offers ample opportunities for a variety of game types such as Territories, Slayer, Team Slayer and more.
Check out the short movie and see a taste of what’s in store next month.
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Playfeed Time Warp: NiGHTS
Posted by Edwin Soto Categories: Action, Adventure, Features, Retro,
Playfeed is known for giving you the latest and greatest of gaming news. Today we launch Time Warp, looking back in time to bring you a game that you may have missed, or love to reminisce about. This week our game is NiGHTS; a unique game that has its fans screaming “sequel.” So come on in and venture with us and Sonic Team back to 1996, where the Sega Saturn (a long forgotten system) preceded an incoming onslaught of N64 and Playstation.
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Black Sony PSP Earbuds, Remote And Charger

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Portable/Mobile,
Sony has finally decided to release a pair of earbuds and a remote control for the PSP that actually match the system. This was one of our small gripes with the PSP during its pre-launch phase. These are the accessories that should have been packed in with the PSP, but I digress. They are also releasing a standalone battery charger, which lowers charge time when compared to charging the PSP directly. You can purchase the charger for $32 USD, and the buds and remote for $25 USD very soon.
Read More | Akihabara News via engadget
Nintendo Tried To Be Cool Once - It Didn’t Work

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Nintendo Gamecube, Wii,
Remember the problems that plagued the N64? Lack of a disc based format and difficult console to develop for. Nintendo tried to fix this with the Gamecube and tried to be cool. “We can match anything our friends over at Sony can do” I was skeptical when I heard that line from Nintendo, but they were right. The Gamecube proved to be a far more capable machine than the PS2. What was achieved? Not much. Nintendo went with a cheaper more efficient disc based format, and even then people looked down on them. While they fixed the problems with the N64, and believe me they fixed quite a bit, they also created many mistakes with the GCN.
Click to continue reading Nintendo Tried To Be Cool Once - It Didn’t Work
Will Xbox 360 Games Look Better Than The PS3?

Posted by Jesse Easley Categories: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
After E3 many people, including myself, said it looked like the PS3’s graphics would be better than the Xbox 360. Well, ATi claims that the 360 will out perform the PS3 because Nvidia’s RSX chip is lacking the unified shader architecture that the Xenon chip has. If this is the truth than Microsoft made a good deal switching to ATi for their next-gen. Read more for a more technical breakdown.
“It’s way better than I would have expected at this point in the history of 3D graphics,” said Huddy of the Xbox 360 hardware. “The unified shader architecture alone is capable of giving a performance increase of a factor of nearly two over the hardware that we have in PCs today. That’s because we see many cases, and this is particularly true on consoles, where games are limited by one of the two groups of engines in the graphics chip, either the vertex engines or the pixel engines. With a unified pipeline we can now devote 100% of the hardware to which ever task is the bottleneck.”
Read More | GameDaily
Ridger Racers PSP Review

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Driving, Features, Portable/Mobile, Reviews,
Right now we are in a bit of a quiet time in Playstation Portable land where we are waiting for the next batch of games to come out after the initial release of at launch game or near at launch games. There are a handful of really good games out for the PSP, and the one racing game that really stands out is Ridge Racer by Namco. Check out our full review after the jump.
Click to continue reading Ridger Racers PSP Review
Microsoft’s Outrageous Demands For Halo Movie

Posted by Jesse Easley Categories: Corporate News, First Person Shooters, Xbox,
We reported the other day that the Halo script was finalized and being handed off to movie studios for consideration. Well, it seems that Microsoft and Bungie had some pretty crazy demands which are making studios give them nothing but an activated plasma grenade. Five studios have dropped off the line-up of possibilities so far and only 2 big guys remain, Fox and Universal. They are still in the game pending talks with Bungie and Microsoft about their far fetched money expectations.
Even studio executives, known for their lavish spending, winced at Microsoft’s demands, including a $10 million upfront fee for rights, approval over the cast and director, and 60 first-class plane tickets for Microsoft representatives and their guests to the movie’s premiere.
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Seagate to Provide Xbox 360 Hard Drive

Posted by Jesse Easley Categories: Corporate News, Xbox 360,
Yesterday, Seagate announced a new line of 2.5” hard drives for the consumer. The more interesting news is that they announced that these hard drives will be the storage spot for the Xbox 360. Most of the story can be summed up in this one point:
“The hard drive extends the gaming experience on Xbox 360,” said Todd Holmdahl, corporate vice president, Xbox hardware . “From downloading trailers, new game levels, maps, weapons, vehicles, and more to supporting custom playlists in every game and storing video messages from friends, Seagate’s LD25 Series 2.5-inch hard drive brings gaming and digital media together for the ultimate entertainment experience.”
Read More | GameDaily
One of the PS3’s strong points is that Sony wants it to be known as an “entertainment supercomputer”, hence the announcement from Ken Kutaragi stating that the PS3’s hard drive will be running Linux. With Kutaragi’s comments in an interview he seemed to convey that the system will not come with the hard drive, but it will be available as an add-on. They have added a hard-drive bay for the item so most likely it will end up like the PS2, where it is a separate add-on device. This does make sense though - why would the drive run on a Windows OS? Then it would just be an Xbox. To read the whole interview and Gamespot’s take on the whole thing read more.
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