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3D Ultra Mini GolfIt looks like two games have managed to pass Microsoft’s certification testing this week, leading to a rare week when more than one downloadable game title hits the Live Marketplace service. One title is an arcade port of the classic circular shooter, Gyruss. For 400 Microsoft Points ($5), gamers can experience the retro shooter and its Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor soundtrack; Microsoft promises both an original and enhanced mode, with 3D rendered graphics. The usual assortment of achievements is included, along with multiplayer support via Xbox Live. The second title to hit will be 3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures, ostensibly a sequel to the original PC title, 3D Ultra Minigolf. For 800 Points ($10), gamers will get 36 holes on three different theme courses, online Xbox Live play and a course editor, along with related Achievements and Gamerscore. It isn’t clear from the press release whether custom courses will be shareable online – this would be a nice feature, but it doesn’t seem likely that this would happen.

Read More | Gamerscoreblog


Guitar Hero PS2 ScreenshotCareful, RedOctane, careful!! Guitar Hero II hasn’t been out for very long, and already you’re talking of Guitar Hero III? You do realize it’s going to get harder to make people buy a new copy of (essentially) the same game with every iteration, don’t you? Now that GH2 is out for the 360 featuring downloadable content lovin’, it’s hard to see why 360 owners would upgrade to a new game.

Still, this announcement is going to be very exciting for Wii owners… that’s right GH3 will be the first game in the series to be available for the Nintendo Wii, and it’ll feature online multiplayer and downloadable music (hopefully to the SD card?) to boot! Wii owners will also be getting a guitar peripheral, though it’ll be interesting to see how it incorporates the Wiimote… will the little remote be used for some sort of motion sensing? For now, your guess is as good as ours, though IGN promises to update this story later today.

Update: Looks like the interview’s already posted! Check out the link here

Read More | Wii.ign.com

Bonk's Revenge BoxAre you ready to rumble??!? Seriously, are you ready to punch, kick and headbutt your way to victory? Well, for the strong amongst you, Nintendo brings you this week’s Wii Virtual Console titles, which includes Punch Out!! (NES), Virtua Fighter 2 (Genesis), and Bonk’s Revenge (TG-16), for the punchers, kickers, and headbutters, respectively.

Both Punch Out!! and Bonk’s Revenge bring back fond childhood memories (yes, I was one of THOSE kids that owned a TG-16), so I’ll probably pick them up, but it’ll be interesting to see how these titles have aged. What about the rest of you out in the ether? Anything catch your eye this week? Or are there titles you’ve been waiting for forever that STILL haven’t made it to the ol’ VC?

Read More | Wii.Nintendo.com

Pac-Man Vs.OK, OK, so Pac-Man Vs. may not have been Nintendo’s most stunning E3 announcement ever… in fact, it will probably live on in infamy as one of the most disappointing Nintendo surprises ever. That said, it was actually quite a fun party game if you happened to have a Gamecube, GBA, GBA-to-Gamecube link cable, and 3 other controllers.

Well, if you’ve never had a chance to play this gem, there’s good news - as part of the most recent Namco Museum cart for the DS, you’ll be able to enjoy the classic and (thanks to the DS) with nary a wire in sight. Pac-Man Vs. will be included with Namco Museum and for about $19.99, you’ll be able to enjoy the game wire-free (AND, with only one cartridge for up to 4-player gaming), coming this summer.

Click the jump for the full press release…

Click to continue reading Pac-Man Vs. Heading to DS via Namco Museum

Read More | Wired Game | Life

Penny Pincher's Delight!Everybody may be talking about this “next-gen” newfangledness, but there’s still some great games to be found for consoles that are older than a year. If you’re looking for some new games to tide you over until Lair or Metroid Prime 3 or GTA IV hits (whatever floats your boat!), then these may help out.

KB Toys is offering a buy-one-get-one-free deal for a variety of PSP titles. Walmart is offering a variety of bundle deals (2 for $20, 3 for $25, or 2 for $30) on select games for the PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox. And for those of you looking for some next-gen games, we’ve also recently seen THAW for Xbox 360 at $19.99, and even Super Paper Mario for Wii, $44.99 at Amazon.

Enjoy the deals! Just try to leave a bit of money in your bank account to pay taxes with…

LairWith the PlayStation 3 exclusive title, Lair shipping in July, Factor 5 seems to be hitting up the press with their alpha-soon-to-be-beta build of the game to show off their progress. Factor 5 president Julian Eggebrecht spoke with Dean Takahashi from Mercury News about the game, and the development process for the PlayStation 3. Like most of the development interviews, the talk ranges from the background of the company to the specific goals of the game under discussion, and then usually to a comparison of the technology and the development process for the various consoles. Eggebrecht’s insights into the PlayStation 3 development cycle versus the Xbox 360 are interesting, and may point to why so many of the PlayStation 3 ports of Xbox 360 games are lacking. Eggebrecht claims that developers will “have a hard time if you port without having a PS 3 game in mind when you created the 360 version. That is where a lot of complaints are coming from.” The better path, according to Factor 5, is going from the PlayStation 3 to the Xbox 360, not that Lair will be coming to the Xbox 360 any time soon; Eggbrecht considers themselves lucky that they “didn’t have to think about the 360 at all.” The interview continues into some deeper discussion into the relatively memory limited consoles, at least compared to their PC counterparts and the interview overall is an interesting look into the development of a title that exists on so many different scales.

Read More | Mercury News

Panzer DragoonGamasutra is reporting that following last week’s Easter Egg featuring Bug for the Sega Saturn, the 3D shooter series Panzer Dragoon will be coming to the GameTap subscription service; both Panzer Dragoon and Panzer Dragoon Zwei are listed as “coming soon.” While the original Panzer Dragoon appeared in a PC port, Gamasutra confirmed that the two games are the original Sega Saturn versions. The release of the shooters in the series gives hope that Panzer Dragoon Saga may also be coming.

Read More | Gamasutra

Internet ChannelThose Wii owners with WiiConnect24 enabled probably woke to find their Wii slots glowing blue, their consoles fresh with a notification from Nintendo that the final version of the Wii Internet Channel was now ready. For those without the WiiConnect24 service enabled, the full browser is just a system update and a visit to the Wii Shop channel away. Those that have been playing with the Beta version will notice a few new things about the final version. A better manual zoom option has been added, for somewhat better navigation and readability. Users can now toggle or disable the toolbar that has haunted the bottom of the screen, so videos can take up more of the screen and the Flash-based gaming experience should be improved. Along those lines, general performance of the browser seems to be improved; some of the YouTube videos that used to give the browser problems seem to stream and zoom a lot more smoothly now. The browser still isn’t perfect – a lot of the rich media experiences on the web still aren’t supported, but for free this is an excellent option. The browser won’t be free forever, though – after June 30th the price jumps to 500 Wii Points. At $5.00, this is still a decent bargain for an alternative browsing option to a PC.

Nintendo’s full press release continues below.

Click to continue reading Wii Internet Channel Finally Ready

PS3 20GBWhile the 60GB PlayStation 3 models have been plentiful on US shelves, the 20GB model has been difficult to get. Most stores have been removing the console from their online stores, including Sony’s official SonyStyle. Once that happened, gamers had to suspect that something was up. Now, 1up is reporting that Sony Computer Entertainment America has officially announced that the 20GB version of the PlayStation 3 is dead. Sony’s statement indicates that 90 percent of the retail demand was for the 60GB console, and that they are merely following the demands of the buying public. Realistically, though, various reports had Sony actually losing more money on the 20GB hardware than on the 60GB; retailer margin would likely be less as well, leading stores to order the model that could make them more money. The real customer demand for the 20GB model will never be known now, since a mere five months after launch the 20GB hardware is gone. One hopes that this is clearing the way for a price drop on the 60GB model, but that hope would seem to be slim at best.

Read More | 1up

Guitar Hero 2The first Guitar Hero II song packs have hit the Xbox Live Marketplace, according to the Major Nelson blog, and they aren’t cheap. 500 Microsoft Points will get you a song pack of 3 songs. At $6.25 per song pack, this translates to a little over $2 a song. Not only that, but these songs are not original to Guitar Hero 2 for the Xbox 360; all of the songs are from the original set list of the original Guitar Hero. If Red Octane and Activision price the rest of the set list like these first three packs, the whole batch of songs from the original game will cost Xbox 360 gamers over $95. For those still interested, these are the songs included in each pack:

  • Track Pack 1: Bark at the Moon as made famous by Ozzy Osbourne, Hey You as made famous by The Exies, Ace of Spades as made famous by Motorhead
  • Track Pack 2: Killer Queen as made famous by Queen, Take it Off as made famous by The Donnas, Frankenstein as made famous by The Edgar Winter Group
  • Track Pack 3: Higher Ground as made famous by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Infected as made famous by Bad Religon, Stellar as made famous by Incubus

Read More | Major Nelson

