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Yahoo! Games to Introduce Cross-Platform Poker

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Internet, Portable/Mobile,
While I’m not the biggest poker player in the world, I do think this is the start of something that can prove to be very successful. At E3, Yahoo! Games is going to show their new poker game which will allow people accessing the service either from a PC or a mobile phone to play against each other. If Yahoo! decides to develop this technology, which makes perfect sense for them to do, we can expect to see even more of a blurring of the line between PC gaming and mobile gaming.
“Our goal at Yahoo! Games is to provide a dynamic, thriving online community that unites and connects gamers of all ages and tastes,” said Geoff Graber, general manager of Yahoo! Games. “We’re excited to lead the industry in building the best multiplayer games and deliver a multiplayer mobile game, Yahoo! Poker, which lets people play friends anytime, anywhere and on any device.”
Full release after the jump.
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We have seen the images of the actual console, and now we have what we think will end up being the official logo. The logo looks similar to the current Xbox graphic, replacing the large green “X” with the green “ring of light” circles.
Read More | Xbox Scene
I have come to learn that Peter Molyneux’s team over at Lionhead Studios can tend to me more flash than substance. I remember buying the original Black and White years ago at launch because of all that I had read about it for years prior to that. As it turned out, the game was just okay. Now, a trailer for the sequel has hit the Internet, and while it looks good, to me it seems a bit too close to the original. Take a look and decide for yourself.
Read More | 3DGamer
Sweet, sweet 70’s and 80’s bliss. Atari will soon be releasing this throwback Atari 2600 system for $30 bucks. It comes preloaded with 40 games, and this time it has A/V cables instead of an RF unit. Reminisce the 2 bit world with the wood canvas and the sweet joysticks.
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Will Poole, Microsoft VP, confirmed on Wednesday that the controller of the Xbox 2/360 will be compatible with Microsoft’s next operating system, Longhorn. Just how it will be used on the PC has yet to be known. Will the next Xbox blur the lines between home entertainment and personal computer just like Mr. Gates dreams? Sure seems like it. Needless to say, we will not know for sure just what role the Xbox 360’s controller will play in the next Microsoft OS for possibly months to come.
Read More | Total Video Games
Madden Next Generation Trailer

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: PlayStation 3, Sports, Wii, Xbox 360,
In case you’ve missed the newest Madden commercial, here it is. EA Sports is showing off their next gen Madden on their web site along with five beautiful screenshots of the game. This is all to show off what the next generation consoles can do and to get us drooling in anticipation for the coming weeks. If you missed the commercial during the NFL draft, then head on over to EA Sports and check it out – remember to wipe after you’re finished.
Read More | EA Sports
How-To Set Up A PSP Web Portal

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Internet, Mods/Hacks, Portable/Mobile,
So it seems that the PSP browser is easily the most popular PSP mod/hack to date, but just how do you go about setting up that infamous web portal? Thanks to engadget’s recent How-To Hacks contest, anyone can set up a web portal for their PSP by following the recipe. Be warned, this tutorial is a long read, but that’s a good thing since that means more detailed instructions. So go ahead and make your own web portal so you too can browse the web and read the latest gaming news and previews on Playfeed all from the comfort of your beloved Playstation Portable.
Read More | engadget
NEC has announced that they will be provided eDRAM for the next generation Xbox system graphics system. This partnership is a great step for the Xbox because this partnership will help provide incredible graphics and great High-Definition content.
“The next generation Xbox platform will provide gamers with a highly advanced graphics experience,” said Todd Holmdahl, corporate vice president, Xbox Product Group. “NEC Electronics’ cutting-edge embedded DRAM technology plays a vital role in enabling our graphics engine’s performance, while its manufacturing process provides a reliable resource that can deliver the volumes required to support what will be an extremely popular gaming platform.”
Read More | NEC Press Release
Xbox 2/360 Showing Signs of Backward Compatibility
Posted by Edwin Soto Categories: Internet, Xbox 360,
We are all itching to know if this is going to be possible. It’s all speculation so far and no official word in sight until the official MTV debut. However, this blurb on an Xbox Live questionnaire seems to be saying a bit more than it is letting on:
Xbox Live is an online gaming service that works across both the current Xbox system and the future Xbox 2. You will be able to play online and compete against others across both consoles. If you are playing an Xbox game on Live you will be able to compete against people playing that same game on Xbox 2.
So what does this mean? Well it could be just a re-release of Live games currently on the Xbox (doubtful) or that the Xbox 360 will ship with the ability to play current Xbox Live games - hence, backwards compatibility.
Read More | The Inquirer
More Information on the Next Zelda

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Adventure, Nintendo Gamecube,
With many a gamer salivating over the release of the next Legend of Zelda game later this year, little bits of information like these are coming to be very sought after. Apparently, these details have been translated from an international gaming magazine, so we can’t confirm any of it. That being said, we do hope they are true:
- There will not be voice acting in the game.
- Zelda & Ganon will be in it, though how they’ll figure into the story isn’t known.
- Fishing & cucco gliding return.
- No GBA connectivity.
- There will be a significant item in the game, similar to how the ocarina in Ocarina of Time and the wind baton in Wind Waker were significant.
- According to Eiji Aonuma, the subtitle of the game has not been decided on yet. They’re currently going for a mysterious title, which you’d have to play the game to understand.
- Battle will be similar to Wind Waker, with some minor new things, such as a new jumping downward thrust.
- As speculated, Link will communicate with animals, but Aonuma did not want to reveal any specific details regarding this.
- Whether a ‘sidekick’ for Link should be included is still being debated on. I’m assuming this would be similar to how Navi helped Link in Ocarina of Time.
- As you can probably tell by now, the horse is going to be the main form of transportation. Basically every area in this game is bigger than similar areas in past Zelda games, so Link needs a horse to accommodate that change.
The size of the game is going to just be huge. This adventure is believed to be 70 hours long. 70 gorgeous hours that is.
Read More | Games Are Fun via Kotaku
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