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Koolance Xbox 360 Kit

Koolance, a producer of cooling kits for PCs, has announced today that they’ll be producing the “Xbox 360 Complete Cooling Kit”. The kit includes tubing, processor heat-sink attachments for both the CPU and GPU, and a fan system / temperature read-out that will nearly triple the height of your Xbox 360. And if that’s not enough for you, the kit will only set you back about $395 US.

This might be every Xbox modder’s wet dream—although the slight benefits reaped from cooler-running processors doesn’t quite seem worth the price tag. And if you’re considering this kit for overheating issues, well then for $400 you might as well buy yourself a second Xbox 360, and just use that whenever your original Xbox 360 is in for repairs. <rant> Plus it seems like quite a steep price for fixing overheating problems that 1) should have been eliminated by Microsoft before release and 2) should be fixed for free if they’re hindering your playing experience. </rant> For now, we’ll place this mod firmly in the “just for show” category.

Read More | TeamXbox.com


Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for the DS screenshotIn addition to removing the tacked-on rune-tracing from the new DS Castlevania game, series creator Koji Igarashi has announced that he is looking into whether to include WiFi-based play for the next Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin. If he decides to, this would mark Castlevania’s first foray into the online arena.

Says Igarashi:

“It’s not confirmed yet, because I haven’t started work on it. [Laughs] That’s why I can’t confirm. But actually I’m thinking about preparing a special unlockable stage where you can do co-op over WiFi.”

Personally, I’ve never thought of Castlevania as a multiplayer game—I can’t imagine doing battle against another player or anything like that. Still, the possibility of something like co-op play might be a great addition to an already great series.

Read More | Kikizo

Inside Second Life American Apparel Store

Mark Wallace over at 3pointD is reporting on one of the first real-world brands to enter the fake-world domain. American Apparel, known mainly for producing sweatshop-free, made in the USA T-shirts and hiring a porn star or two for their marketing campaigns has opened up shop in the virtual world of Second Life. The clothes being sold in the virtual store, much like American Apparel’s real offerings, will include somewhat-revealing, colorful t-shirts and will similarly retail at “high-priced reasonable”. The brand has been receiving some help from the popular in-world brand *PREEN*, created by Aimee Weber.

The store itself has some very cool features. The design and layout is based on the hip, minimalist glass-box style of the American Apparel Tokyo store and features lighting that is scripted to change with the time of day. Inside the store, you’ll find familiar touches including rows of brightly-colored t-shirts displayed in the colors of the rainbow on industrial steel racks.

We’ll have to see whether brand recognition alone is enough to propel AA to the top of the Second Life economy. For a community that thrives on out-there clothing designs, AA’s minimalist duds would seem to be out-of-place. And it’s hard to hold the moral high-ground for sweatshop free clothing when you’re clothes don’t even have to be produced. Still, a lot of their success has come from creative advertising and clever marketing, and those skills may transfer well to the virtual world.

Read More | 3pointD.com

Cipher Complex Concept Art

Development studio Edge of Reality has announced Cipher Complex, a Splinter Cell-lookin’ game for the Xbox 360 and the upcoming Playstation 3. Details are scant at this point beyond the title and some concept art contained in a trailer that can be found here. Edge of Reality has a mixed track record, including


movie-based games like Shark Tale and some good console ports/re-mixes like The Sims.

Straight from the press release:

[Cipher Complex is] an intense, cinematic military combat game that will deliver a brutal shot of adrenaline straight to the hearts of next-generation gamers. ...

In Cipher Complex, a recon satellite is mysteriously blasted from orbit, and when diplomatic requests for information are stonewalled, the US government is forced to call in its last resort – Operative John Cipher. Charged with uncovering the truth by any means necessary, Cipher is going behind enemy lines to extract information the hard way.

Sounds like the next Schwarzenegger movie, but who knows, it could be fun. We’ll keep our eyes open for more details as they emerge.

Read More | Xbox Circle

Total Video Games has found out more information about the upcoming Xbox Live Retail disc.  Xbox Live Unplugged is tentatively scheduled for an October release at roughly $30 USD.  The package will include a one month Xbox Live Gold subscription as well as the following games.

-Geometry Wars Evolved
-Texas Hold ‘Em Poker
-Bejeweled 2 Deluxe
-Outpost Kaloki X
-Wik: Fable of Souls
-Hardwood Backgammon

Microsoft views this as a method of reaching out to casual gamers who may not know about the Xbox Live Arcade games.  The question is, will a retail disc in the Xbox 360 section of a store really attract new gamers to the 360 and ultimately the Xbox Live Arcade? 

Read More | Total Video Games

Sonic (SEGA) ScreenGenesis fans rejoice! Not only will you be able to play all the classic Genesis games on your Wii, but you’ll be able to take the retro lovin’ with you as well. SEGA has announced that a variety of titles, including faves such as Altered Beast, Phantasy Star, and Golden Axe will be making their way to the PSP this November. The UMD will include about 28 games, 3 of which have to be unlocked. A full list isn’t available yet, but we’ll be expecting one closer to launch time. Price, also, is unknown as of this time.

Unless you can sync all of the Genesis games you purchase via Virtual Console from your Wii to your DS, this will be one of the only ways to play Genesis classics on-the-go. (excluding buying a GP2X and finding some old roms of course!). It sounds like a great deal for us retro fans.

Read More | joystiq.com

Koolance Xbox 360

Koolance, one of the big names in the PC liquid cooling field, has released a total conversion kit for the Xbox 360. For $394.99, just short of the cost of a new Xbox 360 Premium system, the modder will get Koolance’s famous Exos-LT cooling system and monitor. Also in the kit are such items as the appropriate tubing and hose clamps, the liquid coolant, and special mounting kits for the Xbox 360. Koolance does warn that the installation process can be a difficult process for the inexperienced, and that, of course, this modification will void your warranty.

For those gamers who have thermal issues, Koolance has released a tool that might help. Of course, for the price of the kit, one could replace a broken Xbox 360. The kit should also make the Xbox 360 much more quiet, and could be the basis of a great full conversion mod.

Read More | Koolance.com

Games sales Wal-Mart Stores Incorporated and several other big-name retailers have agreed to voluntary measures for handling the sales of video games. The measures are designed to keep explicit video game material intended for adult consumption out of the eager hands of those underage. As part of the new accord retailers will display explanatory signage defining the ratings, and have agreed not to sell “adult only” and “mature” games to minors. This will be audited in part by a “mystery shopper” program. Additionally, stores have agreed to refund money when games are inadvertently sold to minors in violation of their policies. The game industry agency, the Entertainment Software Rating Board or ESRB, announced details of the agreement.

Read More | Today's TVH

University UWO will offer a minor in video game design, becoming one of a few programs of this kind in Canada.  As the video game industry is poised to expand exponentially in the next few years, this is a good opportunity to get in on the ground floor, as many game development companies look to hire those with official certification in the field. Game development is currently one of the top areas of computer science. In order to qualify for the minor, students need to be CS majors. The minor adds roughly eight specialized courses in addition to the regular CS core. Tell the parents not to worry; you really can make money from your video game habit.

Read More | London Free Press

Left Behind The religious video game “Left Behind,” based upon the book series of the same name, makes use of what many consider to be spyware. A third party application, an engine created by Double Fusion, controls in-game advertising. It tracks how many times ads are viewed, and when the game is played, plus the player’s geographical location and some other personal information. This individually identifiable data is sent back to the advertiser’s servers. “Left Behind” was already stirring controversy due to graphic content, as the like-named books preceding it had, even before this currently hot-button issue was discovered. Samples of the game, put out by publisher Left Behind Games, will be distributed via churches and other religious organizations, but will the congregations buy into being brazenly spied upon?

Read More | Ars Technica

