On Gear Live: Apple’s C1 Modem: The Silent Revolution Inside the iPhone 16e

GamerAndy Live! Episode 83: A Sucker for Game Bling

Finally a return to gaming news! So much for Andy, Hawkes and Edie to talk about, including Sony’s “major announcement,” the 80Gig Europe hate, Blu-Ray price drops, and (gasp!) Andy’s discovery of a great PS3 title! But that’s not all! We’ve got conversation about EA and ID going to the Mac, the PSP “slim, Shadowrun and Forza 2.

But wait! There’s more! Winners of last week’s contest are annouced.

Order now and you’ll recieve GamerAndy’s TV corner, where we discuss the end of the Sopranos and the return of Jherico.

Don’t walk… RUN to the download!

Gallery: GamerAndy Live! Episode 83: A Sucker for Game Bling


Xbox 360 Spring Backward Compatibility Update Now Live

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Xbox, Xbox 360,

Panzer Dragoon OrtaXbox 360 owners looking for a backward compatibility update have been getting antsy over the couple of weeks, wondering if Microsoft had abandoned their efforts in improving the emulation for older Xbox titles. Now, though, a new update has been published online, with quite a few long anticipated additions to the list. Some great titles are now playable on the Xbox 360, including Panzer Dragoon Orta, Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, and Jet Set Radio Future. Mech Assault 2 is now playable, and Soul Calibur 2 received a mysterious compatibility update. Of course, no update would be complete without at least some questionable games that just happened to work because of other bug fixes, like Reservoir Dogs and NFL Fever 2004.

The full list of updated titles continues below.

Click to continue reading Xbox 360 Spring Backward Compatibility Update Now Live

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Gallery: Xbox 360 Spring Backward Compatibility Update Now Live

Bungie Dropping “New” Maps For Halo 2

Halo 2 Map

Bungie today announced that coming in April, two “new” multiplayer maps will be available for download in Halo 2. The maps, new to Halo 2 are recreations of original maps found in the original Halo: Combat Evolved. The two maps, “Hang ‘Em High” and “Desolation,” will be downloadable on both the original Xbox and Xbox 360 for $4 on April 17th; luckily, original Xbox hold-outs won’t be left in the cold for this content update.

The full press release continues after the jump.


Click to continue reading Bungie Dropping “New” Maps For Halo 2

Gallery: Bungie Dropping “New” Maps For Halo 2

EA Drops Prices for Lots of Soon-to-be-Obsolete Games

EA LogoHoping to clear off shelf space for next year’s iteration of Madden, Fight Night, and Tiger Woods, EA has dropped the price on a few games in their library. Starting tomorrow, you’ll be able to pick up many of EA’s titles for $10-$30 off of their usual price. Of course, with EA’s habit of shutting down servers for unpopular games, you might want to think twice before picking up anything that has a year attached to the title. Still, there are some fairly well reviewed titles to be found, including The Godfather and Need for Speed Carbon, so this might be a good way to get some extra bang out of that gift certificate you got this Christmas.

See the full list of reduced-price titles, after the jump…

Click to continue reading EA Drops Prices for Lots of Soon-to-be-Obsolete Games

Read More | Game Invasion @ Comcast.net

Gallery: EA Drops Prices for Lots of Soon-to-be-Obsolete Games

Xbox.com: Buy Your Girlfriend a DS Lite or a Wii

Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Internet, Nintendo DS, Wii, Xbox 360,

Girls play Wii!!Xbox.com’s “Gamerchix” section has some suggestions on what and what not to get your girlfriend for christmas. The items at the top of their must-buy lists?
  * Xbox 360 Wireless Headset
  * Microsoft Points
  * Subscription to Xbox Live
  * Gift Certificates to EBGames or GameStop
  * Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel
  * DS Lite
  * Nintendo Wii
  * Candles
  * Spa gift certificates

You read that right - Microsoft thinks your girlfriend would just LOVE one of Nintendo’s fine products this season. Either Microsoft is extending a hand to Nintendo, or this is some brilliant subversive marketing (“See kids, the Wii is for GIRLS!”). And is the “Candles” suggestion right below the Wii a sly reference to the Wii Sensor Bar hacks that we’ve been seeing around? Perhaps I’m just giving them too much credit…

Read More | Xbox.com

Gallery: Xbox.com: Buy Your Girlfriend a DS Lite or a Wii

Microsoft Dismisses 100 GB, Chip Design Rumors

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Hardware, Rumors, Xbox 360,

100 GB HDMicrosoft has officially denied the latest rumors regarding the release of a 100 GB hard drive add on for the Xbox 360. In addition, the company also clarified their investments in chip design research to GameDaily. Microsoft’s official stance on the 100 GB add-on is that “Microsoft currently has no plans to release a 100 GB HDD.” The spokesperson was unclear about where the image originated.

In addition, the New York Times recently speculated that Microsoft’s investment into chip design research signaled that the company may be seeking to create its own chip for the next iteration of the Xbox. While any research that Microsoft develops may in fact show up in future versions of the console, Microsoft stated that officially, the company is mainly interested in investigating hardware architecture from a research standpoint.

Read More | GameDaily

Gallery: Microsoft Dismisses 100 GB, Chip Design Rumors

Lumines Live Is A Huge Disappointment

Lumines Live hit Xbox Live Arcade yesterday, and is easily one of the most anticipated games to hit Microsoft’s game service.  Up until now, DOOM was at the top of the charts as the biggest rip off ($15 for a years-old game), but that title is now squarely on the shoulders of this puzzler from Q! Entertainment.  At least with DOOM, the game was there in its entirety.

Despite ringing in at half again the cost of most other Xbox Live Arcade titles (1200 points, or $15), Lumines is not a complete game.  Within an hour, I was bumping into messages telling me that I needed to purchase additional content (which is not yet available, incidentally).  Outpost Kaloki X offers far more gameplay at half the price.  Coupled with frustratingly imprecise controls, and an experience that isn’t as portable as it is on the PSP, I’m instantly regretting having hoarded points for this game.

Click to continue reading Lumines Live Is A Huge Disappointment

Gallery: Lumines Live Is A Huge Disappointment

Analysts Talk Latest NPD Data

PSTwo The latest NPD data showed strong September sales growth; 38% over 2005. Nintendo and the DS showed strong growth, and the “next generation” transition doesn’t seem to have hurt the industry as much as expected. But hidden in the NPD data are some interesting points that various analysts have started to dissect. GameDaily reports on analysis from Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan Securities, and Deutsche Bank analyst Jeetil Patel. Pachter sees the PS2 growth as a good sign, with software sales up 12 percent compared to last year. But the original Xbox has been fading fast. As one looks at the numbers, it appears that the Xbox 360 is completely cannibalizing the original Xbox user base. The Xbox 360 seems to be pushing better than expected software sales, a good thing for Microsoft.

Still, things don’t appear to be completely rosy in the Xbox 360 camp. Jeetil Patel feels like the Xbox 360 is underperforming. Tracking the Xbox 360 versus the original Xbox’s sales path seems to indicate that the Xbox 360 has moved fewer net units than the original Xbox at this point in the console life cycle; the lack of units during Microsoft’s holiday launch last year really set the company back. In addition, NPD data has the total Xbox 360 sell through at approximately 2.7 million units. Japan adds only a fraction to that number, with well under 200,000 units sold through in that territory. An optimistic projection for the Xbox 360 in the rest of the world might match the US total. At this point, it is starting to look like Microsoft’s projections of a 10 million unit head start by the time the Playstation 3 launches was extremely aggressive. With probably just over six million Xbox 360 consoles moved worldwide to date, Microsoft would have to nearly double their worldwide sales in October and November to match their goals before Sony’s November launch of the Playstation 3.

Read More | GameDaily BIZ

Gallery: Analysts Talk Latest NPD Data

Burger King Offering Exclusive Xbox/Xbox360 Games, $3.99

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Corporate News, Xbox, Xbox 360,

Subservient ChickenBurger King announced that they will be offering three exclusive Xbox/Xbox 360 games this holiday season for $3.99. The games will be available starting on Sunday, November 19, and will be compatible with both the Xbox and the Xbox 360. The three game titles will be Pocketbike Racer, Big Bumpin, and Sneak King. Gamers will be able to play as their favorite creepy mascot as well as the subservient chicken. The games were developed by Blitz Games, whose contributions to the gaming world include titles like Barbie Horse Adventures. Jeff Bell, vice president of global marketing for Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment Business stretched a “Have It Your Way” metaphor to the breaking point, stating, “Consumers are saying, ‘Let me have what I want, the way I want it. In essence, Xbox also is an invitation to consumers to have it their way.”

Read More | Gamerscoreblog

Gallery: Burger King Offering Exclusive Xbox/Xbox360 Games, $3.99

How The Xbox 360 Is Affecting Video Game Sales

Xbox 360 Sales ChartTodd Bishop at the Seattle Post Intelligencer has pulled together some interesting data about how the Xbox 360 has impacted video game console sales. By pulling together publicly available data for a few of the largest game publishers, one can get an idea of how the Xbox 360 market is shaping up. This isn’t going to be perfect because first party sales figures aren’t going to be reported and there are many other game publishers that aren’t represented on the list. Also, because not every title released on the Xbox is available on the Xbox 360 and vice versa, there are going to be some gaps in reporting in this area as well. But this does give a really high level view of the console market, and how marketshare is shaping up.

Over the first nine months, it appears that most of the Xbox 360 marketshare is coming at the expense of owners of the original Xbox. A small percentage of Playstation 2 sales appear to have shifted to the Xbox 360, but overall, the console still remains the dominant force on the market. Gamecube sales dropped off, but this may have had more to with the fact that fewer titles are being released on the Gamecube than on the other platforms. Total sales of game titles released for either the Xbox or the Xbox 360 grew year over year, but this may be in part to the 20% premium that Xbox 360 titles claim over their counterparts.

Despite all of the limitations of the data pulled, this gives a really interesting look into which consumers are pursuing platforms. With the Playstation 3 and the Wii releases coming up, one wonders how much brand loyalty is going to play into the success of the next generation.

Read More | Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Gallery: How The Xbox 360 Is Affecting Video Game Sales

