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The UK claims that up to 10 users a week are being hospitalized because of their Wiis. Dr. Dev Mukerjee of Broomfield Hospital, Essex, claims that there has been a 100% increase of patients with “Wii-itis.” Ailments such as shoulder or wrist inflammation have been reported as well as “Wii-knee” after playing Wii-Fit, which may involve 3 months of treatment to cure. So remember, before you head into heavy gaming mode, do some stretching exercises first.
Read More | Fox News
Atari Attempts Comeback

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, MMORPG, PlayStation 3, Retro, Wii, Xbox 360,

Atari’s new president Phil Harrison has plans to have its name associated with more than simply retro gaming. Their “Jenga World Tour” and “Godzilla Unleashed” didn’t receive the best of reviews so they plan to move into MMO games, such as “The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf” that will be released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 late next year. Other plans include “EVE Online,” “Ready 2 Rumble Revolution” on Wii and “Ghostbusters: The Videogame.” Be that as it may, we still remember when “Asteroids” was hot enough for us and were grateful for the Atari name.
Read More | Reuters
eBay 2008 Top 10 Desired Items

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Culture, PlayStation 3, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360,

If you are thinking of trying your hand on eBay to make some extra cash or looking for that elusive hot gift, you might as well know what other folks are mostly seeking. Here is a list of the top 10 most desired items in 2008 and how many were actually sold. Not surprising, most buyers were seeking game systems.
1. Nintendo Wii: 2,056,866 related items sold
2. Microsoft Xbox360: 1,297,903 related items sold
3. Sony PSP: 350,591 related items sold
4. iPod Touch: 281,361 related items sold
5. Nintendo Wii Fit: 266,584 related items sold
6. Apple iPhone 3G: 212,837 related items sold
7. BlackBerry Pearl: 207,688 related items sold
8. BlackBerry Curve: 193,788 related items sold
9. Sony Playstation 3: 103,333 related items sold
10. Guitar Hero III: 98,159 related items sold
Check out the entire list on the link.
Read More | CrunchGear
eCost Black Friday Wiis Only $99.00

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Hot Deals, Internet, Nintendo, Wii,

If you don’t yet have a Wii, head over to eCost on Black Friday, where they will be offering one each hour for $99.00. Beginning tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. EST, the 10 units come with a sensor bar, stand, WiiMote, Nunchuck and Wii Sports. Look for it in the Bargain Countdown section. We’re sure they will have other awesome deals so look around the site in case you miss out on the game system deal, but note that you will have to pay shipping.
Note: Because of the response, eCost will also be offering one Wii tonight from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. for the same price, so eat quickly.
Read More | eCost
Sears Black Friday for Gamers

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Hot Deals, Music, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360,

We took a peek at Sears’ Black Friday list and found oodles of inexpensive gifts if you want to fight the crowds. Most are less than $50.00.
- Buy Any Xbox 360 System Get One Xbox 360 Wireless Controller FREE
- Nintendo DS - Guitar Hero Decades Bundle Game $49.99
- Nintendo DS - Traveler Case $9.99
- PlayStation 3 - Little Big Planet $59.99
- PlayStation 3 - Blu-ray/DVD Remote $24.99
- Sony Wireless Stereo Headphones with Transmitter $29.99
- Wii - Music $49.99
Happy shopping!
Read More | The Black Friday
THQ WWE SmackDown Vs. Raw 2009

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2, Sports, THQ, Wii, Xbox Live,
Can’t get enough wrestling action from the tube? THQ is launching its latest title “WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009” this week. Included in the roster are Dusty Rhodes, Randy Orton, Johnny Swagger and Beth Phoenix. In all there are over 60 wrestlers. Gamers can create custom finishing moves as well as images and highlight reels to share with others. Look for the launch of “WWE Legends of Wrestlemania” next April with 40 superstars and managers. You can pre-order Smackdown now for Xbox Live, Playstation 2, Wii, or Nintendo DS at a price of $39.99.
Read More | Smackdown Official Site
Guitar Hero World Tour track list leaked?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Activision, Music, PlayStation 3, Rumors, Wii, Xbox 360,
Very interesting - word on the street is that the Guitar Hero World Tour set list has been leaked onto the interwebs. If the list is to be believed, then World Tour is gonna have 87 tracks (14 of them being bonus tracks, 7 of them being sample songs), along with a few guitar battles that will make you go one-on-one with the likes of Sting and Ted Nugent. Obviously, no confirmation or anything on the validity of the list, but we certainly wouldn’t be disappointed if it turned out to be true. Check the full list after the break.
Click to continue reading Guitar Hero World Tour track list leaked?
E3 2008: Nintendo Media Briefing photo gallery

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Action, Adventure, Features, Music, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Party Games, Portable/Mobile, Screenshots, Wii,

We are hard at work on getting our Nintendo video wrap-up posted, but in the meantime, we figured we’d hook you up with a massive image gallery featuring the highlights of the presentation. Within the images you will find shots of Animal Crossing: Town Folk, Call of Duty: World at War, Wii Sports Resort, and more. We’ve also got images of the Wii MotionPlus and WiiSpeak accessories. All in all, we’ve got over 70 images for you to check out and enjoy, so head on over to our Nintendo E3 2008 gallery.
Nintendo E3 2008 briefing gallery
E3 2008: Live from the EA Media Briefing

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Adventure, Casual, Corporate News, Downloadable Content, Electronic Arts, First Person Shooters, PlayStation 3, Portable/Mobile, Release Dates, Survival Horror, Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Marketplace,
We are seated for the Electronic Arts E3 2008 Media Briefing. We start the conference off right, with a montage of a ton of upcoming EA titles, focusing on some new sports titles, upcoming Sims releases, and a bunch of casual games like Monopoly, Boogie, and Operation (aw yeah!) Of course, Spore is also featured here as well.
John Riccitiello hits the stage to talk about what EA has this afternoon to show us, and he says they won’t be doing PowerPoint, statistics, or sales figures. Instead, they are going to focus on the games, and we will be hearing from the people that make the games.
Rod Humble of The Sims Studio comes out to talk about The Sims. He announces Sim Animals. in this game you create groups of animals and their friends, habitat, etc. Some animals are friendly like deer and rabbits, while wolves and bears can stir up trouble. We then get a trailer. We get a baby cub bear interacting with a squirrel, and then a fox joins the fray. It seems that you basically control the game by using the world as your UI, you have a hand similar to Black and White. Will be exclusive to Wii and Nintendo DS in January 2009.
Click to continue reading E3 2008: Live from the EA Media Briefing
Nintendo announces Wii MotionPlus controller add-on

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: E3, Hardware, Nintendo, Wii,

Right before this morning’s Xbox Media Briefing here at E3 2008, Nintendo announced the new Wii Motion Plus controller add-on. Basically, Wii MotionPlus is an accessory that attaches to the end of the Wii Remote, allowing it to more accurately trace motion in 3D space by constantly monitoring and orienting the controller. Every movement you make with the WiiMote is rendered indentically onscreen, resulting in true 1:1 response. Basically, the device gives you the Wii Remote as it should have been since the start.
See the full release from Nintendo themselves after the jump. We are sure we will be seeing at least one title tomorrow morning that supports the new accessory during the Nintendo Media Briefing.
Click to continue reading Nintendo announces Wii MotionPlus controller add-on
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