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Monkey Ball Adventure

4 Color Rebellion has scored some exclusive screenshots from the upcoming Super Monkey Ball Adventure. This game will be a departure from the previous games in the series, leaving behind the strict level structure and moving to more of a platform adventure design. Hopefully Traveller’s Tales can keep true to the feel of the older games in the series. Monkey Ball Adventure will be appearing on PSP, PS2, and Gamecube this summer.

Read More | 4 Color Rebellion


LOTR Middle Earth

TeamXbox has four new screenshots for EA’s summer release of Battle for Middle Earth II on the Xbox 360. Screenshots can’t capture how fluid the gameplay will be, but the shots show off some pretty crazy water and shadow effects with a high level of texture detail. Here’s hoping EA can translate the RTS gameplay that has traditionally been restricted to the realm of the PC so that gamers can experience Battle in all its high-defination, surround sound glory.

Read More | TeamXbox


Nintendo recently launched the preview site for their upcoming Strategy/Pinball/Microphone game Odama. The site currently features a short trailer highlighting gameplay and some of the unique features in the game, as well as some downloadable wallpapers. The gameplay looks very…unique, and features some of the wry humor that Yoot Saito is known for.

Both Gamespot and IGN have previews of the game from last November, hopefully we’ll see some updates before the game hits retail on April 10.

Read More | Odama

Black and White 2EA Games announced today a new expansion pack for Black & White 2, called The Battle of the Gods.  Apparently, the wonderful Aztecs are very upset that you defeated them with your Wonderful (or evil) god, and are out to get revenge.  After many human sacrifices, they have managed to raise their own evil deity, calling you out to protect your glory.  Now, just because your opponent is evil doesn’t mean you have to be as well.  The expansion follows the standard gameplay and you are given the option to defeat the deity with good or evil.  Battle of the Gods will feature a brand new creature, two new lands and four new miracles. An all new enemy unit AI system enhances the battle experience but players will have to watch out for two new enemy armies and their ultimate weapon: the new enemy creature. There will also be six new challenges and other new content for players to explore.  Black and White 2: The Battle of The Gods is slated for an April ‘06 release.

Sometimes, people like their gaming experiences to go a bit deeper than the simple run-and-gun while shooting hookers mentality. This is why we have come to love the stuff that Will Wright puts out there. Case in point: Spore. This is one of the titles we look forward to getting our hands on most at E3. Be sure to watch the video above to see Will play through a few scenarios in a game that see you starting out as an amoeba, and traveling through an evolutionary adventure.

(Thanks Chris!)

Super Monkey Ball Adventure

This should come as good news to many - the next version of Super Monkey Ball will be making it’s way to Gamecube, PS2, and PSP in about three months time. The new title, named Super Monkey Ball Adventure, happens to be the first narrative-driven Super Monkey Ball game, providing a true adventure game. Of course, the classic puzzle game is back, as are the popular party games. SEGA is promising With 5 new worlds, a host of new Monkey Ball characters, new Ball abilities, brand new party games, and PSP-exclusive content.

As for the adventure mode, here are the details: On Jungle Island, our hero, Aiai, meets Princess Deedee of Monkitropolis and Prince Abeabe of Kongri-la, star-crossed lovers whose marriage is hampered by a feud that exists between their respective kingdoms. The Monkey Ball world could be torn apart unless Aiai can reconcile the feuding Monkey Kingdoms by traveling to all five Monkey realms, helping people and defeating the evil Naysayers in an effort to spread joy and remove prejudice and fear.

We look forward to seeing what SEGA has in store for us come June 2006. For now, you can check out six more images after the jump.

Click to continue reading Super Monkey Ball Adventure Screenshots

Outpost Kaloki X InterviewWe had the opportunity to talk with Steve Taylor of NinjaBee and Wahoo Studios. If you own an Xbox 360, you may know these guys as the creators of the Live Arcade hit Outpost Kaloki X. We talk with Steve about Outpost Kaloki, the process of shipping a game for Xbox Live, and the importance of Xbox Live Arcade to an independant game producer:

Steve, thank you for taking the time to talk with us today. To start out, can you give our readers a rundown of who you are and what your position entails?
I’m the president of NinjaBee and Wahoo Studios, but we’re a small company, so in practice I just manage projects and write code.

Give us some background on NinjaBee/Wahoo Studios.
Wahoo Studios is about four and a half years old.  We got started as a contract development company, doing work for hire for game publishers and other developers.  When we released Outpost Kaloki for the PC, we decided we needed a separate name for the “Indie” side of the company.  NinjaBee is the name we use for anything we develop and release on our own.

Turning to the Xbox 360, you guys developed the hit Outpost Kaloki, which later hit the Xbox Live Arcade as Outpost Kaloki X. Can you give us some insight into how you go on board with Microsoft, and the process of virtually shipping a game for Live Arcade?
Originally, we designed what we thought was a pretty cool tycoon game for console play.  It was aimed specifically for the console player in control and other gameplay elements.  We pitched that idea to a ton of publishers, and while they were very complimentary of the game, nobody was willing to risk a traditional development budget to get the game on a console system.  So we eventually redesigned the controls for the PC and released the game on our own in the PC downloadable market.
We later had the chance to show the game to Ross Erickson at Microsoft and explain our original vision for the game.  He believed in it enough to get us signed up for doing Outpost Kaloki as an Xbox Live Arcade game.  For us, this meant a return to the original vision we had, but also an expansion into a bunch of new areas including a ton of Xbox 360 specific features, new gameplay, new technology, new graphics, new stories, and more…

Click to continue reading Playfeed Interview: Outpost Kaloki X Creator Steve Taylor

Live Arcade

For all of you less-attentive types out there, here’s a heads up on a couple of game titles that can be confusing on the Xbox Live Arcade. Crystal Quest went live a few days ago, and later this month we should see a game with a very similar title hit Xbox Live. Jewel Quest is your typical “match the shapes and make the disappear” puzzler, but looks and plays nothing like Crystal Quest. We have been playing both titles over the past few days, and haven’t been too impressed with either. Check out an image of each game after the jump.

Click to continue reading Don’t Confuse Jewel Quest With Crystal Quest

Crystal Quest

For those of you who wait with baited breath for new games to spend your Microsoft Points on, Crystal Quest has just been released on the Xbox Live Arcade. This was a game originally played on the Mac, but that was many moons ago. The pleasure of downloading Crystal Quest will cost you 400 points.

Read More | Major Nelson

Mario Party 7 ReviewSo, Mario and his gang have come together once more with a planned activity (this time, taking a cruise) with the end result turning out to be the madhouse that is Mario Party. This is the seventh iteration of the popular party game series - the fourth one for the Gamecube. We took Mario Party 7 for a spin, and we report back with our full review after the jump.

Click to continue reading Playfeed’s Mario Party 7 Review

