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Bruce Carver, one of our industry’s finest, passed away on December 28th. He suddenly lost a battle with cancer. Caver was a great innovator and made huge contributions to sports games. Most notably, he worked on Links in the 1980s; Links was the first game to feature the swing-meter that’s used in all modern golf games.
Make the jump to read a great obituary Next Generation has put together on Mr. Carver. Rest in peace, Bruce. We’ll never forget you - and we’ll always have fond memories of Links.
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EA Tried to Acquire Exclusive NHL License

Posted by Brandon Gribin Categories: Corporate News, Sports,
Last December, EA acquired the exclusive license to produce NFL games. Many videogame fans became upset with EA since Visual Concept’s NFL 2k series wouldn’t be made anymore. Midway was actually able to stick it big with its newest Blitz title which sold above expectations.
Based upon a GameDaily story, Electronics Arts also tried to obtain the exclusive rights to the NHL license. EA was turned down though by the hockey league because the league believes that “choice is good” and consumers should have more than one option for a hockey game. It must have taken a lot to stand up to EA, but was it the right decision for the NHL? Theoretically, more hockey games on the market means competition within the genre, so you should expect to see better hockey games than what we’d be seeing had the license been exclusively given to EA.
Of course EA makes the argument that it would still work to make the best hockey game possible not only to save face but also because its newest sports games compete with older iterations in the series. After all, if you have Madden NFL 2005 but 2006’s version is hardly any different, why on earth would you go out and buy 2006?
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Fans of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling rejoice - for the first time in quite a few years you will be able to get your hands on a wrestling game that is not branded with the WWE brand. Midway is looking to bring a TNA Wrestling game to market sometime in 2007. Based on that information, we can expect to see the title appear on next-generation consoles. We look forward to seeing how Midway integrates TNA’s unique six-sided wrestling ring into the gameplay schema.
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SanDisk and EA Partner on Madden 2006 Memory Sticks

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Corporate News, PSP, Sports,
It looks like EA and SanDisk are getting into the business of selling PSP game saves and add-ons as a value-add with Memory Stick PRO Duo cards, and they are starting this venture with Madden 2006. Contained in a feature called Game Save, the bonus content will be available on SanDisk Memory Stick PRO Duo Game cards that are distributed in North America. There is no additional cost for the Game Saves on SanDisk cards, which is a nice plus. The companies have gone out of their way to make sure that buyers know that, despite the Game Save, there is still plenty of room left over for videos, music, images, and the like. With the Game Save content on SanDisk cards, players can unlock features that would normally take much time and high scoring to initiate. The bonus material grants users 100 points toward a new mode called “Assistant Coach Franchise,” a game goal system that is exclusive to the PSP version of Madden NFL 06.
EA Announces First Arena Football Game

Posted by Jesse Easley Categories: PlayStation 2, Sports, Xbox,
EA announced on Thursday that they will be releasing a new game for the PS2 and Xbox called Arena Football. Now, there are tons of football games out for every system that has ever been in existance, but according to EA this game will be different for a few reasons. Arena Football consits of 8 on 8 gameplay and allows for checking players over the wall (much like Ice Hockey), with a field half the size of an NFL or NCAA version. That’s all the information they’ve released so far, but we’ve managed to get some screenshots from them for your viewing pleasure. Jump down to check them out!
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Gaming isn’t all about Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony. Take the Megatouch Gametime for instance. This all-in-one touchscreen gaming machine seems that it would have everything going for it, aiming for the extremely casual gamer who might want a cool piece of technology in their game room. It has over 80 games built in to its frame, ranging from Strategy, Quiz & Word, Sports, Puzzles and Kid’s Club genres. It connects to the Internet either through an ethernet connection, or a wireless adapter. You can participate in online tournaments, or just have your scores put up on the network leaderboard. You can even play games in 11 different languages, and surf the net on the unit as well. Where is its downside? Aside from the casual appeal of its games, this retails at almost $3,800 USD. Ouch.
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Circuit City Games Clearance Starting on 7/3/05

Posted by Jesse Easley Categories: Action, Adventure, Driving, First Person Shooters, Nintendo Gamecube, PlayStation 2, Simulation, Sports, Strategy, Xbox,
Starting Sunday morning, Circuit City will be having a blowout sale on select Video Games for $9.99 each. The sale is much like the one they had last year where games were only $4.99, but it seems that they are a little more organized this year because many stores have already pulled the games off the floor to prevent people from buying them early. To see the game list check out the post in our forums. The madness starts on July 3.
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E3 2005: Mario Baseball Impressions
Posted by Charles Leake Categories: Nintendo Gamecube, Reviews, Sports,
Mario Baseball is yet another foray by Nintendo into the Mario sports genre. Nintendo did not separate Mario Baseball much from their MLB baseball game as the two played very much alike on a fundamental level. However, I did like that each character had their own style of batting and fielding. For example, the Sunshine guys from Mario Sunshine use a palm tree as their bat which allow them more space on the bat to hit the ball. Read on for our full impressions.
Click to continue reading E3 2005: Mario Baseball Impressions
E3 2005: Super Mario Strikers Impressions

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Nintendo Gamecube, Sports,
Super Mario Strikers is one of the four new titles which Mario and his crew will be making an appearance in this year. We got our hands on this game, and although it was an early build, it is thoroughly enjoyable. In fact, I am willing to say that this is the greatest Mario sports title ever, period. In this build, two teams were available - Mario and Donkey Kong. Each team captain has a few Koopa Troopa’s or Toad-like teammates. Now, the soccer mechanics are just great. If you remember Sega Soccer Slam, I would say that the actual soccer game actually plays a bit better in Strikers. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Mario title if there weren’t some twists. Unlike what you will find in the latest iteration of Mario Tennis on the Gamecube, the power-ups and distractions in Strikers don’t seem too gimmicky.
Click to continue reading E3 2005: Super Mario Strikers Impressions
E3: Mario To Work Overtime In Baseball, Soccer, Party 7, and Dance Dance Revolution!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Nintendo Gamecube, Sports,
Well, Nintendo has announced that Mario will be working overtime on the Gamecube in 2005. We have all heard about Mario Baseball, so that isn’t too much of a surprise. What we didn’t know is that he and his crew will also be starring in a soccer title. You can also look forward to seeing the next version of Mario Party, which will feature simultaneous 8-player support. Not bad. The biggest news as far as Mario is concerned, though, is that Nintendo will be bringing us Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Edition. I can definitely feel that.
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