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Tetris CommercialLooking for a blast from the past? Well, you may want to check out this totally awesome old-school Tetris commercial. Just in case you don’t remember, the commercial’s for Nintendo’s Tetris on the NES. While we prefer Tetris on Game Boy for its portability, Tetris on NES was a classic - as is this commercial.

Read More | Tetris Commercial


PBSNo, we’re not talking about Nintendo’s Revolution - rather the video game industry’s revolution as a whole. While video games have become a big part of our lives, you simply can’t forget their humble origins and the sheer fact that they’re a relatively new form of entertainment. The linked PBS feature takes a great look at the history of video games - starting in the 60’s and going through recent years. Additionally, the feature covers how games have forever changed our world.

We recommend taking a look at the linked feature - it’s pretty well done.

Read More | PBS

Before you flame us and declare this “old news,” I’ll admit that this quiz has been floating around the internet for some time. I had to take the quiz a couple days ago for a Fundamentals of Video Games course I’m taking this quarter and found the quiz to be both interesting and humorous. So go take the quiz and report back to us if you’d like to let us know which pre-1985 character you are.

Me? Why…

What Video Game Character Are You? I am Kung Fu Master.I am Kung Fu Master.

I like to be in control of myself. I dislike crowds, especially crowds containing people trying to kill me. Even though I always win, I prefer to avoid fights if possible. What Video Game Character Are You?

I am 8 bit

A new art book entitled “I am 8-bit” was just released and a number of pictures from the book have been posted online. As you could probably guess, the pictures are based upon games from the 8-bit days. The artistic styles of each of the pictures certainly vary but all of them have a strong feeling of 8-bit nostalgia - it’s definitely worth a look.

Read More | I am 8-bit

Yeah, you read that right. The developer Super Fighting Team is going to release Beggar Prince, a new RPG, for Sega’s old machine this spring!

Beggar Prince tells the story of Steven, a bored prince who decides to escape his castle dressed as a beggar to experience life among the commoners. Of course with the prince gone the evil Minister usurps control of the throne and now Steven is barred from re-entering his own castle. Thus begins Steven’s adventure of who must prove his identity and retake the throne.

The game sounds worth a look, but unfortunately it’s going to retail for $46. Yowzers!

Read More | Gaming Steve

Sonic HedgehogOn Monday, Nintendo hosted a Mario Kart DS meet-up in Bellevue, WA - close to Nintendo’s American HQ. Reggie was present at the meet-up and briefly mentioned that SEGA is intrigued by the Revolution’s backwards compatibility. While he didn’t confirm anything more than that, we’re only left wondering the full implications of what he said.

From the sound of it, we could be seeing a few old SEGA games on Nintendo’s Revolution. Can we expect Genesis games? How about Saturn and Dreamcast titles? And will the games from those consoles only be SEGA titles or can we expect old third-party games as well? Just thinking about all of this makes us anticipate Revolution that much more. But for now, we’re just fine with Xbox Live Arcade.

Read More | Nintendojo

Sim CityDon’t like all the graphical wiz-bang of all the new videogames? Looking for a classic but solid, fun game to lose countless hours of sleep to once again?

Maxis posted the original Sim City game on its website - so you can play it right now. For free even. For when the game was released, Sim City was top of the line and its gameplay surprisingly enough still shines. Sure, the original may no have as many features as the newest iteration of the series but the core is certainly present. Build a power plant, build up some industrial, commercial, residential properties and you’re on your way to being the mayor of a booming metropolis. Just don’t forget to build roads and power lines - otherwise your citizens aren’t going to be very happy.

Read More | Sim City

Super Mario Theme SongOne of the greatest theme songs in videogame history is now featured on… a sitar?? If you’re curious as to what a sitar looks or sounds like, you should take a look at this video immediately. The Mario theme song certainly sounds unique on a sitar, but we still prefer the song on a piano. Or, is the xylophone version our favorite?

Read More | mediabum

Super Mario Xylophone

So I was browsing Google Video and found a clip of a high school talent show.  Usually they’re nothing to be impressed by, but I wanted to share this neat bit of information with everyone.  These kids took the time and effort to learn how to play all the different types of Super Mario music on some xylophones and a drum set. You have to check it out!

Read More | Mario Music Unleashed

Geometry Wars Evolved

If there is one game that is a bargain in the Xbox 360 launch line up, it has got to be Geometry Wars. You won’t find the game on any store shelf, as it is one of the downloads available in the Xbox Live Marketplace. For 400 points, which equals $5 USD, you get one of the most visually appealing, intense, and addicting games we have ever seen. The “pick up and play” control scheme makes this one enjoyable by just about anyone, and with a group of onlookers, it’s simply a blast - and ridiculously addictive. This is one of those games where, once you die, you go for one more round. Soon, you realize you have been playing for hours on end. For a visual, imagine Asteroids and Robotron mixed together, amped up, and on crack - no, speed. If there was just one game we would tell you to pick up along with your Xbox 360, it would be this one. It’s that good.

