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Monday July 26, 2010 12:44 pm

Street Fighter X Tekken Announced

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: CAPCOM, Fighting, Namco,

There’s been quite a bit of speculation surrounding a Capcom Vs. Namco title, and finally all questions are put to rest as Capcom and Namco teamed up to announce Street Fighter X Tekken. Street Fighter X Tekken (pronounced “Street Fighter CROSS Tekken”) is an unprecedented match up of two classic fighting franchises. One a king of the 3D world, and the other a champion of 2D fighters. Bringing them together requires the other to forfeit their familiar terrain and succumb to an entirely new style of play. In other words, Namco’s fighter becomes Street Fighter-ized in order to make the cross over possible. Now before you Tekken fans start pouting about how unfair of an advantage that gives Capcom, you should also note that Namco is developing their own separate game - Tekken X Street Fighter. We can only speculate on Namco’s version at this point, but we suppose it will transplant the Street Fighter universe into the fully 3D world of Tekken, along with Tekken’s fighting mechanics.

According to Capcom, SFxTK is not going to come out “for awhile”. The real question, however, is if there are going to actually be two separate games released, or are they going to pick the best one? Perhaps they will find a middle ground out of the two and merge into one title. Whatever the case, we cannot wait for this dream fighter to come out. At least we have Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 to tide us over until then! We’ve got a few more images of Street Fighter X Tekken after the break.

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SF X Tekken



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