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Tuesday April 3, 2007 10:06 pm

Metroid Prime Wii Pushed Back Again, Fils-Aime Wants “Perfect”

Samus from MetroidBad news for all you Nintendo fans out there - it looks like we may still be waiting a while longer for the Metroid Prime trilogy to be complete. Newsweek talked to company figurehead Reggie Fils-Aime, who had this to say:

Where is Metroid? Metroid is not going to ship by June. We’ve announced all of our games through the end of June. And the fact with Metroid is we want to make sure that that game is perfect. Unfortunately, Metroid Prime 2 didn’t live up to our expectations, it didn’t live up to Retro’s expectations

Evidently, Nintendo’s looking to put out a lot of marketing for this product, and they want it to be the best that it can be when it releases. (And if it sells more copies than Echoes, they’d prefer that too. Given that this is one of the first FPS titles to have a chance of not sucking on Nintendo’s new console (i.e. not Red Steel or Medal of Honor, I think it’s safe to say that this game will sell pretty well. Here’s hoping that the game’s as close to “perfect” as they can make it too.

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