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Wednesday April 27, 2005 11:44 am

More Information on the Next Zelda

Zelda Information

With many a gamer salivating over the release of the next Legend of Zelda game later this year, little bits of information like these are coming to be very sought after. Apparently, these details have been translated from an international gaming magazine, so we can’t confirm any of it. That being said, we do hope they are true:

  • There will not be voice acting in the game.
  • Zelda & Ganon will be in it, though how they’ll figure into the story isn’t known.
  • Fishing & cucco gliding return.
  • No GBA connectivity.
  • There will be a significant item in the game, similar to how the ocarina in Ocarina of Time and the wind baton in Wind Waker were significant.
  • According to Eiji Aonuma, the subtitle of the game has not been decided on yet. They’re currently going for a mysterious title, which you’d have to play the game to understand.
  • Battle will be similar to Wind Waker, with some minor new things, such as a new jumping downward thrust.
  • As speculated, Link will communicate with animals, but Aonuma did not want to reveal any specific details regarding this.
  • Whether a ‘sidekick’ for Link should be included is still being debated on. I’m assuming this would be similar to how Navi helped Link in Ocarina of Time.
  • As you can probably tell by now, the horse is going to be the main form of transportation. Basically every area in this game is bigger than similar areas in past Zelda games, so Link needs a horse to accommodate that change.

The size of the game is going to just be huge. This adventure is believed to be 70 hours long. 70 gorgeous hours that is.

Read More | Games Are Fun via Kotaku

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I will eat up all glorious 70 hours with a small spoon! CANT WAIT!

if they can pull of 70 hours with zelda… i guess i will need to buy a jar of coffee at the same time as this game.

Although I haven’t used my gamecube too much over the years I bought it because I knew zelda would be on it. And I will always buy the systems nintendo has just to be able to play the zeldas. Of course I hope other good games show up too (mario, resident evil, metroid) but the main reason I always buy nintndos is because of zelda.

Of course I get all the other systems too hehe.


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