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Poached Egg Sous Vide recipe

A few days ago I shared a sous-vide poached egg recipe. Since then I've been playing around with it and modifying it to make it even better. Today I wrapped the eggs a little tighter, forcing all the air from the top, thinking that was the key to keeping them from floating and cooking a little more. I also tried to capture a picture of the low level boil in my pot. In the picture from today you can see the difference in the egg white at the top where it was pulled into the pouch format. It left the top just a little more translucent than it was yesterday. I remember a Top Chef episode in which Padma would not even try a contestant's dish because she felt the egg was still a little raw. Today I felt like there was a chance Padma might reject my breakfast, so I popped it on the microwave for about 15 seconds. Tomorrow (yes doing this for a third day - I love these!) I will try to make less of a pouch with the egg. I think the ramekin might be too deep and something more shallow would help.

Click to continue reading Modifying my poached egg sous vide recipe


If you consider yourself a foodie, you've likely heard of sous-vide cooking. These immersion circulators cook food at low temperatures for a long time in a bath of water set to a specific temperature, ensuring tender, even cooking from all sides of the food. The problem is that sous-vide cooking devices are expensive. This is where Nomiku comes in.

Nomiku aims to bring sous-vide cooking to the masses. It's a cyclindrical aluminum device with internal heat sink that you can clip to any pot that will then warm the water to any temperature, up to 100 degrees Celsius. It's also got a digital display at the top that gives you vital cooking information, along with a knob for controling the temperature (similar to what you'd find on the Nest thermostat.)

If you want to get one, you'll have to hit up the Nomiku Kickstarter page. It's already a success, surpassing it's initial goal of $200,000. Current pledges sit at $331,823, with another 6 days to go. If you're interested in picking one up, pledge $299 and you'll get the green Nomiku along with digital access to the Nomiku sous vide primer. The finished product is expected to ship in December 2012.

Read More | Nomiku Kickstarter

