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Big Companies And The New Internet

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Blogging, Planning, RSS,
So you are an in-the-know Internet entrepreneur, and have all the lingo down, right? Remember that major companies are starting to take notice as well. Large companies are being tuned in to the blogoshpere, and are dipping their toes into RSS. The thing is, their use and yours, for the most part, are very different. There is certainly room for everyone on the vast world of the interweb, but it’s always good to know the approach that the larger firms will likely be taking.
But corporations that want to use the web strategically to build corporate value will not just need to make radical cultural changes, they may also need to master a new vocabulary with terms such as Wikis (software that allows anyone to update and edit web pages instantly and democratically); Weblogs (online journals more commonly known as blogs); and RSS (really simple syndication) feeds, which distribute content from the Internet.
Read More | Wikis, Weblogs, and RSS
StartupJournal: Wall Street Journal Center for Entrepreneurs

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Business Tools,
Internet entrepreneurialship is a unique thing, and many of us can get too involved in the Internet aspect, often neglecting basic, sound business principles. One tool that I use to keep myself grounded is StartupJournal. It is a site published by the Wall Street Journal, specially formulated for entrepreneurs of all kinds. It is a good idea to brush up on generic business advice both for yourself and your business, as well as to keep tabs on what others might be doing. You never know - a good business tip might spawn your competition into getting online, and may even be enough to encourage them enough to go after you!
Read More | StartupJournal
Let’s be serious for a moment - no matter how astounding your website looks, or how nicely you promote the product, none of it means anything if you aren’t getting a steady flow of traffic. Many people put up a website, and then sit confused as to how to garner a nice, consistent readership. SearchEngineWorld has a nice, brief tutorial detailing some basic things you can do to bring your readership up to 15,000 uniques per day. From experience, I can tell you that it does work - and that content is king.
Read More | 26 Steps to 15k
Why You Should Use (Not Abuse) Forums to Increase Your Traffic

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Marketing,
There are dozens of reasons why you should look up the forums that are related to your market and post to them often. Here are 3 to get you started, after the jump.
Click to continue reading Why You Should Use (Not Abuse) Forums to Increase Your Traffic
Did you know that while most startups fail, a major corporation is more likely to hire someone who pioneered a failed startup over someone who has had a successful corporate entry-level career? Starting your own company is obviously a huge risk, but with that risk comes the possibility of great reward. A large company could purchase your venture, making you a nice profit. It could tank, but you are now smarter and more marketable to companies - or it is a success and you reap the reward. Check out this article which takes a look at an excellent point of view as to why Internet startups are a fantastic idea, and how regardless of the outcome, you will come out better for it.
Read More | Hiring is Obsolete
If you are a blogger, or plan on getting into blogging, check out this guide recently put out by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It details all of the legal aspects of blogging, and gives you an idea of how to go about posting certain information or stories.
The difference between you and the reporter at your local newspaper is that in many cases, you may not have the benefit of training or resources to help you determine whether what you’re doing is legal. And on top of that, sometimes knowing the law doesn’t help - in many cases it was written for traditional journalists, and the courts haven’t yet decided how it applies to bloggers.
They have information on all sorts of different aspects of blogging as journalism - from securing press passes, to printing information deemed as confidential. It is definitely worth a look.
Read More | EFF Legal Guide for Bloggers
Getting a high ranking for your site in Google requires good, frequently updated content and good inbound links. The content part is fairly straight forward, but how do you get other sites to link to you? Well, you can cross your fingers and hope that other sites find your content good enough to link to or put together a more proactive strategy.
Some linking strategy tips after the jump.
Click to continue reading Do you have a linking strategy?
How to Quickly Gain Traffic to Your New Web Site

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Marketing,
The problem with a new site is that it often takes a long time before it is indexed by the search engines. This means you are missing out on getting traffic and making sales. Google places new sites in the “sandbox” which means they are on “hold” for a period of time before they rank.
Here are some ways to generate immediate traffic to your web site:
Click to continue reading How to Quickly Gain Traffic to Your New Web Site
When visitors hit your website, your hope is that they will do something. Whether that something is purchasing a product, clicking on an ad, or filling out a form, there is an action - or conversion - that you hope will take place. This is your bookmark for success. Many web publishers do not pay enough attention to their landing pages to ensure that they are optimized for whatever action they hope takes place.
Even after a customer has decided to accept your offer, the conversion can be lost. Any flaw in site functionality and usability can cause you to lose the conversion, so ensure your privacy information is posted and there are no hiccups in form processing.
The following article lists 11 things you can do to make sure that when your visitors hit your page, they have a higher chance of doing what you want them to do.
Read More | Digital Web
ClockWorkTimer: Keep Track of Multiple Projects

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Productivity, Software,
Here’s a neat little website meant to keep you aware of the time you are spending on various projects. The ClockWork Timer let’s you fill in different tasks, and start and stop timers while you perform them to keep you on track. You can even run multiple timers at once if you are into multi-tasking. You can pause the timer if you get interrupted, and hit Done once complete. It will save a list of all tasks you have marked done. Check out the site for a demo.
Read More | Clockwork Timer
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