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Here’s a neat little website meant to keep you aware of the time you are spending on various projects. The ClockWork Timer let’s you fill in different tasks, and start and stop timers while you perform them to keep you on track. You can even run multiple timers at once if you are into multi-tasking. You can pause the timer if you get interrupted, and hit Done once complete. It will save a list of all tasks you have marked done. Check out the site for a demo.

Read More | Clockwork Timer


Cash is really what it all comes down to when running a business. Marshall Brian shows how he started three successful businesses - each of which earned at least one million dollars. The site is based on a speech he gave, and includes the Powerpoint slides with his own written words. Marshall is also the one who started the How Stuff Works website. All in all, it’s a very interesting and humorous read.

Read More | How to Make A Million Dollars

I have recently been getting into RSS and studying it for all that it can be, which is a lot more than a method to syndicate blog content. As it turns out, you can use RSS to distribute audio, video, and just about any other type of media you can think of. Think of the marketing opportunities - you have a new product you want to show off; instead of just posting a blurb about it on your site, you can do a video demonstration and include the link in your blurb. Anyone subscribed to your RSS feed automatically received your commercial in their reader, TiVo-style. Or you can have a weekly audio blurb giving a general overview of the textual content you posted on your site over the past week, and it will be waiting in your subscribers iTunes program when they get home. Companies like FedEx are even allowing customers to track packages via RSS, eliminating the need to visit their website for that information. Check out this article from for more RSS marketing information.

Read More | Marketing Studies

If you haven’t heard of GnomeDex, it is an annual meeting of influential minds on all things related to the Internet and making it profitable - software, hardware, technology, concepts, brainstorming, strategies, etc. This year I will be on hand to live blog GnomeDex 5.0, emanating from Seattle, WA. GnomeDex describes itself as:

What is Gnomedex…

  • Business Models Brought to Life
  • The People Aggregator
  • A tap into the Conversation Economy
  • Movers, Shakers, & Deal Makers
  • Thought Leaders, Industry Influencers, Entrepreneurs
  • Continuous online conversation and PR
  • Important for new, existing company strategies
  • Essential for the success of Internet businesses

The festivities begin on June 23, and go on through the end of the weekend on the 25th.

Read More | GnomeDex

Check out this cool bit of code that allows message board forums to be spidered by search engines like Google. You see, when the spiders hit a URL that includes a session ID, they turn the other way. The following bit of code removed the session ID when it senses a spider, leaving all the information and textual content there to be picked up. This in turn gets more of your pages picked up. This is especially important for business owners who have support forums - questions and issues you have responded to will now show up in search results. Grab the code after the jump.

Click to continue reading Get Your phpBB Forums Indexed

Wireless hotspots are becoming more and more of a boon for the Internet business person. I shared my love of a convenient Hotspot a few days ago when I was in New York. As it turns out, Seattle has received top honors for being the city with the most wireless hotspots per 100,000 people in the nation. Not surprising, as Seattle is commonly known as being the most tech-savvy of all the major cities in the US.

Read More | Seattle PI

This list notifies the reader of ten mistakes often made in web design. After giving it the once over, I can easily say that I agree with pretty much everything said here. The big one here, as far as I am concerned, is leaving the price off of a product page. I can’t tell you how many times I have been thoroughly frustrated with a product site not listing the price of something I was interested in, instead pointing me towards a sales representative phone number. At that moment, they lose my business. Check out the article, which also lists the top 10 web design mistakes for years past as well.

Read More | UseIt

If Forrester’s is correct - and they usually are - it appears that 64% of U.S. advertisers are willing to would advertise on blogs. While that is an excellent piece of news, get this: 57% of these advertisers are also interested in buying RSS ad space. With the recent release of Google AdSense For Feeds coupled with this news, it appears that RSS is ready to take the jump into the realm of profitability.

Read More | ZDNet

During my normal interweb travels for the day, I came across a service that many are calling a “must-have”. Backpack is an ingenious organizational tool that is very customizable. There is no download or installation required, as all data is housed on their servers. You can use it to keep track of inventory, plan a meeting or business trip, or even use it for brainstorming. Uploaded files can be integrated into your outline, keeping everything together. Even better, you can share these outlines with others. If there is an important date you need to be reminded of, Backpack will send you an email or text message (or both if you prefer) the day before. I will be taking a closer look at the service over the next few days, but until then check out their hefty example page.

Read More | BackPack

We all know that being listed in the major search engines is essential but getting listed in the DMOZ should also be high on your site promotion to-do list. The DMOZ, also known as the Open Source Directory Project (ODP), is a human edited directory of web sites which is freely available for anyone to download.

If you haven’t heard of DMOZ, it’s because few people use it directly. The vast majority of people who use the DMOZ directory do so via sites like Google and Yahoo. In fact, Googles entire directory of sites is the DMOZ directory. Not only is being listed in the DMOZ a way to increase the traffic to your site(s), it also provides a good link back with a high PR which will in turn increase the PR of your site(s).

Click to continue reading Are You In The DMOZ?

