On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Candy HeartIf your mate cannot be with you the Valentine’s Day, there’s an app for that. Create realistic Candy Hearts from White Husky software. Compose your own message in up to four lines. Select a color, background and font, and the application creates your masterpiece. A new v1.6 added more colors and chocolate candy, one with icing letters. The app is available as a free download at the App Store, but the full version is only $0.99. Save it for last minute gifts for your spouse/partner’s birthday, anniversary or latest domestic squabble.


Read More | Candy Hearts App


Our ProFlowers gift certificates giveaway has come to a close, and we wanted to quickly announce the winners. If you recall, all you had to do to enter was leave your best or worst Valentine’s Day memory on our forum, and we chose five winners randomly:

mynenni talked about her blind date disaster:

My worst was a blind date that a friend set me up on.  It was horrible; well not to start with.  He came to door with a big bouqet of flowers.  We then spent the day at Magic Mountian where we quickly ran out of things to talk about and I learned he was a major wimp when it came to rides (really?  then why did you bring me here?)

Afterward, we stopped at a classy resteraunt for dinner.  I took my napkin and layed it across my lap…he took his napkin and layed it across the table.  It was torture sitting across from him trying to come up with conversation as he ate with his mouth open.  I have to figure that by this point he was trying to just be over the top horrible (I think we both knew it was not going past the first date); then at the end of the meal he put his face on the table (okay it was on the napkin he layed out earlier) and moved his head across to wipe his mouth.  NO HANDS!!!

At least he didn’t make me pay…

adamb0mb posted this memory:

All she wanted was to go see the UW vs WSU basketball game on Feb 14th.  I picked her up from work, went to a bar to meet up with some friends for drinks and shots.  Then she snuck in 6 airplane bottles of booze… and we drank at the game.  I don’t even remember who won, but we had a hell of a time!

auntiethesis recalled a dinner date:

My best memory is last year’s Valentine’s Day. My husband took me to a great restaurant and I totally blew my diet eating steak and mashed potatoes. It was the first time I’d ever had Creme Brulee, too. While we were eating, he surprised me with a tennis bracelet that I’d wanted forever.  It was a far cry from his usual Applebee’s dinner and a box of Stover chocolates.

Long-time reader gohan_bcc1 brought it back to high school:

My one and only valentine memory was getting to school in grade 12 and finding a really awesome gift in my locker. In my locker was a car model of my dream car (Audi R8) with a customized license plate to match my current license plate. It identical to my license including the plate # and the province and design. It was also an inside joke that the one we saw in the parking lot two months back was mine. It was really cool to see. Not only that but there was a note for me to go to the library and look on page 82 of the book of the last movie we saw. Which was actually Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix. Inside this book was a note saying this entitles me to receive a package being held at the office. I go to the office and get this package. Inside was a bunch of hockey cards each with a letter written on it. All of these cards were of my favourite team the Calgary Flames of course. There was a hint written on the inside of the package that said to spell out a date. So after hours of figuring this out it spelt out Tuesday March 6th 8:00pm. After seeing the date i realized it was the date of a hockey game for the Calgary Flames. I then got a text saying to go back to my locker. And sitting in my locker were two tickets to the game on that date at that time. Best gift ever!

sandyu‘s was short and sweet:

The best when my husband got out of the military, he was injured but he was alive and home.

Congratulations to all our winners, your $70 codes have been sent to you via Private Message. To the rest of you, we’ve got more giveaways coming, and if you need flowers, here is a 20% off (with free vase!) ProFlowers coupon. Oh, and don’t forget to hit us with your best, or worst, Valentine’s Day memory.

Read More | Best and Worst Valentine's Day Memories

Doodle KidsNine year-old Lim Ding Wen has created a painting application for the iPhone. He wrote Doodle Kids for his two younger sisters. The free app allows users to fingerpaint on the touchscreen and clear it by shaking. The Malaysian boy is already fluent in six programming languages, having learned to use a computer when he was only two. We guess it didn’t hurt that his father, Lim Thye Chean, also writes applications. Altogether he has made over 20 projects, his next being a sci-fi game dubbed Invader Wars.

Read More | BBC

OmniFocus for iPhone 1.2 We always have to give a shout when OmniFocus for iPhone, the one app that we truly could not live without, gets updated.

  • The Nearby view now displays each context as soon as its distance is determined, rather than waiting to figure out the distance to each context before showing any results. It also scrolls much faster.
  • Checkboxes are much easier to touch.
  • When creating a new action, the keyboard appears immediately rather than sliding in after the screen.
  • On the home screen, Settings have moved to the Info button in the bottom right corner.
  • The Reset Database button in Settings will now reset the saved sync password in addition to the database, and will then take you back to the original welcome screen.
  • Syncing automatically compacts the database on a regular basis, but when syncing is not enabled there’s now a Compact Database button in Settings. (There’s also some text there indicating how many tasks are stored in how many zip files, so you can tell whether your database could benefit from compacting.)
  • Added underlying support for the new autocomplete settings for projects and groups which are coming in OmniFocus v1.6 for Mac.
  • Actions without contexts are no longer considered unavailable.

The OmniFocus for iPhone 1.2 update is available now in the App Store. As with all OmniFocus updates, be sure to synchronize your data with or your WebDAV server before updating, just in case anything goes awry.

Read More | OmniFocus for iPhone 1.2

Mini Financial Services has launched a new iPhone and iPod touch game dubbed MINI Liquid Assets. This is based on the retro water-filled handheld games where you pushed a button to get one object to hit another. Based on an exhibit originally designed for dealers, you shoot nickels into the Mini-Es to keep more assets while in the liquid. (We are guessing that they paid big bucks to develop the clever play on words.) The download is free at the iTunes App Store, but as this is also a commercial, the main menu has a link to your nearest BMW Mini dealer.

Read More | MINI Liquid Assets

Mophie Juice Pack 3G giveaway We hit you with our Mophie Juice Pack 3G review a couple of months ago, and even did a Juice Pack 3G video. Since then, we’ve continued enjoying how free we feel with the Juice Pack powering our while we are out and about. Worries of a dead battery have all but disappeared, and that’s with Push mail, calendars, and contacts running.

Now we want one of you to be able to share in that experience, which is why we are giving away a Mophie Juice Pack to one Gear Live reader. Since it’s an iPhone accessory, we figured we would center the competition around that. Here are the rules:

Here’s how to enter to win:

  1. If you don’t have one already, sign up for a Gear Live account
  2. If you don’t have one already, sign up for a Twitter account
  3. Add the Gear Live Twitter account to your follow list
  4. On Twitter, post a tweet about out contest and link to this page. In the tweet, include the phrase “#gearlive”.
  5. Once that is done, leave a comment here in this post with a direct link back to your Tweet, and also let us know what your favorite iPhone app is. Be sure you are signed in to your Gear Live account before you leave the comment.

Here’s an example of an appropriate Twitter entry:
“Entering to win a Mophie Juice Pack 3G from #gearlive http://jvu.qlnk.net/”

Now, as to the actual contest dates. The contest starts today, January 28th. You have until 11:59 PM PST on February 4th to enter your comments here on this post. We will then announce our winner, chosen randomly out of all valid entrants and bonus points, on February 5th. Good luck to all, and remember, this contest is only open to residents of the United States and Canada.

typing genius

Emoji were such a hit in Japan that the emoticons are now available for everyone. The app is called Typing Genius. After you download it, you should play with it for a few minutes to activate it, then hit your settings “> General > International > Keyboards > Japanese” and click on the Emoji option. You are ready to text any other iPhones. No jailbreak is needed and the application is only $.99. Happy happy, joy joy.

Read More | Typing Genius

SenseiSensei for Weight Loss is an iPhone and iPod touch app for those who ate a bit too much during the holidays. Enter your desired weight, eating habits, food preferences, exercise routine and other info, and the company’s experts will give you a realistic nutrition and fitness plan including weekly menus. No meetings, no calorie counting and no outrageous charges. The program is also available for those with BlackBerrys and most AT&T and Sprint phones for a temporary introductory price of $24.95 for 3 months of Sensei Anywhere, which includes both mobile device and PC. You can download Sensei for Weight Loss for the iPhone at the iTunes App store.

Read More | Sensei for Weight Loss

Art & Mobile has just released QuadCamera, the fourth in a series of applications named ToyCamera. Compatible with iPhones OS2.1 or later, choose between color or black and white mode and get, with only one touch, 4 to 8 serial shots. The interval is 0.25 to 3.00 seconds and you can choose between 2x2, 4x1, 4x2, 8x1 layout, in both portrait and landscape mode. Check out more shots on their site or get your own ToyCamera from the iTunes App store for $1.99.


Read More | QuadCamera

OddageIf you just can’t pass up a good word game, Danilo Campos’ Oddage is the one for you. With this app you need to pick out the word that doesn’t belong with the other ones. Categories include periodic table elements, county names, spices, Greek gods and trees. There are a total of 900 words in 50 categories, and each game lasts between 60 to 90 seconds. The download is $2.99. We guess this is a perfect application while waiting for the ATM or the idiot in front of you that has more than 10 items in the express lane.

Read More | Oddage

