On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Today, the fine folks at 12 seconds have announced the release of a new app for users—12cast. 12cast is their first native video app for the iPhone, allowing users to log into Twitter, record, title their posts and share them with friends. The goal with this app was to create an easy and seamless video sharing tool for Twitter. In hopes to get the word out, 12cast has created a contest so easy to enter, well, a caveman could do it. Simply send out a Twitter or 12seconds post with the hashtag #12cast, and you will be instantly entered to win iPhone data service for a year. For every 12seconds post you make with the hashtag #12cast, you will be entered 3 times. The contest ends Friday, August 7th—so get out there and start posting! 12cast is now available free at the iTunes app store.

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Bookworm iPhone gamePopcap Games’ popular word puzzler, Bookworm,  is now available on iPhone and iPod touch for the low price of $.99. The game, previously set at $4.99, is at a reduced priced due to the release of the new Bookworm game—Bookworm Adventures Volume 2. Bookworm is also available for Mac, PC, and other smartphones.

Read More | Bookworm via Popcap Games

Sex Offender Locator AppLove to use your iPhone to listen to music, pick a restaurant or even find out which golf club you should use at Augusta National’s 18th Hole?  Of course you do, and so do I…Well, if by ‘Augusta National’ you mean ‘Greenlake Pitch and Putt’ then you and I are kindred spirits; making leisure activities that much easier is what the iPhone was made for.  But keeping our kids and loved ones safe?  C’mon, the iPhone can’t possibly do that, can it?  Well now, thanks to ThinAir Wireless, it can.  Enter the Offender Locator iPhone App.

Click to continue reading Offender Locator iPhone App Top Seller Locates Registered Sex Offenders

Read More | Offender Locator

Taito just released a new version of the classic video game Space Invaders on the App Store, called Space Invaders Infinity Gene.

The game begins with a familiar screen - your ship versus a hoard of familiar, white aliens that are slowing traveling down the screen. But before you know it, things start changing - this isn’t your 1970s arcade title anymore. As you progress in Infinity Gene, the game evolves based on attributes like your score and length of chained kills.

The game also features a music mode where your own music is used to create a level. How’s that for innovation??

Excellent reviews have started popping up on the internet and it sounds like we may have one of the best iPhone game here. It’s going for $4.99.

Read More | Space Invaders Infinity Gene

Harbor Master

Confession: I’m hooked on Harbor Master. Sure, I’ve been hooked on a lot of over the last year but Harbor Master has something to it that really keeps me constantly coming back for more.

The game’s slightly similar to Flight Control - where you’re tasked as an Air Traffic Controller and have to land as many planes as you can until they crash. You direct planes by drawing lines - ideally to a runway.

In Harbor Master, rather than directing planes, you’re in charge of boats. Rather, boats with cargo. You draw paths for boats to dock - and wait as they unload cargo. After the cargo’s unloaded, you direct the boats back off the screen into the mysterious off-screen sea. The game currently has five different levels with a new one promised every two weeks. Each level has a unique twist to it - one features pirates plotting to pillage your plunder, where you use a cannon to fend them off. In another, ships have different colored cargo that must be unloaded at different docks.

Click to continue reading Harbor Master Impressions

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Monkey Island SEThe Secret of Monkey Island is now on the App Store! The classic point-and-click adventure game was originally released in 1990 on the Atari ST, Macintosh and PC systems. The Special Edition version released on the iPhone/iPod touch is also available on PC and .

The Special Edition features updated graphics, music, and voice recordings. You can switch between the new and old versions simply by swiping your fingers across the screen.

The game seems to be an excellent update although there have been mixed reactions to the controls. You move the cursor around by sliding your finger on the screen and using it like a track-pad. The game does not allow you to simply tap on a part of the screen to interact with it but hopefully LucasArts will adjust that in a future update.

All in all, Monkey Island coming to the iPhone is only a sign of more good things to come. From LucasArts, hopefully other classics will be revitalized soon - like Sam and Max and Day of the Tentacle.

This big App Store release clearly shows how much of a player the iPhone is becoming in the gaming world - even if not all hardcore gamers want to admit it.

Read More | Monkey Island: Special Edition

Resident Evil 4 iPhone

Talk about big iPhone releases! Resident Evil 4 has hit the iPhone. It’s going for $7.99.

No word on how the game is. On the one hand, it is Resident Evil and the graphics don’t look bad. On the other hand, it is a port.

Read More | Resident Evil 4

For all of you who thought that the compass inside the was just a waste, think again. We’ve seen some apps that will be making use of the compass in ways you never thought possible, and one such app is New York Nearest Subway. Developed by acrossair, New York Nearest Subway is best explained as an augmented reality app that overlays information on top of a real-world view. You pull up the app, and the camera view is shown, with information telling you about which direction to walk to get to the nearest train station. It is truly genius. Hit the video above to see it in action. It’s not available just yet, but once it is, we will let you know.

You use this app alongside Exit Strategy NYC, and you are golden.

We’ve got a couple of NYC MTA-related subway apps we want to share with you today, the first being Exit Strategy NYC. A simple app, Exit Strategy NYC basically shows you which car you should ride in depending on where you plan on getting off the train. You tell it what line you are riding, and which direction you are going, along with telling it your final destination. It will then show you which train cars are closes to the exits and staircases for transferring.

We do know that a majority of the lines and stops in all of New York City are covered, but there are a few that aren’t complete. Still, those will come in a future update, and this app can really end up saving you a ton of time. Even better, it’s only $1.99, which means it costs less than a ride on the subway. This one is highly recommended, and you can purchase Exit Strategy NYC now in the App Store.

Read More | Exit Strategy NYC

OmniFocus for iPhone 1.5 for iPhone has just been updated to version 1.5.1. While that number ma give it the appearance of being a minor update, there are actually plenty of additions, changes, and fixes. Here’s a look at the more important ones:

  • Nearby remembers whether you last used Map or List view.
  • Added settings for whether the app badge counts overdue actions, due soon actions, both, or neither.
  • You can assign locations to contexts by editing the nearby list.
  • Fixed a bug where the map sometimes wouldn’t recenter after launching directly into Map view.
  • Fixed some bugs in the Sync Settings interface.
  • Removed “mailto” from the Send Feedback email address.
  • Cleaned up some animation transitions with the item title on the details screen.
  • Image attachments now display on a black background.
  • When selecting a start or due date, you can now tap multiple times on the Day, Week, and Month buttons to increment the date further.
  • Updated the interface for repeating actions. Repeating actions now distinguish between repeating on a fixed schedule (“repeat every”), starting again some period after completion (“start after”), and becoming due again some period after completion (“due after”). Please note that OmniFocus 1.6 for Mac only supports “repeat every” and “due after”; the “start after” option is coming to the Mac in v1.7.
  • Fixed sorting in the All Actions lists.
  • Fixed a bug with restoring the top-level All Actions view state during launch.
  • Inline browsing now works with “Http” URLs, not just “http”.
  • Fixed a bug with unselectable attachment rows.
  • Contexts once again show a section header between subcontexts and actions.
  • Fixed a bug where toolbar buttons could disappear after syncing on the Settings screen.
  • Disabled attachment editing while recording or playing back an audio attachment.
  • Fixed a potential crash in the Repeat screen.
  • Improved the margins of the title field on the Title & Note screen.
  • Fixed a bug where entering a note for a new inbox item could lose your item title.
  • When filing an action or project, the Move screen once again indents items to indicate hierarchy.
  • Copying an action now places its task XML, its title (as text), and its omnifocus: link on the pasteboard. You can now paste a link from one task into the notes of another task, then click on the link to switch over to the linked item.
  • Added support for pasting more types of images into attachments.
  • Fixed a number of layout issues in the experimental landscape mode. (We’re not quite ready to enable this by default yet, but definitely getting closer!)
  • Fixed some crashes and other bugs with the experimental undo support. (Undo is also still a work in progress, so it’s also disabled by default.)

Of course, you’ll find OmniFocus for iPhone in the App Store, and the 1.5.1 update is available now.

Read More | OmniFocus for iPhone

